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+# Mon
+Wrapper, TypeAlias, Result, Lazy, Maybe and combinators for Java.
+![GitHub release (latest by date)](
+![GitHub Release Date](
+- [Maven Usage](#Maven-Usage)
+- [Wrapper](#Wrapper)
+- [TypeAlias](#TypeAlias)
+- [Maybe](#Maybe)
+- [Result](#Result)
+- [Tree](#Tree)
+## Maven Usage
+``` xml
+ net.kemitix
+ mon
+ ${mon.version}
+## Wrapper
+A simple `@FunctionalInterface` that contains a value. Can be used to implement
+a form of type-alias in Java.
+In Haskell, it is possible to create an alias for a Type, and to then use
+that alias with the same behaviour as the original, except that the compiler
+doesn't treat the alias as the same Type and will generate compiler errors
+if you try to use them together. e.g.:
+``` haskell
+newtype PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber String
+newtype Name = Name String
+newtype PhoneBookEntry = PhoneBookEntry (Name, PhoneNumber)
+newtype PhoneBook = PhoneBook [PhoneBookEntry]
+In Java, we don't have the ability to have that true alias, so `Wrapper` simply
+wraps the value within a new type. It's as close as I could get to a Haskell
+type alias in Java.
+The benefits of using `Wrapper` in this way are:
+- encapsulation of the wrapped type when passing references through code
+ that doesn't need to access the actual value, but only to pass it on
+- type-safe parameters where you would otherwise be passing generic `String`s,
+ `Integer`s, `List`s, or other general classes
+- less verbose than implementing your own
+### Example
+``` java
+interface PhoneNumber extends Wrapper {}
+PhoneNumber pn = () -> "01234 567890";
+String v = pn.value();
+### Instance Methods
+#### `T value()`
+Returns the value in the `Wrapper`.
+## TypeAlias
+This was a precursor to `Wrapper` and should be considered deprecated. It is
+also a form of wrapper, but is also a Monadic wrapper, unlike `Wrapper`.
+### Example
+``` java
+class PhoneNumber extends TypeAlias {
+ private PhoneNumber(final String value) {
+ super(value);
+ }
+ public static PhoneNumber of(final String phoneNumber) {
+ return new PhoneNumber(phoneNumber);
+ }
+PhoneNumber pn = PhoneNumber.of("01234 567890");
+String v = pn.getValue();
+### Instance Methods
+#### `final R map(final Function f)`
+Map the `TypeAlias` into another value.
+``` java
+StudentId studentId = StudentId.of(123);
+String idString = studentId.map(id -> String.valueOf(id));
+class StudentId extends TypeAlias {
+ private StudentId(Integer value) {
+ super(value);
+ }
+ static StudentId of(Integer id) {
+ return new StudentId(id);
+ }
+#### `final > U flatMap(final Function f)`
+Map the `TypeAlias` into another `TypeAlias`.
+``` java
+StudentId studentId = StudentId.of(123);
+StudentName studentName = studentId.flatMap(id -> getStudentName(id));
+class StudentName extends TypeAlias {
+ private StudentName(String value) {
+ super(value);
+ }
+ static StudentName of(final String name) {
+ return new StudentName(name);
+ }
+#### `T getValue()`
+Get the value of the `TypeAlias`.
+``` java
+String name = studentName.getValue();
+## Maybe
+Allows specifying that a value may or may not be present. Similar to
+`Optional`. `Maybe` provides additional methods that `Optional` doesn't (as of
+Java 8): `isNothing()`, `stream()`, `ifNothing()` and `match()`. `Maybe` does
+not have a `get()` method.
+`Maybe` is a Monad.
+Unlike `Optional`, when a `map()` results in a `null`, the `Maybe` will
+continue to be a `Just` (i.e. have a value - that value is `null`). `Optional`
+would switch to being empty.
