First pass as splitting distribution from builder

This commit is contained in:
Paul Campbell 2017-01-03 20:08:58 +00:00
parent 500d90a6c8
commit a88c76f519
178 changed files with 3071 additions and 236 deletions

View file

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- AnnotationLocation
- AnnotationUseStyle
- ArrayTypeStyle
- AvoidStarImport
- CommentsIndentation
- DeclarationOrder
- EmptyForInitializerPad
- EmptyForIteratorPad
- EmptyLineSeparator
- EmptyStatement
- FileTabCharacter
- GenericWhitespace
- Header
- LeftCurly
- LineLength
- MethodParamPad
- NewlineAtEndOfFile
- NoLineWrap
- NoWhitespaceAfter
- NoWhitespaceBefore
- OneStatementPerLine
- OperatorWrap
- OverloadMethodsDeclarationOrder
- ParenPad
- RightCurly
- SeparatorWrap
- SingleSpaceSeparator
- TrailingComment
- TypecaseParenPad
- UnnecessaryParentheses
- UnusedImports
- UpperEll
- WhitespaceAfter
- WhitespaceAround
- ForbidCCommentsInMethods

View file

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- AbbreviationAsWordInName
- AbstractClassName
- CatchParameterName
- ClassTypeParameterName
- ConstantNaming
- InterfaceTypeParameterName
- LocalFinalVariableName
- LocalVariableName
- MagicNumber
- MemberName
- MethodName
- MethodTypeParameterName
- ModifierOrder
- MultipleStringLiterals
- MultipleVariableDeclarations
- NeedBraces
- PackageName
- ParameterName
- StaticVariableName
- SuppressWarnings
- SuppressWarningsHolder
- TypeName
- EnumValueName
- NameConventionForJunit4TestClasses
- NumericLiteralNeedsUnderscore
- SimpleAccessorNameNotation
- UniformEnumConstantName

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
- AtclauseOrder
- FallThrough
- JavadocMethod
- JavadocPackage
- JavadocParagraph
- JavadocStyle
- JavadocType
- MissingDeprecated
- NonEmptyAtclauseDescription
- PackageDeclaration
- TodoComment
- Translation
- UncommentedMain
- UniqueProperties

View file

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- AvoidEscapedUnicodeCharacters
- DefaultComesLast
- EmptyBlock
- EmptyCatchBlock
- EqualsAvoidNull
- ExplicitInitialization
- FinalParameters
- HiddenField
- HideUtilityClassConstructor
- IllegalCatch
- IllegalImport
- IllegalThrows
- IllegalToken
- IllegalType
- InnerAssignment
- InnerTypeLast
- MissingSwitchDefault
- ModifiedControlVariable
- MutableException
- NoClone
- NoFinalizer
- OneTopLevelClass
- OuterTypeFilename
- PackageAnnotation
- RedundantModifier
- RequireThis
- StringLiteralEquality
- VariableDeclarationUsageDistance
- VisibilityModifier
- AvoidConstantAsFirstOperandInCondition
- AvoidHidingCauseException
- AvoidNotShortCircuitOperatorsForBoolean
- DiamondOperatorForVariableDefinition
- EitherLogOrThrow
- LoginConditionNeedsOptimization
- NoMainMethodInAbstractClass
- OverridableMethodInConstructor
- PublicReferenceToPrivateType
- RedundantReturn
- ReturnBooleanFromTernary
- ReturnNullInsteadOfBoolean
- SingleBreakOrContinue
- TernaryPerExpressionCount
- UselessSingleCatch
- UselessSuperCtorCall

View file

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- AnonInnerLength
- AvoidInlineConditionals
- AvoidNestedBlocks
- AvoidStaticImport
- BooleanExpressionComplexity
- ClassDataAbstractionCoupling
- ClassFanOutComplexity
- CovariantEquals
- CyclomaticComplexity
- DesignForExtension
- EqualsHashCode
- ExecutableStatementCount
- FileLength
- FinalClass
- InterfaceIsType
- JavaNCSS
- MethodCount
- MethodLength
- NestedForDepth
- NestedIfDepth
- NestedTryDepth
- NPathComplexity
- ReturnCount
- SimplifyBooleanExpression
- SimplifyBooleanReturn
- ThrowsCount
- ConfusingCondition
- ConstructorWithoutParams
- ForbidReturnInFinallyBlock
- ForbidWildcardAsReturnType
- MapIterationInForEachLoop
- NestedSwitch

builder/pom.xml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<name>Kemitix Checkstyle Ruleset Builder</name>
<description>Builder for the Kemitix Checkstyle Ruleset</description>

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more