replace rule index list with a table
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 206 additions and 202 deletions
@ -91,200 +91,202 @@ from the previous.
## All Checks
* [AbbreviationAsWordInName](#abbreviationaswordinname) - naming - checkstyle - enabled
* [AbstractClassName](#abstractclassname) - naming - checkstyle - enabled
* [AnnotationLocation](#annotationlocation) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [AnnotationUseStyle](#annotationusestyle) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [AnonInnerLength](#anoninnerlength) - complexity - checkstyle - enabled
* [ArrayTrailingComma](#arraytrailingcomma) - unspecified - checkstyle - disabled
* [ArrayTypeStyle](#arraytypestyle) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [AtclauseOrder](#atclauseorder) - javadoc - checkstyle - enabled
* [AvoidConditionInversion](#avoidconditioninversion) - complexity - sevntu - disabled
* [AvoidConstantAsFirstOperandInCondition](#avoidconstantasfirstoperandincondition) - tweaks - sevntu - enabled
* [AvoidDefaultSerializableInInnerClasses](#avoiddefaultserializableininnerclasses) - complexity - sevntu - disabled
* [AvoidEscapedUnicodeCharacters](#avoidescapedunicodecharacters) - tweaks - checkstyle - enabled
* [AvoidHidingCauseException](#avoidhidingcauseexception) - tweaks - sevntu - enabled
* [AvoidInlineConditionals](#avoidinlineconditionals) - complexity - checkstyle - enabled
* [AvoidModifiersForTypes](#avoidmodifiersfortypes) - unspecified - sevntu - disabled
* [AvoidNestedBlocks](#avoidnestedblocks) - complexity - checkstyle - enabled
* [AvoidNotShortCircuitOperatorsForBoolean](#avoidnotshortcircuitoperatorsforboolean) - tweaks - sevntu - enabled
* [AvoidStarImport](#avoidstarimport) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [AvoidStaticImport](#avoidstaticimport) - complexity - checkstyle - enabled
* [BooleanExpressionComplexity](#booleanexpressioncomplexity) - complexity - checkstyle - enabled
* [CatchParameterName](#catchparametername) - naming - checkstyle - enabled
* [CauseParameterInException](#causeparameterinexception) - tweaks - sevntu - disabled
* [ChildBlockLength](#childblocklength) - complexity - sevntu - disabled
* [ClassDataAbstractionCoupling](#classdataabstractioncoupling) - complexity - checkstyle - enabled
* [ClassFanOutComplexity](#classfanoutcomplexity) - complexity - checkstyle - enabled
* [ClassTypeParameterName](#classtypeparametername) - naming - checkstyle - enabled
* [CommentsIndentation](#commentsindentation) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [ConfusingCondition](#confusingcondition) - complexity - sevntu - enabled
* [ConstantName](#constantname) - naming - checkstyle - enabled - insuppressible
* [ConstructorWithoutParams](#constructorwithoutparams) - complexity - sevntu - enabled
* [CovariantEquals](#covariantequals) - complexity - checkstyle - enabled - insuppressible
* [CustomDeclarationOrder](#customdeclarationorder) - layout - sevntu - disabled
* [CyclomaticComplexity](#cyclomaticcomplexity) - complexity - checkstyle - enabled
* [DeclarationOrder](#declarationorder) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [DefaultComesLast](#defaultcomeslast) - tweaks - checkstyle - enabled
* [DesignForExtension](#designforextension) - complexity - checkstyle - enabled
* [DiamondOperatorForVariableDefinition](#diamondoperatorforvariabledefinition) - tweaks - sevntu - enabled
* [EitherLogOrThrow](#eitherlogorthrow) - tweaks - sevntu - enabled
* [EmptyBlock](#emptyblock) - tweaks - checkstyle - enabled
* [EmptyCatchBlock](#emptycatchblock) - tweaks - checkstyle - enabled
* [EmptyForInitializerPad](#emptyforinitializerpad) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [EmptyForIteratorPad](#emptyforiteratorpad) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [EmptyLineSeparator](#emptylineseparator) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [EmptyPublicCtorInClass](#emptypublicctorinclass) - tweaks - sevntu - disabled
* [EmptyStatement](#emptystatement) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [EnumValueName](#enumvaluename) - naming - sevntu - enabled
* [EqualsAvoidNull](#equalsavoidnull) - tweaks - checkstyle - enabled
* [EqualsHashCode](#equalshashcode) - complexity - checkstyle - enabled - insuppressible
* [ExecutableStatementCount](#executablestatementcount) - complexity - checkstyle - enabled
