CHANGELOG ========= 3.1.0 ----- * Upgrade checkstyle to 7.8 * Upgrade sevntu to 1.24.0 * Add Rule: MoveVariableInsideIf * Add Rule: ForbidWildcardAsReturnType * Add Wercker CI * Add Shippable CI 3.0.1 ----- * Add travis deploy to nexus 3.0.0 ----- * BREAKING: Replace goals for plugin: use 'check' and configuration/level (see * Rules are properly listed in alphabetically * Add unit tests for plugin 2.3.0 ----- * Add org.immutables:value compatibility for level 5-complexity (disable ForbidWildcardAsReturn) * Upgrade checkstyle to 7.6.1 2.2.0 ----- * Upgrade sevntu to 1.23.1 * Upgrade checkstyle to 7.6 * Detect sync conflicts 2.1.3 ----- * Change required pom dependency * Only apply checks to code in: src/main/java * Replace parent pom with kemitix-parent:2.4.0 * Remove dependency on kemitix-checkstyle-ruleset-maven-plugin for builder module 2.1.2 ----- * Use the plugin version to find plugin's own pom 2.1.1 ----- * Load plugin dependency versions from the plugin's own pom * Cross-platform build 2.1.0 ----- * Upgrade dependencies, including checkstyle to 7.5.1 2.0.3 ----- * plugin-sample: Add distributionManagement 2.0.2 ----- * Add distributionManagement to parent 2.0.1 ----- * ruleset: restore properties used in release profile 2.0.0 ------ * Split ruleset into 5 levels * Provide plugin to simplify use 0.1.0 ------ * Initial Release 1.0.0 ------ * LineLength: allow lines up to 120 characters * AtclauseOrder: use order forced by IntelliJ * JavadocMethod: now required on protected and package methods * JavadocType: require @author tag in name (email) format * JavaNCSS: restrict limits another 20% * MethodLength: reduced to max 40 lines * ModifiedControlVariable: don't apply to enhanced for loops * NestedTryDepth: prevent any nesting of try blocks * NoWhiteSpaceAfter: prevent dot separator (.) from being the last character on line * NPathComplexity: reduce to 5 to match CyclomaticComplexity * PackageName: restrict to lowercase letters and numbers * ParameterNumber: don't apply to @Overridden methods * EitherLogOrThrow: support java.util.logging.Logger * TodoComment: only match against comments * IllegalType: recognise more classes from Collections * Remove checks: RedundantImport, ForbidThrowAnonymousExceptions, AvoidConditionInversionCheck and FinalLocalVariable * Added checks: AvoidInlineConditionals, EqualsAvoidNull, FinalLocalVariable, Header, IllegalToken, InterfaceTypeParameterName, MethodTypeParameterName, NoFinalizer, NoLineWrap, PackageAnnotation, RequireThis, SuppressWarnings, Translation, UncommentedMain and UniqueProperties