KEMITIX-PARENT ============== This Maven Parent POM several preconfigured plugins. ### Usage #### Maven net.kemitix kemitix-parent RELEASE ## Versions If you want to override the version or configuration values of any of the plugins configured by this parent, you can set the following properties to the desired value. property|value --------|-------------|UTF-8 project.reporting.outputEncoding|UTF-8|target maven-javadoc-plugin.version|2.10.4 maven-source-plugin.version|3.0.1 maven-gpg-plugin.version|1.6 maven-deploy-plugin.version|2.8.2 maven-checkstyle-plugin.version|2.17 checkstyle.version|7.1.1 sevntu-checkstyle-maven-plugin.version|1.21.0 kemitix-checkstyle-ruleset.version|1.0.0 maven-compiler-plugin.version|3.5.1 maven-surefire-plugin.version|2.19.1 maven-failsafe-plugin.version|2.19.1 maven-pmd-plugin.version|3.6 findbugs-maven-plugin.version|3.0.4 jacoco-maven-plugin.version| highwheel-maven.version|1.2 maven-project-info-reports-plugin.version|2.9 maven-jxr-plugin.version|2.5 jacoco-class-line-covered-ratio|0.50 jacoco-class-instruction-covered-ratio|0.80 jacoco-class-missed-count-maximum|0 ## Maven Checkstyle Plugin The [Maven Checkstyle Plugin]( uses the latest version of the Checkstyle library ([Release Notes]( and the [Sevntu]( library. As from version 2.0.0 you no longer provide a `checkstyle.xml` file. Any file you provide will be ignored unless you re-configure the maven-checkstyle-plugin yourself. The ruleset that will be used is defined in [kemitix-checkstyle-ruleset]( See that project's `` file for details on the ruleset. ### Configuration Ref [checkstyle:check]( * configLocation: [checkstyle.xml]( * consoleOutput: true * encoding: UTF-8 * failOnViolation: true * failOnError: true * linkXRef: true ## Maven Compiler Plugin The [Maven Compiler Plugin]( compiles your sources. ### Configuration Ref: [compile:compile]( * showDeprecation: true * showWarnings: true * source: 1.8 * target: 1.8 ## Maven Surefire Plugin The [Maven Surefire Plugin]( runs your Unit Tests. ### Configuration No configuration applied beyond the defaults. ## Maven Failsafe Plugin The [Maven Failsafe Plugin]( runs your Integration Tests. Runs its [integration-test]( goal during the `verify` phase. ### Configuration No configuration applied beyond the defaults. ## Maven PMD Plugin The [Maven PMD Plugin]( runs the [PMD]( code analysis. Runs its [pmd]( and [cpd]( goals during the `verify` phase. ### Configuration No configuration applied beyond the defaults. ## Findbugs Maven Plugin The [Findbugs Maven Plugin]( runs the [Findbugs]( code analysis. Runs its [check]( goal during the `verify` phase. ### Configuration No configuration applied beyond the defaults. ## Jacoco Maven Plugin The [Jacoco Maven Plugin]( provides code coverage analysis after your tests have run. ### Configuration #### Classes For each class not excluded the Lines Covered Ratio must be at least 50%. For each class not excluded the Instructions Covered Ration must be at least 80%. Excluded from analysis: * `*Test` - test classes ## Maven Source Plugin The [Maven Source Plugin]( bundles your sources into a jar file ready for deployment. Runs its [jar-no-fork]( goal during the `verify` phase. ### Configuration No configuration applied beyond the defaults. ## Maven Javadoc Plugin The [Maven Javadoc Plugin]( generates your html javadocs and bundles them into a jar file ready for deployment. Runs its [jar-no-fork]( goal during the `verify` phase. ### Configuration No configuration applied beyond the defaults. ## Maven Deploy Plugin The [Maven Deploy Plugin]( uploads your artifacts to a remote repository. ### Configuration No configuration applied beyond the defaults. ## Maven JXR Plugin The [Maven JXR Plugin]( produces cross-referenced HTML pages of your source code. ### Configuration No configuration applied beyond the defaults. ## Highwheel Plugin The [Highwheel Plugin]( generates a report for packages and classes at `target/highwheel/index.html` that highlights where there are cyclic dependencies between packages and between classes. ### Configuration The plugin will `analyse` the project during the `verify` phase. ## Digraph Dependency Plugin The [Digraph Dependency Plugin]( generates a DOT file diagram showing the dependencies between packages in a project. ### Configuration The plugin will generate the `target/` file during the `verify` phase. The plugin will filter to packages within the `net.kemitix` package namespace. # Distribution Management Remote repositories are provided for the Sonatype Nexus Snapshots and Nexus Release Repositories. See the [OSSRH Guide]( for information on how to deploy your artifact the Maven Central through Sonatype. ### Changing the Build Directory If you want to change the build directory, e.g. from your settings.xml to an SSD or ram drive, then set the value of the `` to your required locations. e.g. ` /mnt/ramdrive/${project.groupId}/${project.artifactId} `