sort check list
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 90 additions and 93 deletions
@ -62,30 +62,48 @@ You need to include `checkstyle` as the version bundled with the `maven-checksty
* [AnnotationLocation](#AnnotationLocation) - checkstyle - enabled
* [AnnotationLocation](#AnnotationLocation) - checkstyle - enabled
* [AnnotationUseStyle](#AnnotationUseStyle) - checkstyle - enabled
* [AnnotationUseStyle](#AnnotationUseStyle) - checkstyle - enabled
* [AnonInnerLength](#AnonInnerLength) - checkstyle - enabled
* [AnonInnerLength](#AnonInnerLength) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ArrayTrailingComma](#ArrayTrailingComma) - checkstyle - disabled
* [ArrayTypeStyle](#ArrayTypeStyle) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ArrayTypeStyle](#ArrayTypeStyle) - checkstyle - enabled
* [AtclauseOrder](#AtclauseOrder) - checkstyle - enabled
* [AtclauseOrder](#AtclauseOrder) - checkstyle - enabled
* [AvoidConditionInversion](#AvoidConditionInversion) - sevntu - disabled
* [AvoidConstantAsFirstOperandInCondition](#AvoidConstantAsFirstOperandInCondition) - sevntu - enabled
* [AvoidDefaultSerializableInInnerClasses](#AvoidDefaultSerializableInInnerClasses) - sevntu - disabled
* [AvoidEscapedUnicodeCharacters](#AvoidEscapedUnicodeCharacters) - checkstyle - enabled
* [AvoidEscapedUnicodeCharacters](#AvoidEscapedUnicodeCharacters) - checkstyle - enabled
* [AvoidHidingCauseException](#AvoidHidingCauseException) - sevntu - enabled
* [AvoidInlineConditionals](#AvoidInlineConditionals) - checkstyle - disabled
* [AvoidModifiersForTypes](#AvoidModifiersForTypes) - sevntu - disabled
* [AvoidNestedBlocks](#AvoidNestedBlocks) - checkstyle - enabled
* [AvoidNestedBlocks](#AvoidNestedBlocks) - checkstyle - enabled
* [AvoidNotShortCircuitOperatorsForBoolean](#AvoidNotShortCircuitOperatorsForBoolean) - sevntu - enabled
* [AvoidStarImport](#AvoidStarImport) - checkstyle - enabled
* [AvoidStarImport](#AvoidStarImport) - checkstyle - enabled
* [AvoidStaticImport](#AvoidStaticImport) - checkstyle - enabled
* [AvoidStaticImport](#AvoidStaticImport) - checkstyle - enabled
* [BooleanExpressionComplexity](#BooleanExpressionComplexity) - checkstyle - enabled
* [BooleanExpressionComplexity](#BooleanExpressionComplexity) - checkstyle - enabled
* [CatchParameterName](#CatchParameterName) - checkstyle - enabled
* [CatchParameterName](#CatchParameterName) - checkstyle - enabled
* [CauseParameterInException](#CauseParameterInException) - sevntu - disabled
* [ChildBlockLength](#ChildBlockLength) - sevntu - disabled
* [ClassDataAbstractionCoupling](#ClassDataAbstractionCoupling) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ClassDataAbstractionCoupling](#ClassDataAbstractionCoupling) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ClassFanOutComplexity](#ClassFanOutComplexity) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ClassFanOutComplexity](#ClassFanOutComplexity) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ClassTypeParameterName](#ClassTypeParameterName) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ClassTypeParameterName](#ClassTypeParameterName) - checkstyle - enabled
* [CommentsIndentation](#CommentsIndentation) - checkstyle - enabled
* [CommentsIndentation](#CommentsIndentation) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ConfusingCondition](#ConfusingCondition) - sevntu - enabled