* [ExplicitInitialization](#explicitinitialization) - tweaks - checkstyle - enabled
* [FallThrough](#fallthrough) - javadoc - checkstyle - enabled
* [FileLength](#filelength) - complexity - checkstyle - enabled
* [FileTabCharacter](#filetabcharacter) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [FinalClass](#finalclass) - complexity - checkstyle - enabled
* [FinalizeImplementation](#finalizeimplementation) - unspecified - sevntu - disabled
* [FinalLocalVariable](#finallocalvariable) - unspecified - checkstyle - disabled
* [FinalParameters](#finalparameters) - tweaks - checkstyle - enabled
* [ForbidAnnotation](#forbidannotation) - unspecified - sevntu - disabled
* [ForbidCCommentsInMethods](#forbidccommentsinmethods) - layout - sevntu - enabled
* [ForbidCertainImports](#forbidcertainimports) - unspecified - sevntu - disabled
* [ForbidInstantiation](#forbidinstantiation) - unspecified - sevntu - disabled
* [ForbidReturnInFinallyBlock](#forbidreturninfinallyblock) - complexity - sevntu - enabled
* [ForbidThrowAnonymousExceptions](#forbidthrowanonymousexceptions) - tweaks - sevntu - disabled
* [ForbidWildcardAsReturnType](#forbidwildcardasreturntype) - complexity - sevntu - enabled
* [GenericWhitespace](#genericwhitespace) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [Header](#header) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [HiddenField](#hiddenfield) - tweaks - checkstyle - enabled
* [HideUtilityClassConstructor](#hideutilityclassconstructor) - tweaks - checkstyle - enabled
* [IllegalCatch](#illegalcatch) - tweaks - checkstyle - enabled
* [IllegalImport](#illegalimport) - tweaks - checkstyle - enabled
* [IllegalInstantiation](#illegalinstantiation) - unspecified - checkstyle - disabled
* [IllegalThrows](#illegalthrows) - tweaks - checkstyle - enabled
* [IllegalToken](#illegaltoken) - tweaks - checkstyle - enabled
* [IllegalTokenText](#illegaltokentext) - unspecified - checkstyle - disabled
* [IllegalType](#illegaltype) - tweaks - checkstyle - enabled
* [ImportControl](#importcontrol) - unspecified - checkstyle - disabled
* [ImportOrder](#importorder) - layout - checkstyle - disabled
* [Indentation](#indentation) - layout - checkstyle - disabled
* [InnerAssignment](#innerassignment) - tweaks - checkstyle - enabled
* [InnerTypeLast](#innertypelast) - tweaks - checkstyle - enabled
* [InterfaceIsType](#interfaceistype) - complexity - checkstyle - enabled
* [InterfaceTypeParameterName](#interfacetypeparametername) - naming - checkstyle - enabled
* [JavadocMethod](#javadocmethod) - javadoc - checkstyle - enabled
* [JavadocPackage](#javadocpackage) - javadoc - checkstyle - enabled
* [JavadocParagraph](#javadocparagraph) - javadoc - checkstyle - enabled
* [JavadocStyle](#javadocstyle) - javadoc - checkstyle - enabled
* [JavadocTagContinuationIndentation](#javadoctagcontinuationindentation) - layout - checkstyle - disabled
* [JavadocType](#javadoctype) - javadoc - checkstyle - enabled
* [JavadocVariable](#javadocvariable) - javadoc - checkstyle - disabled
* [JavaNCSS](#javancss) - complexity - checkstyle - enabled
* [LeftCurly](#leftcurly) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [LineLength](#linelength) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [LocalFinalVariableName](#localfinalvariablename) - naming - checkstyle - enabled
* [LocalVariableName](#localvariablename) - naming - checkstyle - enabled
* [LogicConditionNeedOptimization](#logicconditionneedoptimization) - tweaks - sevntu - enabled
* [MagicNumber](#magicnumber) - naming - checkstyle - enabled
* [MapIterationInForEachLoop](#mapiterationinforeachloop) - complexity - sevntu - enabled
* [MemberName](#membername) - naming - checkstyle - enabled
* [MethodCount](#methodcount) - complexity - checkstyle - enabled
* [MethodLength](#methodlength) - complexity - checkstyle - enabled
* [MethodName](#methodname) - naming - checkstyle - enabled
* [MethodParamPad](#methodparampad) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [MethodTypeParameterName](#methodtypeparametername) - naming - checkstyle - enabled
* [MissingCtor](#missingctor) - tweaks - checkstyle - disabled
* [MissingDeprecated](#missingdeprecated) - javadoc - checkstyle - enabled
* [MissingOverride](#missingoverride) - tweaks - checkstyle - disabled
* [MissingSwitchDefault](#missingswitchdefault) - tweaks - checkstyle - enabled
