KEMITIX-PARENT ============== This Maven Parent POM several preconfigured plugins. ### Usage #### Maven net.kemitix kemitix-parent RELEASE ## Versions If you want to override the version or configuration values of any of the plugins configured by this parent, you can set the following properties to the desired value. * * project.reporting.outputEncoding * * kemitix-quality-maven-plugin.version * lombok.version * maven-javadoc-plugin.version * maven-source-plugin.version * maven-gpg-plugin.version * maven-deploy-plugin.version * maven-compiler-plugin.version * maven-surefire-plugin.version * maven-failsafe-plugin.version * maven-jxr-plugin.version * java.version * versions.version * coveralls-maven-plugin.version ## Kemitix Quality The [kemitix-quality-maven-plugin]( provides several preconfigured quality related plugins. N.B. The Kemitix Quality plugin required 100% code instruction coverage and mutation ratio. See the project page for details of adjusting these levels if needed. ## Maven Compiler Plugin The [Maven Compiler Plugin]( compiles your sources. ### Configuration Ref: [compile:compile]( * showDeprecation: true * showWarnings: true * source: ${java.version} * target: ${java.version} * encoding: ${} ## Maven Surefire Plugin The [Maven Surefire Plugin]( runs your Unit Tests. ### Configuration No configuration applied beyond the defaults. ## Maven Failsafe Plugin The [Maven Failsafe Plugin]( runs your Integration Tests. Runs its [integration-test]( goal during the `verify` phase. ### Configuration No configuration applied beyond the defaults. ## Maven Source Plugin The [Maven Source Plugin]( bundles your sources into a jar file ready for deployment. Runs its [jar-no-fork]( goal during the `verify` phase. ### Configuration No configuration applied beyond the defaults. ## Maven Javadoc Plugin The [Maven Javadoc Plugin]( generates your html javadocs and bundles them into a jar file ready for deployment. Runs its [jar]( goal during the `verify` phase. ### Configuration No configuration applied beyond the defaults. ## Maven Deploy Plugin The [Maven Deploy Plugin]( uploads your artifacts to a remote repository. ### Configuration No configuration applied beyond the defaults. ## Maven JXR Plugin The [Maven JXR Plugin]( produces cross-referenced HTML pages of your source code. ### Configuration No configuration applied beyond the defaults. ## Coveralls The [Coveralls Maven Plugin]( publishes coverage data to ### Configuration The plugin is not configured to run automatically. It must be initiated manually: ```shell mvn -P release test jacoco:report coveralls:report ``` #### Requirements In order to use the plugin: * *must* enable the `release` profile # Distribution Management Remote repositories are provided for the Sonatype Nexus Snapshots and Nexus Release Repositories. See the [OSSRH Guide]( for information on how to deploy your artifact the Maven Central through Sonatype. ### Changing the Build Directory If you want to change the build directory, e.g. from your settings.xml to an SSD or ram drive, then set the value of the `` to your required locations. e.g. ` /mnt/ramdrive/${project.groupId}/${project.artifactId} `