A justfile containing recipes to help download, convert, rename, file and archive your audiobook collection.
The use of these recipes in intended for the sole purpose of maintaining a PERSONAL archive, and the resulting `.m4b` files should not be redistributed where doing so would violate your contract with the supplier of the original `.aax` and `.aaxc` files.
## Requirements
- [mise-en-place](https://mise.jdx.dev)
Mise will be used to install the other dependencies. If you don't want to use `mise`, then you need to install the following:
For `refile-m4b` you will also need these libraries (or the equivalent for your OS):
- libtag1-dev
- libtagc0-dev
#### Debian
sudo apt install libtag1-dev libtagc0-dev
### Install `mise`
curl https://mise.run | sh
~/.local/bin/mise --version
### Install dependencies with `mise`
mise install
This will use the `.mise.toml` file to install all the required dependencies.
### Note on Installing `audible-cli` Manually
If you aren't using `mise` to install the `audible-cli` then note that the latest version (`v0.3.1`) doesn't work (at least for me), so I recommend using the latest version in the `master` branch.