+### Example
+``` java
+import net.kemitix.mon.maybe.Maybe;
+import java.util.function.Function;
+import java.util.function.Predicate;
+class MaybeExample {
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ Maybe.just(countArgs(args))
+ .filter(isEven())
+ .map(validMessage())
+ .match(
+ just -> System.out.println(just),
+ () -> System.out.println("Not an valid value")
+ );
+ }
+ private static Function validMessage() {
+ return v -> String.format("Value %d is even", v);
+ }
+ private static Predicate isEven() {
+ return v -> v % 2 == 0;
+ }
+ private static Integer countArgs(String[] args) {
+ return args.length;
+ }
+In the above example, the number of command line arguments are counted, if
+there are an even number of them then a message is created and printed by
+the `Consumer` parameter in the `match` call. If there is an odd number of
+arguments, then the filter will return `Maybe.nothing()`, meaning that the
+`nothing` drops straight through the `map` and triggers the `Runnable` parameter
+in the `match` call.
+### Static Constructors
+#### `static Maybe maybe(T value)`
+Create a Maybe for the value that may or may not be present.
+Where the value is `null`, that is taken as not being present.
+``` java
+Maybe just = Maybe.maybe(1);
+Maybe nothing = Maybe.maybe(null);
+#### `static Maybe just(T value)`
+Create a `Maybe` for the value that is present.
+The `value` must not be `null` or a `NullPointerException` will be thrown.
+``` java
+Maybe just = Maybe.just(1);
+#### `static Maybe nothing()`
+Create a `Maybe` for a lack of a value.
+``` java
+Maybe nothing = Maybe.nothing();
+#### `static Maybe findFirst(Stream stream)`
+Creates a `Maybe` from the first item in the stream, or nothing if the stream
+is empty.
+``` java
+Maybe just3 = Maybe.findFirst(Stream.of(3, 4, 2, 4));
+Maybe nothing = Maybe.findFirst(Stream.empty());
+### Instance Methods
+#### `Maybe filter(Predicate predicate)`
+Filter a Maybe by the predicate, replacing with Nothing when it fails.
+``` java
+Maybe maybe = Maybe.maybe(getValue())
+ .filter(v -> v % 2 == 0);
+#### ` Maybe map(Function f)`
+Applies the function to the value within the `Maybe`, returning the result
+within another `Maybe`.
+``` java
+Maybe maybe = Maybe.maybe(getValue())
+ .map(v -> v * 100);
+#### ` Maybe flatMap(Function> f)`
+Applies the function to the value within the `Maybe`, resulting in another
+`Maybe`, then flattens the resulting `Maybe>` into `Maybe`.
+``` java
+Maybe maybe = Maybe.maybe(getValue())
+ .flatMap(v -> Maybe.maybe(getValueFor(v)));
+#### `void match(Consumer just, Runnable nothing)`
+Matches the `Maybe`, either to `just` or `nothing`, and performs either the
+`Consumer`, for a `Just` value, or the `Runnable` for a `Nothing` value.
+``` java
+ .match(
+ just -> workWithValue(just),
+ () -> nothingToWorkWith()
+ );
+#### ` R matchValue(Function justMatcher, Supplier nothingMatcher)`
+Matches the `Maybe`, either `Just` or `Nothing`, and performs either the
+`Function`, for a `Just` value, or the `Supplier` for a `Nothing` value,
+returning the result.
+``` java
+String value = Maybe.maybe(getValue())
+ .matchValue(
+ just -> Integer.toString(just),
+ () -> "nothing"
+ );
+#### `T orElse(T otherValue)`
+A value to use when the `Maybe` is `Nothing`.
+``` java
+Integer value = Maybe.maybe(getValue())
+ .orElse(1);
+#### `T orElseGet(Supplier otherValueSupplier)`
+Provide a value to use when the `Maybe` is `Nothing`.
+``` java
+Integer value = Maybe.maybe(getValue())
+ .orElseGet(() -> getDefaultValue());
+#### `T or(Supplier alternative)`
+Provide an alternative `Maybe` to use when the `Maybe` is `Nothing`.
+``` java
+Maybe value = Maybe.maybe(getValue())
+ .or(() -> Maybe.just(defaultValue));
+#### `void orElseThrow(Supplier error)`
+Throw the exception if the `Maybe` is `Nothing`.
+``` java
+Integer value = Maybe.maybe(getValue())
+ .orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("error"));
+#### `Maybe peek(Consumer consumer)`
+Provide the value within the `Maybe`, if it exists, to the `Consumer`, and
+returns the original `Maybe`.