* [ConstantName](#ConstantName) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ConstantName](#ConstantName) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ConstructorWithoutParams](#ConstructorWithoutParams) - sevntu - enabled
* [CovariantEquals](#CovariantEquals) - checkstyle - enabled
* [CovariantEquals](#CovariantEquals) - checkstyle - enabled
* [CustomDeclarationOrder](#CustomDeclarationOrder) - sevntu - disabled
* [CyclomaticComplexity](#CyclomaticComplexity) - checkstyle - enabled
* [CyclomaticComplexity](#CyclomaticComplexity) - checkstyle - enabled
* [DeclarationOrder](#DeclarationOrder) - checkstyle - enabled
* [DeclarationOrder](#DeclarationOrder) - checkstyle - enabled
* [DefaultComesLast](#DefaultComesLast) - checkstyle - enabled
* [DefaultComesLast](#DefaultComesLast) - checkstyle - enabled
* [DesignForExtension](#DesignForExtension) - checkstyle - enabled
* [DesignForExtension](#DesignForExtension) - checkstyle - enabled
* [DiamondOperatorForVariableDefinition](#DiamondOperatorForVariableDefinition) - sevntu - enabled
* [EitherLogOrThrow](#EitherLogOrThrow) - sevntu - enabled
* [EmptyBlock](#EmptyBlock) - checkstyle - enabled
* [EmptyBlock](#EmptyBlock) - checkstyle - enabled
* [EmptyCatchBlock](#EmptyCatchBlock) - checkstyle - enabled
* [EmptyCatchBlock](#EmptyCatchBlock) - checkstyle - enabled
* [EmptyForInitializerPad](#EmptyForInitializerPad) - checkstyle - enabled
* [EmptyForInitializerPad](#EmptyForInitializerPad) - checkstyle - enabled
* [EmptyForIteratorPad](#EmptyForIteratorPad) - checkstyle - enabled
* [EmptyForIteratorPad](#EmptyForIteratorPad) - checkstyle - enabled
* [EmptyLineSeparator](#EmptyLineSeparator) - checkstyle - enabled
* [EmptyLineSeparator](#EmptyLineSeparator) - checkstyle - enabled
* [EmptyPublicCtorInClass](#EmptyPublicCtorInClass) - sevntu - disabled
* [EmptyStatement](#EmptyStatement) - checkstyle - enabled
* [EmptyStatement](#EmptyStatement) - checkstyle - enabled
* [EnumValueName](#EnumValueName) - sevntu - enabled
* [EqualsAvoidNull](#EqualsAvoidNull) - checkstyle - disabled
* [EqualsHashCode](#EqualsHashCode) - checkstyle - enabled
* [EqualsHashCode](#EqualsHashCode) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ExecutableStatementCount](#ExecutableStatementCount) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ExecutableStatementCount](#ExecutableStatementCount) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ExplicitInitialization](#ExplicitInitialization) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ExplicitInitialization](#ExplicitInitialization) - checkstyle - enabled
@ -93,176 +111,155 @@ You need to include `checkstyle` as the version bundled with the `maven-checksty
* [FileLength](#FileLength) - checkstyle - enabled
* [FileLength](#FileLength) - checkstyle - enabled
* [FileTabCharacter](#FileTabCharacter) - checkstyle - enabled
* [FileTabCharacter](#FileTabCharacter) - checkstyle - enabled
* [FinalClass](#FinalClass) - checkstyle - enabled
* [FinalClass](#FinalClass) - checkstyle - enabled
* [FinalizeImplementation](#FinalizeImplementation) - sevntu - disabled
* [FinalLocalVariable](#FinalLocalVariable) - checkstyle - disabled
* [FinalParameters](#FinalParameters) - checkstyle - enabled
* [FinalParameters](#FinalParameters) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ForbidAnnotation](#ForbidAnnotation) - sevntu - disabled
* [ForbidCCommentsInMethods](#ForbidCCommentsInMethods) - sevntu - enabled
* [ForbidCertainImports](#ForbidCertainImports) - sevntu - disabled
