final String publicRepo = '' final String mvn = "mvn --batch-mode --update-snapshots --errors" final dependenciesSupportJDK = 9 pipeline { agent any stages { stage('Build & Test') { steps { withMaven(maven: 'maven', jdk: 'JDK 1.8') { sh "${mvn} clean compile checkstyle:checkstyle pmd:pmd test" // Code Coverage to Codacy sh "${mvn} jacoco:report com.gavinmogan:codacy-maven-plugin:coverage " + "-DcoverageReportFile=target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml " + "-DprojectToken=`$JENKINS_HOME/codacy/token` " + "-DapiToken=`$JENKINS_HOME/codacy/apitoken` " + "-Dcommit=`git rev-parse HEAD`" // Code Coverage to Jenkins jacoco exclusionPattern: '**/*{Test|IT|Main|Application|Immutable}.class' // PMD to Jenkins pmd canComputeNew: false, defaultEncoding: '', healthy: '', pattern: '', unHealthy: '' // Checkstyle to Jenkins step([$class : 'hudson.plugins.checkstyle.CheckStylePublisher', pattern : '**/target/checkstyle-result.xml', healthy : '20', unHealthy: '100']) } } } stage('Verify & Install') { steps { withMaven(maven: 'maven', jdk: 'JDK 1.8') { sh "${mvn} -DskipTests install" } } } stage('SonarQube (published)') { when { expression { isPublished(publicRepo) } } steps { withSonarQubeEnv('sonarqube') { withMaven(maven: 'maven', jdk: 'JDK 1.8') { sh "${mvn} org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin:" } } } } stage('Deploy (published release branch)') { when { expression { (isReleaseBranch() && isPublished(publicRepo) && notSnapshot()) } } steps { withMaven(maven: 'maven', jdk: 'JDK 1.8') { sh "${mvn} --activate-profiles release deploy" } } } stage('Build Java 9') { when { expression { dependenciesSupportJDK >= 9 } } steps { withMaven(maven: 'maven', jdk: 'JDK 9') { sh "${mvn} clean verify -Djava.version=9" } } } stage('Build Java 10') { when { expression { dependenciesSupportJDK >= 10 } } steps { withMaven(maven: 'maven', jdk: 'JDK 10') { sh "${mvn} clean verify -Djava.version=10" } } } } } private boolean isReleaseBranch() { return branchStartsWith('release/') } private boolean branchStartsWith(final String branchName) { startsWith(env.GIT_BRANCH, branchName) } private boolean isPublished(final String repo) { startsWith(env.GIT_URL, repo) } private static boolean startsWith(final String value, final String match) { value != null && value.startsWith(match) } private boolean notSnapshot() { return !(readMavenPom(file: 'pom.xml').version).contains("SNAPSHOT") }