+``` java
+Maybe maybe = Maybe.maybe(getValue())
+ .peek(v -> v.foo());
+#### `void ifNothing(Runnable runnable)`
+Run the `Runnable` if the `Maybe` is `Nothing`, otherwise do nothing.
+``` java
+ .ifNothing(() -> doSomething());
+#### `Stream stream()`
+Converts the `Maybe` into either a single value stream or an empty stream.
+``` java
+Stream stream = Maybe.maybe(getValue())
+ .stream();
+#### `boolean isJust()`
+Checks if the `Maybe` is a `Just`.
+``` java
+boolean isJust = Maybe.maybe(getValue())
+ .isJust();
+#### `boolean isNothing()`
+Checks if the `Maybe` is `Nothing`.
+``` java
+boolean isNothing = Maybe.maybe(getValue())
+ .isNothing();
+#### `Optional toOptional()`
+Convert the `Maybe` to an `Optional`.
+``` java
+Optional optional = Maybe.maybe(getValue())
+ .toOptional();
+## Result
+Allows handling error conditions without the need to `catch` exceptions.
+When a `Result` is returned from a method, it will contain one of two values.
+Either the actual result, or an error in the form of an `Exception`. The
+exception is returned within the `Result` and is not thrown.
+`Result` is a Monad.
+### Example
+``` java
+import net.kemitix.mon.result.Result;
+import java.io.IOException;
+class ResultExample implements Runnable {
+ public static void main(final String[] args) {
+ new ResultExample().run();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void run() {
+ Result.of(() -> callRiskyMethod())
+ .flatMap(state -> doSomething(state))
+ .match(
+ success -> System.out.println(success),
+ error -> error.printStackTrace()
+ );
+ }
+ private String callRiskyMethod() throws IOException {
+ return "I'm fine";
+ }
+ private Result doSomething(final String state) {
+ return Result.of(() -> state + ", it's all good.");
+ }
+In the above example the string `"I'm fine"` is returned by
+`callRiskyMethod()` within a successful `Result`. The `.flatMap()` call,
+unwraps that `Result` and, as it is a success, passes the contents to
+`doSomething()`, which in turn returns a `Result` that the `.flatMap()` call
+returns. `match()` is called on the `Result` and, being a success, will call
+the success `Consumer`.
+Had `callRiskyMethod()` thrown an exception it would have been caught by the
+`Result.of()` method, which would then return an error `Result`. An error
+`Result` would skip the `flatMap` and continue at the `match()` where it
+would have called the error `Consumer`.
+### Static Constructors
+#### `static Result of(Callable callable)`
+Create a `Result` for the output of the `Callable`.
+If the `Callable` throws an `Exception`, then the `Result` will be an error and
+will contain that exception.
+This will be the main starting point for most `Result`s where the callable
+could throw an `Exception`.
+``` java
+Result okay = Result.of(() -> 1);
+Result error = Result.of(() -> {throw new RuntimeException();});
+#### `static Result ok(T value)`
+Create a `Result` for a success.
+Use this where you have a value that you want to place into the `Result` context.
+``` java
+Result okay = Result.ok(1);
+#### `static Result error(Throwable error)`
+Create a `Result` for an error.
+``` java
+Result error = Result.error(new RuntimeException());
+### Static Methods
+These static methods provide integration with the `Maybe` class.
+#### `static Maybe toMaybe(Result result)`
+Creates a `Maybe` from the `Result`, where the `Result` is a success, then
+the `Maybe` will be a `Just` contain the value of the `Result`. However, if the
+`Result` is an error, then the `Maybe` will be `Nothing`.
+``` java
+Result result = Result.of(() -> getValue());
+Maybe maybe = Result.toMaybe(result);
+#### `static Result fromMaybe(Maybe maybe, Supplier error)`
+Creates a `Result` from the `Maybe`, where the `Result` will be an error
+if the `Maybe` is nothing. Where the `Maybe` is nothing, then the
+`Supplier` will provide the error for the `Result`.
+``` java
+Maybe maybe = Maybe.maybe(getValue());
+Result result = Result.fromMaybe(maybe,
+ () -> new NoSuchFileException("filename"));
+#### `static Result> invert(Maybe> maybeResult)`
+Swaps the `Result` within a `Maybe`, so that `Result` contains a `Maybe`.