* [ForbidInstantiation](#ForbidInstantiation) - sevntu - disabled
* [ForbidReturnInFinallyBlock](#ForbidReturnInFinallyBlock) - sevntu - enabled
* [ForbidThrowAnonymousExceptions](#ForbidThrowAnonymousExceptions) - sevntu - enabled
* [ForbidWildcardAsReturnType](#ForbidWildcardAsReturnType) - sevntu - enabled
* [GenericWhitespace](#GenericWhitespace) - checkstyle - enabled
* [GenericWhitespace](#GenericWhitespace) - checkstyle - enabled
* [Header](#Header) - checkstyle - disabled
* [HiddenField](#HiddenField) - checkstyle - enabled
* [HiddenField](#HiddenField) - checkstyle - enabled
* [HideUtilityClassConstructor](#HideUtilityClassConstructor) - checkstyle - enabled
* [HideUtilityClassConstructor](#HideUtilityClassConstructor) - **checkstyle** - enabled
* [HideUtilityClassConstructor](#HideUtilityClassConstructor) - **sevntu** - enabled
* [IllegalCatchExtended](#IllegalCatchExtended) - sevntu - disabled
* [IllegalCatch](#IllegalCatch) - checkstyle - enabled
* [IllegalCatch](#IllegalCatch) - checkstyle - enabled
* [IllegalImport](#IllegalImport) - checkstyle - enabled
* [IllegalImport](#IllegalImport) - checkstyle - enabled
* [IllegalInstantiation](#IllegalInstantiation) - checkstyle - disabled
* [IllegalThrows](#IllegalThrows) - checkstyle - enabled
* [IllegalThrows](#IllegalThrows) - checkstyle - enabled
* [IllegalToken](#IllegalToken) - checkstyle - disabled
* [IllegalTokenText](#IllegalTokenText) - checkstyle - disabled
* [IllegalType](#IllegalType) - checkstyle - enabled
* [IllegalType](#IllegalType) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ImportControl](#ImportControl) - checkstyle - disabled
* [ImportOrder](#ImportOrder) - checkstyle - disabled
* [Indentation](#Indentation) - checkstyle - disabled
* [InnerAssignment](#InnerAssignment) - checkstyle - enabled
* [InnerAssignment](#InnerAssignment) - checkstyle - enabled
* [InnerClass](#InnerClass) - sevntu - disabled
* [InnerTypeLast](#InnerTypeLast) - checkstyle - enabled
* [InnerTypeLast](#InnerTypeLast) - checkstyle - enabled
* [InterfaceIsType](#InterfaceIsType) - checkstyle - enabled
* [InterfaceIsType](#InterfaceIsType) - checkstyle - enabled
* [InterfaceTypeParameterName](#InterfaceTypeParameterName) - checkstyle - disabled
* [InterfaceTypeParameterName](#InterfaceTypeParameterName) - sevntu - disabled
* [JavadocMethod](#JavadocMethod) - checkstyle - enabled
* [JavadocMethod](#JavadocMethod) - checkstyle - enabled
* [JavadocPackage](#JavadocPackage) - checkstyle - enabled
* [JavadocPackage](#JavadocPackage) - checkstyle - enabled
* [JavadocParagraph](#JavadocParagraph) - checkstyle - enabled
* [JavadocParagraph](#JavadocParagraph) - checkstyle - enabled
* [JavadocStyle](#JavadocStyle) - checkstyle - enabled
* [JavadocStyle](#JavadocStyle) - checkstyle - enabled
* [JavadocTagContinuationIndentation](#JavadocTagContinuationIndentation) - checkstyle - disabled
* [JavadocType](#JavadocType) - checkstyle - enabled
* [JavadocType](#JavadocType) - checkstyle - enabled
* [JavadocVariable](#JavadocVariable) - checkstyle - disabled
* [JavaNCSS](#JavaNCSS) - checkstyle - enabled
* [JavaNCSS](#JavaNCSS) - checkstyle - enabled
* [LeftCurly](#LeftCurly) - checkstyle - enabled
* [LeftCurly](#LeftCurly) - checkstyle - enabled
* [LineLengthExtended](#LineLengthExtended) - sevntu - disabled
* [LineLength](#LineLength) - checkstyle - enabled
* [LineLength](#LineLength) - checkstyle - enabled
* [LocalFinalVariableName](#LocalFinalVariableName) - checkstyle - enabled