* [ModifiedControlVariable](#modifiedcontrolvariable) - tweaks - checkstyle - enabled
* [ModifierOrder](#modifierorder) - naming - checkstyle - enabled
* [MultipleStringLiterals](#multiplestringliterals) - naming - checkstyle - enabled
* [MultipleVariableDeclarations](#multiplevariabledeclarations) - naming - checkstyle - enabled
* [MutableException](#mutableexception) - tweaks - checkstyle - enabled
* [NameConventionForJunit4TestClasses](#nameconventionforjunit4testclasses) - naming - sevntu - enabled
* [NeedBraces](#needbraces) - naming - checkstyle - enabled
* [NestedForDepth](#nestedfordepth) - complexity - checkstyle - enabled
* [NestedIfDepth](#nestedifdepth) - complexity - checkstyle - enabled
* [NestedSwitch](#nestedswitch) - complexity - sevntu - enabled
* [NestedTryDepth](#nestedtrydepth) - complexity - checkstyle - enabled
* [NewlineAtEndOfFile](#newlineatendoffile) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [NoClone](#noclone) - tweaks - checkstyle - enabled - insuppressible
* [NoFinalizer](#nofinalizer) - tweaks - checkstyle - enabled
* [NoLineWrap](#nolinewrap) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [NoMainMethodInAbstractClass](#nomainmethodinabstractclass) - tweaks - sevntu - enabled
* [NonEmptyAtclauseDescription](#nonemptyatclausedescription) - javadoc - checkstyle - enabled
* [NoWhitespaceAfter](#nowhitespaceafter) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [NoWhitespaceBefore](#nowhitespacebefore) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [NPathComplexity](#npathcomplexity) - complexity - checkstyle - enabled
* [NumericLiteralNeedsUnderscore](#numericliteralneedsunderscore) - naming - sevntu - enabled
* [OneStatementPerLine](#onestatementperline) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [OneTopLevelClass](#onetoplevelclass) - tweaks - checkstyle - enabled - insuppressible
* [OperatorWrap](#operatorwrap) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [OuterTypeFilename](#outertypefilename) - tweaks - checkstyle - enabled - insuppressible
* [OuterTypeNumber](#outertypenumber) - tweaks - checkstyle - disabled
* [OverloadMethodsDeclarationOrder](#overloadmethodsdeclarationorder) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [OverridableMethodInConstructor](#overridablemethodinconstructor) - tweaks - sevntu - enabled
* [PackageAnnotation](#packageannotation) - tweaks - checkstyle - enabled
* [PackageDeclaration](#packagedeclaration) - javadoc - checkstyle - enabled - insuppressible
* [PackageName](#packagename) - naming - checkstyle - enabled
* [ParameterAssignment](#parameterassignment) - tweaks - checkstyle - disabled
* [ParameterName](#parametername) - naming - checkstyle - enabled
* [ParameterNumber](#parameternumber) - complexity - checkstyle - enabled
* [ParenPad](#parenpad) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [PublicReferenceToPrivateType](#publicreferencetoprivatetype) - tweaks - sevntu - enabled
* [RedundantImport](#redundantimport) - layout - checkstyle - disabled
* [RedundantModifier](#redundantmodifier) - tweaks - checkstyle - enabled
* [RedundantReturn](#redundantreturn) - tweaks - sevntu - enabled
* [Regexp](#regexp) - unspecified - checkstyle - disabled
* [RegexpHeader](#regexpheader) - unspecified - checkstyle - disabled
* [RegexpMultiline](#regexpmultiline) - unspecified - checkstyle - disabled
* [RegexpOnFilename](#regexponfilename) - unspecified - checkstyle - disabled
* [RegexpSingleline](#regexpsingleline) - unspecified - checkstyle - disabled
* [RegexpSinglelineJava](#regexpsinglelinejava) - unspecified - checkstyle - disabled
* [RequiredParameterForAnnotation](#requiredparameterforannotation) - unspecified - sevntu - disabled
* [RequireThis](#requirethis) - tweaks - checkstyle - enabled
* [ReturnBooleanFromTernary](#returnbooleanfromternary) - tweaks - sevntu - enabled
* [ReturnCount](#returncount) - complexity - checkstyle - enabled
* [ReturnNullInsteadOfBoolean](#returnnullinsteadofboolean) - tweaks - sevntu - enabled
* [RightCurly](#rightcurly) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [SeparatorWrap](#separatorwrap) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [SimpleAccessorNameNotation](#simpleaccessornamenotation) - naming - sevntu - enabled
* [SimplifyBooleanExpression](#simplifybooleanexpression) - complexity - checkstyle - enabled