+``` java
+Maybe> maybe = Maybe.maybe(Result.of(() -> getValue()));
+Result> result = Result.invert(maybe);
+#### `static Result> flatMapMaybe(Result> maybeResult, Function,Result>> f)`
+Applies the function to the contents of a `Maybe` within the `Result`.
+``` java
+Result> result = Result.of(() -> Maybe.maybe(getValue()));
+Result> maybeResult = Result.flatMapMaybe(result,
+ maybe -> Result.of(() -> maybe.map(v -> v * 2)));
+### Instance Methods
+#### ` Result map(Function f)`
+If the `Result` is a success, then apply the function to the value within the
+`Result`, returning the result within another `Result`. If the `Result` is an
+error, then return the error.
+``` java
+Result result = Result.of(() -> getValue())
+ .map(v -> String.valueOf(v));
+#### ` Result flatMap(Function> f)`
+If the `Result` is a success, then return a new `Result` containing the result
+of applying the function to the contents of the `Result`. If the `Result` is an
+error, then return the error.
+``` java
+Result result =
+ Result.of(() -> getValue())
+ .flatMap(v -> Result.of(() -> String.valueOf(v)));
+#### ` Result andThen(Function> f)`
+Maps a successful `Result` to another `Result` using a `Callable` that is able
+to throw a checked exception.
+``` java
+Result result =
+ Result.of(() -> getValue())
+ .andThen(v -> () -> {throw new IOException();});
+#### `void match(Consumer onSuccess, Consumer onError)`
+Matches the `Result`, either success or error, and supplies the appropriate
+`Consumer` with the value or error.
+``` java
+Result.of(() -> getValue())
+ .match(
+ success -> System.out.println(success),
+ error -> System.err.println(error.getMessage())
+ );
+#### `Result recover(Function> f)`
+Provide a way to attempt to recover from an error state.
+``` java
+Result result = Result.of(() -> getValue())
+ .recover(e -> Result.of(() -> getSafeValue(e)));
+#### `Result peek(Consumer consumer)`
+Provide the value within the Result, if it is a success, to the `Consumer`,
+and returns this Result.
+``` java
+Result result = Result.of(() -> getValue())
+ .peek(v -> System.out.println(v));
+#### `Result thenWith(Function> f)`
+Perform the continuation with the current `Result` value then return the
+current `Result`, assuming there was no error in the continuation.
+``` java
+Result result =
+ Result.of(() -> getValue())
+ .thenWith(v -> () -> System.out.println(v))
+ .thenWith(v -> () -> {throw new IOException();});
+#### `Result> maybe(Predicate predicate)
+Wraps the value within the `Result` in a `Maybe`, either a `Just` if the
+predicate is true, or `Nothing`.
+``` java
+Result> result = Result.of(() -> getValue())
+ .maybe(v -> v % 2 == 0);
+#### `T orElseThrow()`
+Extracts the successful value from the `Result`, or throws the error
+within a `CheckedErrorResultException`.
+``` java
+Integer result = Result.of(() -> getValue())
+ .orElseThrow();
+#### ` T orElseThrow(Class type) throws E`
+Extracts the successful value from the `Result`, or throws the error when it
+is of the given type. Any other errors will be thrown inside an
+``` java
+Integer result = Result.of(() -> getValue())
+ .orElseThrow(IOException.class);
+#### `T orElseThrowUnchecked()`
+Extracts the successful value from the `Result`, or throws the error within
+an `ErrorResultException`.
+``` java
+Integer result = Result.of(() -> getValue())
+ .orElseThrowUnchecked();
+#### `void onError(Consumer errorConsumer)`
+A handler for error states. If the `Result` is an error, then supply the error
+to the `Consumer`. Does nothing if the `Result` is a success.
+``` java
+Result.of(() -> getValue())
+ .onError(e -> handleError(e));
+#### `boolean isOkay()`
+Checks if the `Result` is a success.
+``` java
+boolean isOkay = Result.of(() -> getValue())
+ .isOkay();
+#### `boolean isError()`
+Checks if the `Result` is an error.
+``` java
+boolean isError = Result.of(() -> getValue())
+ .isError();
+## Tree
+A Generalised tree, where each node may or may not have an item, and may have
+any number of sub-trees. Leaf nodes are Trees with zero sub-trees.