* [LocalFinalVariableName](#LocalFinalVariableName) - checkstyle - enabled
* [LocalVariableName](#LocalVariableName) - checkstyle - enabled
* [LocalVariableName](#LocalVariableName) - checkstyle - enabled
* [LogicConditionNeedOptimization](#LogicConditionNeedOptimization) - sevntu - enabled
* [MagicNumber](#MagicNumber) - checkstyle - enabled
* [MagicNumber](#MagicNumber) - checkstyle - enabled
* [MapIterationInForEachLoop](#MapIterationInForEachLoop) - sevntu - enabled
* [MemberName](#MemberName) - checkstyle - enabled
* [MemberName](#MemberName) - checkstyle - enabled
* [MethodCount](#MethodCount) - checkstyle - enabled
* [MethodCount](#MethodCount) - checkstyle - enabled
* [MethodLength](#MethodLength) - checkstyle - enabled
* [MethodLength](#MethodLength) - checkstyle - enabled
* [MethodName](#MethodName) - checkstyle - enabled
* [MethodName](#MethodName) - checkstyle - enabled
* [MethodParamPad](#MethodParamPad) - checkstyle - enabled
* [MethodParamPad](#MethodParamPad) - checkstyle - enabled
* [MethodTypeParameterName](#MethodTypeParameterName) - checkstyle - disabled
* [MissingCtor](#MissingCtor) - checkstyle - disabled
* [MissingDeprecated](#MissingDeprecated) - checkstyle - enabled
* [MissingDeprecated](#MissingDeprecated) - checkstyle - enabled
* [MissingOverride](#MissingOverride) - checkstyle - disabled
* [MissingSwitchDefault](#MissingSwitchDefault) - checkstyle - enabled
* [MissingSwitchDefault](#MissingSwitchDefault) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ModifiedControlVariable](#ModifiedControlVariable) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ModifiedControlVariable](#ModifiedControlVariable) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ModifierOrder](#ModifierOrder) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ModifierOrder](#ModifierOrder) - checkstyle - enabled
* [MultipleStringLiteralsExtended](#MultipleStringLiteralsExtended) - sevntu - disabled
* [MultipleStringLiterals](#MultipleStringLiterals) - checkstyle - enabled
* [MultipleStringLiterals](#MultipleStringLiterals) - checkstyle - enabled
* [MultipleVariableDeclarationsExtended](#MultipleVariableDeclarationsExtended) - sevntu - disabled
* [MultipleVariableDeclarations](#MultipleVariableDeclarations) - checkstyle - enabled
* [MultipleVariableDeclarations](#MultipleVariableDeclarations) - checkstyle - enabled
* [MutableException](#MutableException) - checkstyle - enabled
* [MutableException](#MutableException) - checkstyle - enabled
* [NameConventionForJunit4TestClasses](#NameConventionForJunit4TestClasses) - sevntu - enabled
* [NeedBraces](#NeedBraces) - checkstyle - enabled
* [NeedBraces](#NeedBraces) - checkstyle - enabled
* [NestedForDepth](#NestedForDepth) - checkstyle - enabled
* [NestedForDepth](#NestedForDepth) - checkstyle - enabled
* [NestedIfDepth](#NestedIfDepth) - checkstyle - enabled
* [NestedIfDepth](#NestedIfDepth) - checkstyle - enabled
* [NestedSwitch](#NestedSwitch) - sevntu - enabled
* [NestedTryDepth](#NestedTryDepth) - checkstyle - enabled
* [NestedTryDepth](#NestedTryDepth) - checkstyle - enabled
* [NewlineAtEndOfFile](#NewlineAtEndOfFile) - checkstyle - enabled
* [NewlineAtEndOfFile](#NewlineAtEndOfFile) - checkstyle - enabled
* [NoClone](#NoClone) - checkstyle - enabled
* [NoClone](#NoClone) - checkstyle - enabled
* [NoFinalizer](#NoFinalizer) - checkstyle - disabled
* [NoLineWrap](#NoLineWrap) - checkstyle - disabled
