* Deploying using Github Actions ** Actions definition: workflow/sonatype-deploy.yml When a GitHub Release is created, usually from a tag, this action will trigger. Using JDK8 the software will be packaged, including running any tests. Then the Deploy script will sign the created artifacts then deploy them according to the distributionManagement configuration in the `pom.xml`. ** Deploy Script Uses a signing key provided from the GitHub Actions Secrets as an environment variable to sign the artifact(s) before they are then deployed. *** Inputs **** DEPLOY_PROJECTS (optional) An optional list of modules in a multi-module project to be deployed. If this value is not specified, then all projects will be deployed. ** Maven Configuration Picks up the credentials from Environment variables for authenticating both with GPG and with the target deployment server (e.g. sonatype-nexus). *** Inputs **** NEXUS_USERNAME The username for your account on the deployment server. **** NEXUS_PASSWORD The password for your account on the deployement server. **** GPG_KEYNAME The key to use when signing. **** GPG_PASSPHRASE The passphrase to unlock the key to use when signing.