+### Static Constructors
+#### `static Tree leaf(R item)`
+Create a leaf containing the item. The leaf has no sub-trees.
+``` java
+Tree tree = Tree.leaf("item");
+#### `static Tree of(R item, Collection> subtrees)`
+Create a tree containing the item and sub-trees.
+``` java
+Tree tree = Tree.of("item", Collections.singletonList(Tree.leaf("leaf"));
+#### `static TreeBuilder builder(final Class type)`
+Create a new `TreeBuilder` starting with an empty tree.
+``` java
+TreeBuilder builder = Tree.builder(Integer.class);
+#### `static TreeBuilder builder(final Tree tree)`
+Create a new `TreeBuilder` for the given tree.
+``` java
+Tree tree = ...;
+TreeBuilder builder = Tree.builder(tree);
+### Instance Methods
+#### ` Tree map(Function f)`
+Applies the function to the item within the `Tree` and to all sub-trees,
+returning a new `Tree`.
+``` java
+Tree tree = ...;
+Tree result = tree.map(UUID::toString);
+#### `Maybe item()`
+Returns the contents of the `Tree` node within a `Maybe`.
+``` java
+Tree- tree = ...;
- result = tree.item();
+#### `int count()`
+Returns the total number of items in the `Tree`, including sub-trees. `Null`
+items don't count.
+``` java
- tree = ...;
+int result = tree.count();
+#### `List subTrees()`
+Returns a list of sub-trees within the `Tree`.
+``` java
- tree = ...;
+List> result = tree.subTrees();
+## TreeBuilder
+A mutable builder for a `Tree`. Each `TreeBuilder` allows modification of a
+single `Tree` node. You can use the `select(childItem)` method to get a
+`TreeBuilder` for the subtree that has the given child item.
+### Example
+``` java
+TreeBuilder builder = Tree.builder();
+builder.set(12).addChildren(Arrays.asList(1, 3, 5, 7));
+TreeBuilder builderFor3 = builder.select(3);
+builderFor3.addChildren(Arrays.asList(2, 4));
+Tree tree = builder.build();
+Will produce a `Tree` like:
+### Static Constructors
+None. The `TreeBuilder` is instantiated by `Tree.builder()`.
+### Instance Methods
+#### `Tree build()`
+Create the immutable Tree.
+``` java
+TreeBuilder builder = Tree.builder();
+Tree tree = builder.build();
+#### `TreeBuilder item(T item)`
+Set the current `Tree`'s item and return the `TreeBuilder`.
+#### `TreeBuilder add(Tree subtree)`
+Adds the subtree to the current tree.
+#### `TreeBuilder addChild(T childItem)`
+Add the Child item as a sub-Tree.
+#### `TreeBuilder addChildren(List children)`
+Add all the child items as subTrees.
+#### `Maybe> select(T childItem)`
+Create a `TreeBuilder` for the subTree of the current `Tree` that has the
+## Lazy
+A lazily evaluated expression. Using a `Supplier` to provide the value, only
+evaluates the value when required, and never more than once.
+### Static Constructors
+#### `static Lazy of(Supplier supplier)`
+Create a new `Lazy` value from the `Supplier`.
+``` java
+Suppler supplier = ...;
+Lazy lazy = Lazy.of(supplier);
+### Instance Methods
+#### `boolean isEvaluated()`
+Checks if the value has been evaluated.
+``` java
+Lazy lazy = ...;
+boolean isEvaluated = lazy.isEvaluated();
+#### `T value()`
+The value, evaluating it if necessary.
+``` java
+Lazy lazy = ...;
+UUID value = lazy.value();
+#### ` Lazy map(Function f)`
+Maps the `Lazy` instance into a new `Lazy` instance using the `Function`.
+``` java
+Lazy uuidLazy = ...;
+Lazy stringLazy = uuidLazy.map(v -> v.toString());
+## Either
+Allows handling a value that can be one of two types, a left value/type, or a
+right value/type.
+`Either` *is not* a Monad.
+When an `Either` is returned from a method it will contain either a left or a
+Where the `Either` is used to represent success/failure, the left case is, by
+convention, used to indicate the error, and right the success. An alternative
+is to use the `Result` which more clearly distinguishes success from failure.