* [NoMainMethodInAbstractClass](#NoMainMethodInAbstractClass) - sevntu - enabled
* [NonEmptyAtclauseDescription](#NonEmptyAtclauseDescription) - checkstyle - enabled
* [NonEmptyAtclauseDescription](#NonEmptyAtclauseDescription) - checkstyle - enabled
* [NoWhitespaceAfter](#NoWhitespaceAfter) - checkstyle - enabled
* [NoWhitespaceAfter](#NoWhitespaceAfter) - checkstyle - enabled
* [NoWhitespaceBefore](#NoWhitespaceBefore) - checkstyle - enabled
* [NoWhitespaceBefore](#NoWhitespaceBefore) - checkstyle - enabled
* [NPathComplexity](#NPathComplexity) - checkstyle - enabled
* [NPathComplexity](#NPathComplexity) - checkstyle - enabled
* [NumericLiteralNeedsUnderscore](#NumericLiteralNeedsUnderscore) - sevntu - enabled
* [OneStatementPerLine](#OneStatementPerLine) - checkstyle - enabled
* [OneStatementPerLine](#OneStatementPerLine) - checkstyle - enabled
* [OneTopLevelClass](#OneTopLevelClass) - checkstyle - enabled
* [OneTopLevelClass](#OneTopLevelClass) - checkstyle - enabled
* [OperatorWrap](#OperatorWrap) - checkstyle - enabled
* [OperatorWrap](#OperatorWrap) - checkstyle - enabled
* [OuterTypeFilename](#OuterTypeFilename) - checkstyle - enabled
* [OuterTypeFilename](#OuterTypeFilename) - checkstyle - enabled
* [OuterTypeNumber](#OuterTypeNumber) - checkstyle - disabled
* [OverloadMethodsDeclarationOrder](#OverloadMethodsDeclarationOrder) - checkstyle - enabled
* [OverloadMethodsDeclarationOrder](#OverloadMethodsDeclarationOrder) - checkstyle - enabled
* [OverridableMethodInConstructor](#OverridableMethodInConstructor) - sevntu - enabled
* [PackageAnnotation](#PackageAnnotation) - checkstyle - disabled
* [PackageDeclaration](#PackageDeclaration) - checkstyle - enabled
* [PackageDeclaration](#PackageDeclaration) - checkstyle - enabled
* [PackageName](#PackageName) - checkstyle - enabled
* [PackageName](#PackageName) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ParameterAssignment](#ParameterAssignment) - checkstyle - disabled
* [ParameterName](#ParameterName) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ParameterName](#ParameterName) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ParameterNumber](#ParameterNumber) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ParameterNumber](#ParameterNumber) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ParenPad](#ParenPad) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ParenPad](#ParenPad) - checkstyle - enabled
* [PublicReferenceToPrivateType](#PublicReferenceToPrivateType) - sevntu - enabled
* [RedundantImport](#RedundantImport) - checkstyle - enabled
* [RedundantImport](#RedundantImport) - checkstyle - enabled
* [RedundantModifier](#RedundantModifier) - checkstyle - enabled
* [RedundantModifier](#RedundantModifier) - checkstyle - enabled
* [RedundantReturn](#RedundantReturn) - sevntu - enabled
* [RegexpHeader](#RegexpHeader) - checkstyle - disabled
* [RegexpMultiline](#RegexpMultiline) - checkstyle - disabled
* [RegexpOnFilename](#RegexpOnFilename) - checkstyle - disabled
* [Regexp](#Regexp) - checkstyle - disabled
* [RegexpSingleline](#RegexpSingleline) - checkstyle - disabled
* [RegexpSingleline](#RegexpSingleline) - checkstyle - disabled
* [RequiredParameterForAnnotation](#RequiredParameterForAnnotation) - sevntu - disabled
* [RequireThis](#RequireThis) - checkstyle - disabled
* [ReturnBooleanFromTernary](#ReturnBooleanFromTernary) - sevntu - enabled
* [ReturnCountExtended](#ReturnCountExtended) - sevntu - disabled
