CHANGELOG ========= 0.7.0 ----- * Deprecate Value.andNot(Supplier) * pom: Remove redundant properties * Remove deprecated methods * pom: rearrange entries * Bump assertj-core from 3.10.0 to 3.11.0 * Bump lombok from 1.18.0 to 1.18.2 * Bump tiles-maven-plugin from 2.11 to 2.12 * README: update Value examples * README: update Condition examples * Value: cleanup deprecated whereNot() * README: convert to orgmode format 0.6.0 ----- * Remove `.travis-support` * Add `Condition.isTrue()` * Add `Condition.isFalse()` * Add `Condition.not()` * Add `Condition.and(Condition)` * Add `Condition.or(Condition)` * Add `Condition.not()` * Deprecate `Condition.whereNot(boolean)` * Deprecate `Condition.andNot(boolean)` * Deprecate `Condition.orNot(boolean)` * Add `Condition.flatMap(Function)` to make `Condition` a monad * Add `Value.where(Condition, Supplier, Supplier)` * Add `Value.where(Condition, Supplier)` * Add `Value.where(Condition)` * Deprecate `Value.whereNot(boolean)` * Add `ValueClause.not()` 0.5.0 ----- * Add `thenThrow(Exception)` * Add `otherwiseThrow(Exception)` 0.4.0 ----- * Building with Jenkins * Upgrade `kemitix-parent` to 5.0.3 0.3.0 ----- * Add ` Value.where(boolean, Supplier, Supplier)` * Add `Optional Value.where(boolean, Supplier)` * Add `.travis-support` * Avoid danger of JVM-level deadlock during `Value` initialisation * Avoid danger of JVM-level deadlock during `Condition` initialisation * Upgrade `kemitix-parent` to 3.2.0 * Upgrade `kemitix-checkstyle-parent` to 3.2.0 * Upgrade `assertj` to 3.8.0 * Set `jacoco` to 100% line and instruction coverage required * Set `pitest` to 100% mutation and coverage required * Use `lombok.val` in `ValueTest` * Move `assertThat` calls to individual test methods in `ValueTest` 0.2.0 ----- * Added `Value` 0.1.0 ----- * Initial release