+### Static Constructors
+#### `static Either left(final L l)`
+Create a new `Either` holding a left value.
+``` java
+Either left = Either.left(getIntegerValue());
+#### `static Either right(final R r)`
+Create a new `Either` holding a right value.
+``` java
+Either right = Either.right(getStringValue());
+### Instance Methods
+#### `boolean isLeft()`
+Checks if the `Either` holds a left value.
+``` java
+Either either = Either.left(getIntegerValue());
+boolean leftIsLeft = either.isLeft();
+boolean rightIsLeft = either.isLeft();
+#### `boolean isRight()`
+Checks if the `Either` holds a right value.
+``` java
+Either either = Either.left(getIntegerValue());
+boolean leftIsRight = either.isRight();
+boolean rightIsRight = either.isRight();
+#### `void match(Consumer onLeft, Consumer onRight)`
+Matches the `Either`, invoking the correct `Consumer`.
+``` java
+Either either = Either.left(getIntegerValue());
+ left -> handleIntegerValue(left),
+ right -> handleStringValue(right)
+#### ` Either mapLeft(Function f)`
+Map the `Function` across the left value.
+``` java
+Either either = Either.left(getIntegerValue());
+Either either = either.mapLeft(i -> i.doubleValue());
+#### ` Either mapRight(Function f)`
+Map the function across the right value.
+``` java
+Either either = Either.left(getIntegerValue());
+Either either = either.mapRight(s -> s + "x");
+#### ` Either flatMapLeft(Function> f)`
+FlatMap the function across the left value.
+``` java
+Either either = Either.left(2);
+Either resultLeft = either.flatMapLeft(l -> Either.left(l * 2));
+Either resultRight = either.flatMapLeft(l -> Either.right(l * 2));
+#### ` Either flatMapRight(Function> f)`
+FlatMap the function across the right value.
+``` java
+Either either = Either.right("2");
+Either resultLeft = either.flatMapRight(l -> Either.left(l * 2));
+Either resultRight = either.flatMapRight(l -> Either.right(l * 2));
+#### `Optional getLeft()`
+Returns an `Optional` containing the left value, if is a left, otherwise returns
+an empty `Optional`.
+``` java
+Either either = Either.right("2");
+Optional left = either.getLeft();
+#### `Optional getRight()`
+Returns an `Optional` containing the right value, if is a right, otherwise
+returns an empty `Optional`.
+``` java
+Either either = Either.right("2");
+Optional right = either.getRight();
+## Combinators
+### After
+### Before
+### Around
diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
deleted file mode 100644
index 328be6f..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1228 +0,0 @@
-* Mon
-* Wrapper, TypeAlias, Maybe and Result for Java.
- [[https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases/net/kemitix/mon][file:https://img.shields.io/nexus/r/https/oss.sonatype.org/net.kemitix/mon.svg?style=for-the-badge]]
- [[https://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cg%3A%22net.kemitix%22%20AND%20a%3A%22mon%22][file:https://img.shields.io/maven-central/v/net.kemitix/mon.svg?style=for-the-badge]]
- [[http://i.jpeek.org/net.kemitix/mon/index.html][file:http://i.jpeek.org/net.kemitix/mon/badge.svg]]
- - [Maven Usage]
- - [Alias]
- - [TypeAlias]
- - [Maybe]
- - [Result]
- - [Tree]
- - [Lazy]
- - [Either]
-* Maven Usage
-#+BEGIN_SRC xml
- net.kemitix
- mon
- The latest version should be shown above with the nexus and maven-central
- badges or can be found on [[https://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cg%3A%22net.kemitix%22%20AND%20a%3A%22mon%22][Maven Central]].
-* Wrapper
- A simple FunctionalInterface that contains a value. Can be used to implement
- a form of type-alias in Java.
- In Haskell it is possible to create an alias for a Type, and to then use
- that alias with the same behaviour as the original, except that the compiler
- doesn't treat the alias as the same Type and will generate compiler errors
- if you try and use them together. e.g.:
- #+BEGIN_SRC haskell
- newtype PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber String
- newtype Name = Name String
- newtype PhoneBookEntry = PhoneBookEntry (Name, PhoneNumber)
- newtype PhoneBook = PhoneBook [PhoneBookEntry]
- In Java we don't have the ability to have that true alias, so Wrapper simply
- wraps the value within a new type. It's as close as I could get to a Haskell
- type alias in Java.