* [ReturnCount](#ReturnCount) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ReturnCount](#ReturnCount) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ReturnNullInsteadOfBoolean](#ReturnNullInsteadOfBoolean) - sevntu - enabled
* [RightCurly](#RightCurly) - checkstyle - enabled
* [RightCurly](#RightCurly) - checkstyle - enabled
* [SeparatorWrap](#SeparatorWrap) - checkstyle - enabled
* [SeparatorWrap](#SeparatorWrap) - checkstyle - enabled
* [SimpleAccessorNameNotation](#SimpleAccessorNameNotation) - sevntu - enabled
* [SimplifyBooleanExpression](#SimplifyBooleanExpression) - checkstyle - enabled
* [SimplifyBooleanExpression](#SimplifyBooleanExpression) - checkstyle - enabled
* [SimplifyBooleanReturn](#SimplifyBooleanReturn) - checkstyle - enabled
* [SimplifyBooleanReturn](#SimplifyBooleanReturn) - checkstyle - enabled
* [SingleBreakOrContinue](#SingleBreakOrContinue) - sevntu - enabled
* [SingleLineJavadoc](#SingleLineJavadoc) - checkstyle - disabled
* [SingleSpaceSeparator](#SingleSpaceSeparator) - checkstyle - enabled
* [SingleSpaceSeparator](#SingleSpaceSeparator) - checkstyle - enabled
* [StaticMethodCandidate](#StaticMethodCandidate) - sevntu - disabled
* [StaticVariableName](#StaticVariableName) - checkstyle - enabled
* [StaticVariableName](#StaticVariableName) - checkstyle - enabled
* [StringLiteralEquality](#StringLiteralEquality) - checkstyle - enabled
* [StringLiteralEquality](#StringLiteralEquality) - checkstyle - enabled
* [SummaryJavadoc](#SummaryJavadoc) - checkstyle - disabled
* [SuperClone](#SuperClone) - checkstyle - disabled
* [SuperFinalize](#SuperFinalize) - checkstyle - disabled
* [SuppressWarningsHolder](#SuppressWarningsHolder) - checkstyle - enabled
* [SuppressWarningsHolder](#SuppressWarningsHolder) - checkstyle - enabled
* [SuppressWarnings](#SuppressWarnings) - checkstyle - disabled
* [TernaryPerExpressionCount](#TernaryPerExpressionCount) - sevntu - enabled
* [ThrowsCount](#ThrowsCount) - checkstyle - enabled
* [ThrowsCount](#ThrowsCount) - checkstyle - enabled
* [TodoComment](#TodoComment) - checkstyle - enabled
* [TodoComment](#TodoComment) - checkstyle - enabled
* [TrailingComment](#TrailingComment) - checkstyle - enabled
* [TrailingComment](#TrailingComment) - checkstyle - enabled
* [Translation](#Translation) - checkstyle - disabled
* [TypecastParenPad](#TypecastParenPad) - checkstyle - enabled
* [TypecastParenPad](#TypecastParenPad) - checkstyle - enabled
* [TypeName](#TypeName) - checkstyle - enabled
* [TypeName](#TypeName) - checkstyle - enabled
* [UncommentedMain](#UncommentedMain) - checkstyle - disabled
* [UniformEnumConstantName](#UniformEnumConstantName) - sevntu - enabled
* [UniqueProperties](#UniqueProperties) - checkstyle - disabled
* [UnnecessaryParenthesesExtended](#UnnecessaryParenthesesExtended) - sevntu - disabled
* [UnnecessaryParentheses](#UnnecessaryParentheses) - checkstyle - enabled
* [UnnecessaryParentheses](#UnnecessaryParentheses) - checkstyle - enabled
* [UnusedImports](#UnusedImports) - checkstyle - enabled
* [UnusedImports](#UnusedImports) - checkstyle - enabled
* [UpperEll](#UpperEll) - checkstyle - enabled
* [UpperEll](#UpperEll) - checkstyle - enabled
* [UselessSingleCatch](#UselessSingleCatch) - sevntu - enabled
* [UselessSuperCtorCall](#UselessSuperCtorCall) - sevntu - enabled
* [VariableDeclarationUsageDistance](#VariableDeclarationUsageDistance) - checkstyle - enabled
* [VariableDeclarationUsageDistance](#VariableDeclarationUsageDistance) - checkstyle - enabled
