update to builder generated version
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 12 additions and 56 deletions
@ -156,11 +156,9 @@ from the previous.
* [ForbidThrowAnonymousExceptions](#forbidthrowanonymousexceptions) - sevntu - disabled
* [ForbidWildcardAsReturnType](#forbidwildcardasreturntype) - sevntu - enabled
* [GenericWhitespace](#genericwhitespace) - checkstyle - enabled
* [Header](#header) - checkstyle - disabled
* [Header](#header) - checkstyle - enabled
* [HiddenField](#hiddenfield) - checkstyle - enabled
* [HideUtilityClassConstructor](#hideutilityclassconstructor) - checkstyle - enabled
* [HideUtilityClassConstructor](#hideutilityclassconstructor-1) - sevntu - disabled
* [IllegalCatchExtended](#illegalcatchextended) - sevntu - disabled
* [IllegalCatch](#illegalcatch) - checkstyle - enabled
* [IllegalImport](#illegalimport) - checkstyle - enabled
* [IllegalInstantiation](#illegalinstantiation) - checkstyle - disabled
@ -172,11 +170,9 @@ from the previous.
* [ImportOrder](#importorder) - checkstyle - disabled
* [Indentation](#indentation) - checkstyle - disabled
* [InnerAssignment](#innerassignment) - checkstyle - enabled
* [InnerClass](#innerclass) - sevntu - disabled
* [InnerTypeLast](#innertypelast) - checkstyle - enabled
* [InterfaceIsType](#interfaceistype) - checkstyle - enabled
* [InterfaceTypeParameterName](#interfacetypeparametername) - checkstyle - enabled
* [InterfaceTypeParameterName](#interfacetypeparametername-1) - sevntu - disabled
* [JavadocMethod](#javadocmethod) - checkstyle - enabled
* [JavadocPackage](#javadocpackage) - checkstyle - enabled
* [JavadocParagraph](#javadocparagraph) - checkstyle - enabled
@ -186,7 +182,6 @@ from the previous.
* [JavadocVariable](#javadocvariable) - checkstyle - disabled
* [JavaNCSS](#javancss) - checkstyle - enabled
* [LeftCurly](#leftcurly) - checkstyle - enabled
* [LineLengthExtended](#linelengthextended) - sevntu - disabled
* [LineLength](#linelength) - checkstyle - enabled
* [LocalFinalVariableName](#localfinalvariablename) - checkstyle - enabled
* [LocalVariableName](#localvariablename) - checkstyle - enabled
@ -206,9 +201,7 @@ from the previous.
* [ModifiedControlVariable](#modifiedcontrolvariable) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ModifierOrder](#modifierorder) - checkstyle - enabled
* [MultipleStringLiterals](#multiplestringliterals) - checkstyle - enabled
* [MultipleStringLiteralsExtended](#multiplestringliteralsextended) - sevntu - disabled
* [MultipleVariableDeclarations](#multiplevariabledeclarations) - checkstyle - enabled
* [MultipleVariableDeclarationsExtended](#multiplevariabledeclarationsextended) - sevntu - disabled
* [MutableException](#mutableexception) - checkstyle - enabled
* [NameConventionForJunit4TestClasses](#nameconventionforjunit4testclasses) - sevntu - enabled
* [NeedBraces](#needbraces) - checkstyle - enabled
@ -254,7 +247,6 @@ from the previous.
* [RequireThis](#requirethis) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ReturnBooleanFromTernary](#returnbooleanfromternary) - sevntu - enabled
* [ReturnCount](#returncount) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ReturnCountExtended](#returncountextended) - sevntu - disabled
* [ReturnNullInsteadOfBoolean](#returnnullinsteadofboolean) - sevntu - enabled
* [RightCurly](#rightcurly) - checkstyle - enabled
* [SeparatorWrap](#separatorwrap) - checkstyle - enabled
@ -283,7 +275,6 @@ from the previous.
* [UniformEnumConstantName](#uniformenumconstantname) - sevntu - enabled
* [UniqueProperties](#uniqueproperties) - checkstyle - enabled
* [UnnecessaryParentheses](#unnecessaryparentheses) - checkstyle - enabled
* [UnnecessaryParenthesesExtended](#unnecessaryparenthesesextended) - sevntu - disabled
* [UnusedImports](#unusedimports) - checkstyle - enabled
* [UpperEll](#upperell) - checkstyle - enabled
* [UselessSingleCatch](#uselesssinglecatch) - sevntu - enabled
@ -303,6 +294,7 @@ The following is a list of each of the checks and the expectations each has on y
Rules are listed in alphabetical order.