- The benefits of using Wrapper are:
- - encapsulation of the wrapped type when passing references through code
- that doesn't need to access the actual value, but only to pass it on
- - type-safe parameters where you would otherwise be passing Strings,
- Integers, Lists, or other general classes
- - less verbose than implementing your own
- *Wrapper Example:*
- #+BEGIN_SRC java
- interface PhoneNumber extends Wrapper {}
- PhoneNumber pn = () -> "01234 567890";
- String v = pn.value();
- *Roll your own:*
- #+BEGIN_SRC java
- class PhoneNumber {
- private final String value;
- public PhoneNumber(final String value) {
- this.value = value;
- }
- public String value() {
- return value;
- }
- }
- *Lombok:*
- Using Lombok we can achieve it in 8 lines, compared to 24 for rolling your
- own, or 1 for Alias:
- #+BEGIN_SRC java
- @Value
- @RequiredArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
- class PhoneNumber {
- private final String value;
- public static PhoneNumber of(final String phoneNumber) {
- return new PhoneNumber(phoneNumber);
- }
- }
-* TypeAlias
- Note: this is a precursor to `Wrapper` and should be considered deprecated.
- *TypeAlias Example:*
- #+BEGIN_SRC java
- class PhoneNumber extends TypeAlias {
- private PhoneNumber(final String value) {
- super(value);
- }
- public static PhoneNumber of(final String phoneNumber) {
- return new PhoneNumber(phoneNumber);
- }
- }
-** =TypeAlias= *can* be a Monad
- #+BEGIN_SRC java
- package net.kemitix.mon;
- import org.assertj.core.api.WithAssertions;
- import org.junit.Test;
- import java.util.function.Function;
- public class TypeAliasMonadTest implements WithAssertions {
- private final int v = 1;
- private final Function> f = i -> a(i * 2);
- private final Function> g = i -> a(i + 6);
- private static AnAlias a(Integer v) {
- return AnAlias.of(v);
- }
- @Test
- public void leftIdentity() {
- assertThat(
- a(v).flatMap(f)
- ).isEqualTo(
- f.apply(v)
- );
- }
- @Test
- public void rightIdentity_inline() {
- // java isn't able to properly infer the correct types when used in-line
- assertThat(
- a(v).>flatMap(x -> a(x))
- ).isEqualTo(
- a(v)
- );
- }
- @Test
- public void rightIdentity_explicitValue() {
- final AnAlias integerAnAlias = a(v).flatMap(x -> a(x));
- assertThat(
- integerAnAlias
- ).isEqualTo(
- a(v)
- );
- }
- @Test
- public void associativity() {
- assertThat(
- a(v).flatMap(f).flatMap(g)
- ).isEqualTo(
- a(v).flatMap(x -> f.apply(x).flatMap(g))
- );
- }
- static class AnAlias extends TypeAlias {
- private AnAlias(T value) {
- super(value);
- }
- static AnAlias of(T value) {
- return new AnAlias<>(value);
- }
- }
- }
-** Instance Methods
-*** =final R map(final Function f)=
- Map the TypeAlias into another value.
- #+BEGIN_SRC java
- final StudentId studentId = StudentId.of(123);
- final String idString = studentId.map(id -> String.valueOf(id));
- class StudentId extends TypeAlias {
- private StudentId(Integer value) {
- super(value);
- }
- static StudentId of(Integer id) {
- return new StudentId(id);
- }
- }
-*** =final > U flatMap(final Function f)=
- Map the TypeAlias into another TypeAlias.
- #+BEGIN_SRC java
- final StudentId studentId = StudentId.of(123);
- final StudentName studentName = studentId.flatMap(id -> getStudentName(id));
- class StudentName extends TypeAlias {
- private StudentName(String value) {
- super(value);
- }
- static StudentName of(final String name) {
- return new StudentName(name);
- }
- }
-*** =T getValue()=
- Get the value of the TypeAlias.