* [VisibilityModifier](#VisibilityModifier) - checkstyle - enabled
* [VisibilityModifier](#VisibilityModifier) - checkstyle - enabled
* [WhitespaceAfter](#WhitespaceAfter) - checkstyle - enabled
* [WhitespaceAfter](#WhitespaceAfter) - checkstyle - enabled
* [WhitespaceAround](#) - checkstyle - enabled
* [WhitespaceAround](#) - checkstyle - enabled
* [AvoidConstantAsFirstOperandInCondition](#AvoidConstantAsFirstOperandInCondition) - sevntu - enabled
* [AvoidHidingCauseException](#AvoidHidingCauseException) - sevntu - enabled
* [AvoidNotShortCircuitOperatorsForBoolean](#AvoidNotShortCircuitOperatorsForBoolean) - sevntu - enabled
* [ConfusingCondition](#ConfusingCondition) - sevntu - enabled
* [ConstructorWithoutParams](#ConstructorWithoutParams) - sevntu - enabled
* [DiamondOperatorForVariableDefinition](#DiamondOperatorForVariableDefinition) - sevntu - enabled
* [EitherLogOrThrow](#EitherLogOrThrow) - sevntu - enabled
* [EnumValueName](#EnumValueName) - sevntu - enabled
* [ForbidCCommentsInMethods](#ForbidCCommentsInMethods) - sevntu - enabled
* [ForbidReturnInFinallyBlock](#ForbidReturnInFinallyBlock) - sevntu - enabled
* [ForbidThrowAnonymousExceptions](#ForbidThrowAnonymousExceptions) - sevntu - enabled
* [ForbidWildcardAsReturnType](#ForbidWildcardAsReturnType) - sevntu - enabled
* [HideUtilityClassConstructor](#HideUtilityClassConstructor) - sevntu - enabled
* [LogicConditionNeedOptimization](#LogicConditionNeedOptimization) - sevntu - enabled
* [MapIterationInForEachLoop](#MapIterationInForEachLoop) - sevntu - enabled
* [NameConventionForJunit4TestClasses](#NameConventionForJunit4TestClasses) - sevntu - enabled
* [NestedSwitch](#NestedSwitch) - sevntu - enabled
* [NoMainMethodInAbstractClass](#NoMainMethodInAbstractClass) - sevntu - enabled
* [NumericLiteralNeedsUnderscore](#NumericLiteralNeedsUnderscore) - sevntu - enabled
* [OverridableMethodInConstructor](#OverridableMethodInConstructor) - sevntu - enabled
* [PublicReferenceToPrivateType](#PublicReferenceToPrivateType) - sevntu - enabled
* [RedundantReturn](#RedundantReturn) - sevntu - enabled
* [ReturnBooleanFromTernary](#ReturnBooleanFromTernary) - sevntu - enabled
* [ReturnNullInsteadOfBoolean](#ReturnNullInsteadOfBoolean) - sevntu - enabled
* [SimpleAccessorNameNotation](#SimpleAccessorNameNotation) - sevntu - enabled
* [SingleBreakOrContinue](#SingleBreakOrContinue) - sevntu - enabled
* [TernaryPerExpressionCount](#TernaryPerExpressionCount) - sevntu - enabled
* [UniformEnumConstantName](#UniformEnumConstantName) - sevntu - enabled
* [UselessSingleCatch](#UselessSingleCatch) - sevntu - enabled
* [UselessSuperCtorCall](#UselessSuperCtorCall) - sevntu - enabled
* [ArrayTrailingComma](#ArrayTrailingComma) - checkstyle - disabled
* [AvoidInlineConditionals](#AvoidInlineConditionals) - checkstyle - disabled
* [EqualsAvoidNull](#EqualsAvoidNull) - checkstyle - disabled
* [FinalLocalVariable](#FinalLocalVariable) - checkstyle - disabled
* [Header](#Header) - checkstyle - disabled
* [IllegalInstantiation](#IllegalInstantiation) - checkstyle - disabled
* [IllegalToken](#IllegalToken) - checkstyle - disabled
* [IllegalTokenText](#IllegalTokenText) - checkstyle - disabled
* [ImportControl](#ImportControl) - checkstyle - disabled
* [ImportOrder](#ImportOrder) - checkstyle - disabled
* [Indentation](#Indentation) - checkstyle - disabled
* [InterfaceTypeParameterName](#InterfaceTypeParameterName) - checkstyle - disabled
