+++ +++ ## Useless header - info - Nearly no-Javascript, efficient, minimal theme. >Useless blockquote - posts - 🥣 [Overview Post](./blog/overview-post) - 🈚 [Language Tests](./blog/language-tests) - 🔥 [Very Very Very Long Title And Very Very Very Short Content](./blog/very-very-very-long-title-and-very-very-very-short-content) - 📺 [Post Example With Headings And Toc](./blog/post-example-with-headings-and-toc) - [tags](./tags) - [example](./tags/example) - another list - with subitems - with subsubitems - [example page](./about) this list is just the content of `content/_index.md`, the tests are shamelessly stolen from [no style, please!](https://www.getzola.org/themes/no-style-please/) ## Online presence - Email: [jgll6dij6@mozmail.com](mailto:jgll6dij6@mozmail.com) - Code repositories: [speyll@github.com](https://github.com/Speyll) - {{ metaData(content="@Speyll") }} anywhere else. ## Webrings - 🈯 {{ webring(prev="#", webring="#", webringName="Random Webring", next="#") }} - 🎶 {{ webring(prev="#", webring="#", webringName="Another Webring", next="#") }}