* [SimplifyBooleanReturn](#simplifybooleanreturn) - complexity - checkstyle - enabled
* [SingleBreakOrContinue](#singlebreakorcontinue) - tweaks - sevntu - enabled
* [SingleLineJavadoc](#singlelinejavadoc) - javadoc - checkstyle - disabled
* [SingleSpaceSeparator](#singlespaceseparator) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [StaticMethodCandidate](#staticmethodcandidate) - unspecified - sevntu - disabled
* [StaticVariableName](#staticvariablename) - naming - checkstyle - enabled
* [StringLiteralEquality](#stringliteralequality) - tweaks - checkstyle - enabled
* [SummaryJavadoc](#summaryjavadoc) - javadoc - checkstyle - disabled
* [SuperClone](#superclone) - tweaks - checkstyle - disabled
* [SuperFinalize](#superfinalize) - tweaks - checkstyle - disabled
* [SuppressWarnings](#suppresswarnings) - naming - checkstyle - enabled
* [SuppressWarningsHolder](#suppresswarningsholder) - naming - checkstyle - enabled
* [TernaryPerExpressionCount](#ternaryperexpressioncount) - tweaks - sevntu - enabled
* [ThrowsCount](#throwscount) - complexity - checkstyle - enabled
* [TodoComment](#todocomment) - javadoc - checkstyle - enabled
* [TrailingComment](#trailingcomment) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [Translation](#translation) - javadoc - checkstyle - enabled
* [TypecastParenPad](#typecastparenpad) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [TypeName](#typename) - naming - checkstyle - enabled - insuppressible
* [UncommentedMain](#uncommentedmain) - javadoc - checkstyle - enabled
* [UniformEnumConstantName](#uniformenumconstantname) - naming - sevntu - enabled
* [UniqueProperties](#uniqueproperties) - javadoc - checkstyle - enabled
* [UnnecessaryParentheses](#unnecessaryparentheses) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [UnusedImports](#unusedimports) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [UpperEll](#upperell) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [UselessSingleCatch](#uselesssinglecatch) - tweaks - sevntu - enabled
* [UselessSuperCtorCall](#uselesssuperctorcall) - tweaks - sevntu - enabled
* [VariableDeclarationUsageDistance](#variabledeclarationusagedistance) - tweaks - checkstyle - enabled
* [VisibilityModifier](#visibilitymodifier) - tweaks - checkstyle - enabled - insuppressible
* [WhitespaceAfter](#whitespaceafter) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [WhitespaceAround](#whitespacearound) - layout - checkstyle - enabled
* [WhitespaceBeforeArrayInitializer](#whitespacebeforearrayinitializer) - layout - sevntu - disabled
* [WriteTag](#writetag) - unspecified - checkstyle - disabled
## Enabled Checks
@ -61,15 +61,18 @@ class ReadmeWriter implements CommandLineRunner {
public void run(final String... args) throws Exception {
final String readmeTemplate = readFile(templateProperties.getReadmeTemplate());
final String indexHeader =
"Rule|Level|Source|Enabled|Suppressable\n" + "----|-----|------|-------|------------\n";
final String index = ruleIndex();
final String enabledCheckstyle = readmeRules(this::isEnabledCheckstyleRule);
final String enabledSevntu = readmeRules(this::isEnabledSevntuRule);
final String disabledCheckstyle = readmeRules(this::isDisabledCheckstyleRule);
final String disabledSevntu = readmeRules(this::isDisabledSevntuRule);
final byte[] readme = String.format(readmeTemplate, index, enabledCheckstyle, enabledSevntu, disabledCheckstyle,
final byte[] readme =
String.format(readmeTemplate, indexHeader + index, enabledCheckstyle, enabledSevntu, disabledCheckstyle,
Files.write(outputProperties.getReadme(), readme, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING);
@ -92,10 +95,9 @@ class ReadmeWriter implements CommandLineRunner {
final String source = rule.getSource()
final String enabled = rule.isEnabled() ? "enabled" : "disabled";
final String insuppressible = rule.isInsuppressible() ? " - insuppressible" : "";
return String.format(
"* [%s](#%s) - %s - %s - %s%s", rule.getName(), ruleLink, level, source, enabled, insuppressible);
final String enabled = rule.isEnabled() ? "Yes" : "";
final String insuppressible = rule.isInsuppressible() ? "No" : "";
return String.format("[%s](#%s)|%s|%s|%s|%s", rule.getName(), ruleLink, level, source, enabled, insuppressible);
private boolean isEnabledSevntuRule(final Rule rule) {
Add table
Reference in a new issue