* [JavadocTagContinuationIndentation](#JavadocTagContinuationIndentation) - checkstyle - disabled
* [JavadocVariable](#JavadocVariable) - checkstyle - disabled
* [MethodTypeParameterName](#MethodTypeParameterName) - checkstyle - disabled
* [MissingCtor](#MissingCtor) - checkstyle - disabled
* [MissingOverride](#MissingOverride) - checkstyle - disabled
* [NoFinalizer](#NoFinalizer) - checkstyle - disabled
* [NoLineWrap](#NoLineWrap) - checkstyle - disabled
* [OuterTypeNumber](#OuterTypeNumber) - checkstyle - disabled
* [PackageAnnotation](#PackageAnnotation) - checkstyle - disabled
* [ParameterAssignment](#ParameterAssignment) - checkstyle - disabled
* [Regexp](#Regexp) - checkstyle - disabled
* [RegexpHeader](#RegexpHeader) - checkstyle - disabled
* [RegexpMultiline](#RegexpMultiline) - checkstyle - disabled
* [RegexpOnFilename](#RegexpOnFilename) - checkstyle - disabled
* [RegexpSingleline](#RegexpSingleline) - checkstyle - disabled
* [RegexpSingleline](#RegexpSingleline) - checkstyle - disabled
* [RequireThis](#RequireThis) - checkstyle - disabled
* [SingleLineJavadoc](#SingleLineJavadoc) - checkstyle - disabled
* [SummaryJavadoc](#SummaryJavadoc) - checkstyle - disabled
* [SuperClone](#SuperClone) - checkstyle - disabled
* [SuperFinalize](#SuperFinalize) - checkstyle - disabled
* [SuppressWarnings](#SuppressWarnings) - checkstyle - disabled
* [Translation](#Translation) - checkstyle - disabled
* [UncommentedMain](#UncommentedMain) - checkstyle - disabled
* [UniqueProperties](#UniqueProperties) - checkstyle - disabled
* [WriteTag](#WriteTag) - checkstyle - disabled
* [AvoidConditionInversion](#AvoidConditionInversion) - sevntu - disabled
* [AvoidDefaultSerializableInInnerClasses](#AvoidDefaultSerializableInInnerClasses) - sevntu - disabled
* [AvoidModifiersForTypes](#AvoidModifiersForTypes) - sevntu - disabled
* [CauseParameterInException](#CauseParameterInException) - sevntu - disabled
* [ChildBlockLength](#ChildBlockLength) - sevntu - disabled
* [CustomDeclarationOrder](#CustomDeclarationOrder) - sevntu - disabled
* [EmptyPublicCtorInClass](#EmptyPublicCtorInClass) - sevntu - disabled
* [FinalizeImplementation](#FinalizeImplementation) - sevntu - disabled
* [ForbidAnnotation](#ForbidAnnotation) - sevntu - disabled
* [ForbidCertainImports](#ForbidCertainImports) - sevntu - disabled
* [ForbidInstantiation](#ForbidInstantiation) - sevntu - disabled
* [IllegalCatchExtended](#IllegalCatchExtended) - sevntu - disabled
* [InnerClass](#InnerClass) - sevntu - disabled
* [InterfaceTypeParameterName](#InterfaceTypeParameterName) - sevntu - disabled
* [LineLengthExtended](#LineLengthExtended) - sevntu - disabled
* [MultipleStringLiteralsExtended](#MultipleStringLiteralsExtended) - sevntu - disabled
* [MultipleVariableDeclarationsExtended](#MultipleVariableDeclarationsExtended) - sevntu - disabled
* [RequiredParameterForAnnotation](#RequiredParameterForAnnotation) - sevntu - disabled
* [ReturnCountExtended](#ReturnCountExtended) - sevntu - disabled
* [StaticMethodCandidate](#StaticMethodCandidate) - sevntu - disabled
* [UnnecessaryParenthesesExtended](#UnnecessaryParenthesesExtended) - sevntu - disabled
* [WhitespaceBeforeArrayInitializer](#WhitespaceBeforeArrayInitializer) - sevntu - disabled
* [WhitespaceBeforeArrayInitializer](#WhitespaceBeforeArrayInitializer) - sevntu - disabled
* [WriteTag](#WriteTag) - checkstyle - disabled
## Enabled Checks
## Enabled Checks
Reference in a new issue