#### [AbbreviationAsWordInName](
Enforces proper `CamelCase` and avoids sequences of consecutive uppercase characters in identifiers. Does not apply to @Overridden methods.
@ -2297,6 +2289,7 @@ Checks that tokens are surrounded by whitespace.
### Sevntu
#### [AvoidConstantAsFirstOperandInCondition](
Checks that condition expressions don't become less readable by attempting to use a constant on the left-hand-side of a comparison.
@ -2674,6 +2667,7 @@ Boolean isEnabled() {
return null;
#### [SimpleAccessorNameNotation](
Checks that setters and getters follow the normal setField(), getField() and isField() pattern, where 'Field' is the name of the field being accessed.
@ -2750,6 +2744,7 @@ These checks are not enabled. Notes are included for each explaining why.
### Checkstyle
#### [ArrayTrailingComma](
Couldn't get my IDE's (IntelliJ) code style to match.
@ -2758,8 +2753,6 @@ Couldn't get my IDE's (IntelliJ) code style to match.
Doesn't recognise Lombok's `val` as being `final`.
Checks that local variables are `final` if they are never modified after declaration.
#### [IllegalInstantiation](
Not really suitable for a template ruleset as it requires an explicit list of classes to apply to.
@ -2808,8 +2801,6 @@ Already covered by the [OneTopLevelClass](#onetoplevelclass) check.
[UnusedImports](#unusedimports) performs all the same checks and more.
Checks for redundant `import`s. Checks for duplicates, imports from the `java.lang` package or from the current package.
#### [Regexp](
Generic rule; doesn't embody a 'quality' check.
@ -2830,7 +2821,7 @@ Generic rule; doesn't embody a 'quality' check.
Generic rule; doesn't embody a 'quality' check.
#### [RegexpSingleline](
#### [RegexpSinglelineJava](
Generic rule; doesn't embody a 'quality' check.
@ -2858,13 +2849,14 @@ Generic rule; doesn't embody a 'quality' check.
As the sevntu check are considered experimental not all those that are not enabled are listed here. Only where they are disabled due to a conflict with my 'style' or there is another irreconcilable difference that prevents them from being enabled, will they be documented to prevent repeated investigations.
#### [AvoidConditionInversion](
Should already be covered by [SimplifyBooleanExpression](simplifybooleanexpression).
#### [AvoidDefaultSerializableInInnerClasses](
> TODO: enable
TODO: enable
#### [AvoidModifiersForTypes](
@ -2884,11 +2876,11 @@ The [DeclarationOrder](#declarationorder) check already imposes an order for cla
#### [EmptyPublicCtorInClass](
> TODO: enable
TODO: enable
#### [FinalizeImplementation](
> TODO: enable
TODO: enable
#### [ForbidAnnotation](
@ -2906,52 +2898,16 @@ Generic rule; doesn't embody a 'quality' check.
[IllegalThrows](#illegalthrows) performs a similar check.
#### [HideUtilityClassConstructor](
See [HideUtilityClassConstructor](#hideutilityclassconstructor).
#### [IllegalCatchExtended](
See [IllegalCatch](#illegalcatch).
#### [InnerClass](
See [InnerTypeLast](#innertypelast).
#### [InterfaceTypeParameterName](
See [InterfaceTypeParameterName](#interfacetypeparametername).
#### [LineLengthExtended](
See [LineLength](#linelength)
#### [MultipleStringLiteralsExtended](
See [MultipleStringLiteralsExtended](#multiplestringliteralsextended).
#### [MultipleVariableDeclarationsExtended](
See [MultipleVariableDeclarations](#multiplevariabledeclarations).
#### [RequiredParameterForAnnotation](
Generic rule; doesn't embody a 'quality' check.
#### [ReturnCountExtended](
See [ReturnCount](#returncount).
#### [StaticMethodCandidate](
Can't handle private methods called by reflection, which may cause issues with Spring and other DI frameworks.
#### [UnnecessaryParenthesesExtended](
See [UnnecessaryParentheses](#unnecessaryparentheses).
#### [WhitespaceBeforeArrayInitializer](
> TODO: enable
TODO: enable
[Effective Java]:
[Effective Java]:
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