# This is a configuration file for the bacon tool # # Bacon repository: https://github.com/Canop/bacon # Complete help on configuration: https://dystroy.org/bacon/config/ default_job = "check" reverse = true [jobs.check] command = ["cargo", "check", "--color", "always"] need_stdout = false [jobs.fmt] command = ["cargo", "fmt"] need_stdout = false on_success = "job:check" [jobs.todo-checker] command = ["just", "todo-checker"] need_stdout = true [jobs.check-all] command = ["cargo", "check", "--all-targets", "--color", "always"] need_stdout = false [jobs.clippy] command = [ "cargo", "clippy", "--all-targets", "--color", "always", "--", "-Dwarnings", ] # "-Wclippy::pedantic", need_stdout = false [jobs.test] command = ["cargo", "nextest", "run", "--no-capture", "--color", "always"] [jobs.doc] command = ["cargo", "doc", "--color", "always", "--no-deps"] need_stdout = false # If the doc compiles, then it opens in your browser and bacon switches # to the previous job [jobs.doc-open] command = ["cargo", "doc", "--color", "always", "--no-deps", "--open"] need_stdout = false on_success = "back" # so that we don't open the browser at each change # You can run your application and have the result displayed in bacon, # *if* it makes sense for this crate. You can run an example the same # way. Don't forget the `--color always` part or the errors won't be # properly parsed. # If you want to pass options to your program, a `--` separator # will be needed. [jobs.run] command = [ "cargo", "run", "--color", "always" ] need_stdout = true allow_warnings = true # You may define here keybindings that would be specific to # a project, for example a shortcut to launch a specific job. # Shortcuts to internal functions (scrolling, toggling, etc.) # should go in your personal global prefs.toml file instead. [keybindings] # alt-m = "job:my-job" f = "job:fmt" alt-t = "job:todo-checker"