use assert2::let_assert; use gix::remote::Direction; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; use crate::{server::gitforge::tests::common /* server::gitforge::tests::common */}; use kxio::fs; use super::*; type Result = core::result::Result>; #[test] fn load_should_parse_server_config() -> Result<()> { let fs = fs::temp()?; fs.file_write( &fs.base().join("git-next-server.toml"), r#" [webhook] url = "http://localhost:9909/webhook" [storage] path = "/opt/git-next/data" [forge.default] forge_type = "MockForge" hostname = "" user = "Bob" token = "API-Token" [forge.default.repos] hello = { repo = "user/hello", branch = "main", gitdir = "/opt/git/user/hello.git" } world = { repo = "user/world", branch = "master", main = "main", next = "next", dev = "dev" } [forge.default.repos.sam] repo = "user/sam" branch = "main" main = "master" next = "upcoming" dev = "sam-dev" "#, ) ?; let_assert!(Ok(config) = ServerConfig::load(&fs)); let expected = ServerConfig { webhook: Webhook { url: "http://localhost:9909/webhook".to_string(), }, storage: ServerStorage { path: "/opt/git-next/data".into(), }, forge: HashMap::from([( "default".to_string(), ForgeConfig { forge_type: ForgeType::MockForge, hostname: "".to_string(), user: "Bob".to_string(), token: "API-Token".to_string(), repos: HashMap::from([ ( "hello".to_string(), ServerRepoConfig { repo: "user/hello".to_string(), branch: "main".to_string(), gitdir: Some("/opt/git/user/hello.git".into()), main: None, next: None, dev: None, }, ), ( "world".to_string(), ServerRepoConfig { repo: "user/world".to_string(), branch: "master".to_string(), gitdir: None, main: Some("main".to_string()), next: Some("next".to_string()), dev: Some("dev".to_string()), }, ), ( "sam".to_string(), ServerRepoConfig { repo: "user/sam".to_string(), branch: "main".to_string(), gitdir: None, main: Some("master".to_string()), next: Some("upcoming".to_string()), dev: Some("sam-dev".to_string()), }, ), ]), }, )]), }; assert_eq!(config, expected, "ServerConfig"); if let Some(forge) = config.forge.get("world") { if let Some(repo) = forge.repos.get("sam") { let repo_config = repo.repo_config(); let expected = Some(RepoConfig { branches: RepoBranches { main: "master".to_string(), next: "upcoming".to_string(), dev: "sam-dev".to_string(), }, source: RepoConfigSource::Server, }); assert_eq!(repo_config, expected, "RepoConfig"); } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_repo_config_load() -> Result<()> { let toml = r#"[branches] main = "main" next = "next" dev = "dev" [options] "#; let config = RepoConfig::load(toml)?; assert_eq!( config, RepoConfig { branches: RepoBranches { main: "main".to_string(), next: "next".to_string(), dev: "dev".to_string(), }, source: RepoConfigSource::Repo } ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn gitdir_should_display_as_pathbuf() { //given let gitdir = GitDir::from("foo/dir"); //when let result = format!("{}", gitdir); //then assert_eq!(result, "foo/dir"); } #[test] // NOTE: this test assumes it is being run in a cloned worktree from the project's home repo: // // If the default push remote is something else, then this test will fail fn repo_details_find_default_push_remote_finds_correct_remote() -> Result<()> { let cwd = std::env::current_dir().map_err(RepoValidationError::Io)?; let mut repo_details = common::repo_details( 1, ServerGeneration::new(), common::forge_details(1, ForgeType::MockForge), None, GitDir::new(&cwd), // Server GitDir - should be ignored ); repo_details.forge.hostname = Hostname("".to_string()); repo_details.repo_path = RepoPath("kemitix/git-next".to_string()); let gitdir = &repo_details.gitdir; let found_git_remote = gitdir.find_default_remote(Direction::Push)?; let config_git_remote = repo_details.git_remote(); assert_eq!( found_git_remote, config_git_remote, "Default Push Remote must match config" ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn gitdir_validate_should_pass_a_valid_git_repo() -> Result<()> { let cwd = std::env::current_dir().map_err(RepoValidationError::Io)?; let mut repo_details = common::repo_details( 1, ServerGeneration::new(), common::forge_details(1, ForgeType::MockForge), None, GitDir::new(&cwd), // Server GitDir - should be ignored ); repo_details.forge.hostname = Hostname("".to_string()); repo_details.repo_path = RepoPath("kemitix/git-next".to_string()); let git_dir = &repo_details.gitdir; git_dir.validate(&repo_details)?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn gitdir_validate_should_fail_a_non_git_dir() { let_assert!(Ok(fs) = kxio::fs::temp()); let cwd = fs.base(); let repo_details = common::repo_details( 1, ServerGeneration::new(), common::forge_details(1, ForgeType::MockForge), None, GitDir::new(cwd), // Server GitDir - should be ignored ); let git_dir = &repo_details.gitdir; let_assert!(Err(_) = git_dir.validate(&repo_details)); } #[test] fn gitdir_validate_should_fail_a_git_repo_with_wrong_remote() { let_assert!(Ok(cwd) = std::env::current_dir().map_err(RepoValidationError::Io)); let mut repo_details = common::repo_details( 1, ServerGeneration::new(), common::forge_details(1, ForgeType::MockForge), None, GitDir::new(&cwd), // Server GitDir - should be ignored ); repo_details.forge.hostname = Hostname("localhost".to_string()); repo_details.repo_path = RepoPath("hello/world".to_string()); let git_dir = &repo_details.gitdir; let_assert!(Err(_) = git_dir.validate(&repo_details)); } #[test] fn git_remote_to_string_is_as_expected() { let git_remote = GitRemote::new(Hostname("foo".to_string()), RepoPath("bar".to_string())); let as_string = git_remote.to_string(); assert_eq!(as_string, "foo:bar"); }