- #+BEGIN_SRC java
- final String name = studentName.getValue();
-* Maybe
- Allows specifying that a value may or may not be present. Similar to
- =Optional=. =Maybe= provides additional methods that =Optional= doesn't:
- =isNothing()=, =stream()=, =ifNothing()= and =match()=. =Maybe= does not
- have a =get()= method.
- Unlike =Optional=, when a =map()= results in a =null=, the =Maybe= will
- continue to be a =Just=. =Optional= would switch to being empty. [[http://blog.vavr.io/the-agonizing-death-of-an-astronaut/][vavr.io
- follows the same behaviour as =Maybe=]].
- #+BEGIN_SRC java
- import net.kemitix.mon.maybe.Maybe;
- import java.util.function.Function;
- import java.util.function.Predicate;
- class MaybeExample {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- Maybe.just(countArgs(args))
- .filter(isEven())
- .map(validMessage())
- .match(
- just -> System.out.println(just),
- () -> System.out.println("Not an valid value")
- );
- }
- private static Function validMessage() {
- return v -> String.format("Value %d is even", v);
- }
- private static Predicate isEven() {
- return v -> v % 2 == 0;
- }
- private static Integer countArgs(String[] args) {
- return args.length;
- }
- }
- In the above example, the number of command line arguments are counted, if
- there are an even number of them then a message is created and printed by
- the Consumer parameter in the =match= call. If there is an odd number of
- arguments, then the filter will return =Maybe.nothing()=, meaning that the
- =nothing= drops straight through the map and triggers the Runnable parameter
- in the =match= call.
-** =Maybe= is a Monad:
- #+BEGIN_SRC java
- package net.kemitix.mon;
- import net.kemitix.mon.maybe.Maybe;
- import org.assertj.core.api.WithAssertions;
- import org.junit.Test;
- import java.util.function.Function;
- public class MaybeMonadTest implements WithAssertions {
- private final int v = 1;
- private final Function> f = i -> m(i * 2);
- private final Function> g = i -> m(i + 6);
- private static Maybe m(int value) {
- return Maybe.maybe(value);
- }
- @Test
- public void leftIdentity() {
- assertThat(
- m(v).flatMap(f)
- ).isEqualTo(
- f.apply(v)
- );
- }
- @Test
- public void rightIdentity() {
- assertThat(
- m(v).flatMap(x -> m(x))
- ).isEqualTo(
- m(v)
- );
- }
- @Test
- public void associativity() {
- assertThat(
- m(v).flatMap(f).flatMap(g)
- ).isEqualTo(
- m(v).flatMap(x -> f.apply(x).flatMap(g))
- );
- }
- }
-** Static Constructors
-*** =static Maybe maybe(T value)=
- Create a Maybe for the value that may or may not be present.
- Where the value is =null=, that is taken as not being present.
- #+BEGIN_SRC java
- final Maybe just = Maybe.maybe(1);
- final Maybe nothing = Maybe.maybe(null);
-*** =static Maybe just(T value)=
- Create a Maybe for the value that is present.
- The =value= must not be =null= or a =NullPointerException= will be thrown.
- If you can't prove that the value won't be =null= you should use
- =Maybe.maybe(value)= instead.
- #+BEGIN_SRC java
- final Maybe just = Maybe.just(1);
-*** =static Maybe nothing()=
- Create a Maybe for a lack of a value.
- #+BEGIN_SRC java
- final Maybe nothing = Maybe.nothing();
-*** =static Maybe findFirst(Stream stream)=
- Creates a Maybe from the first item in the stream, or nothing if the stream is empty.
- #+BEGIN_SRC java
- final Maybe just3 = Maybe.findFirst(Stream.of(3, 4, 2, 4));
- final Maybe nothing = Maybe.findFirst(Stream.empty());
-** Instance Methods
-*** =Maybe filter(Predicate predicate)=
- Filter a Maybe by the predicate, replacing with Nothing when it fails.
- #+BEGIN_SRC java
- final Maybe maybe = Maybe.maybe(getValue())
- .filter(v -> v % 2 == 0);
-*** = Maybe map(Function f)=
- Applies the function to the value within the Maybe, returning the result within another Maybe.
- #+BEGIN_SRC java
- final Maybe maybe = Maybe.maybe(getValue())
- .map(v -> v * 100);
-*** =