final String gitRepoUrl = '' final String mvn = "mvn --batch-mode --update-snapshots" pipeline { agent any stages { stage('Prepare') { steps { git url: gitRepoUrl, branch: '**', credentialsId: 'github-kemitix' } } stage('no SNAPSHOT in master') { // checks that the pom version is not a snapshot when the current branch is master // TODO: also check for SNAPSHOT when is a pull request with master as the target branch when { expression { (env.GIT_BRANCH == 'master') && (readMavenPom(file: 'pom.xml').version).contains("SNAPSHOT") } } steps { error("Build failed because SNAPSHOT version") } } stage('Build') { parallel { stage('Java 8') { steps { withMaven(maven: 'maven 3.5.2', jdk: 'JDK 1.8') { sh "${mvn} clean install" } } } // requires maven-failsafe-plugin:2.21 when it is released // stage('Java 9') { // steps { // withMaven(maven: 'maven 3.5.2', jdk: 'JDK 9') { // sh 'mvn clean install' // } // } // } } } stage('Reporting') { steps { junit '**/target/surefire-reports/*.xml' archiveArtifacts '**/target/*.jar' } } stage('Deploy') { when { expression { (env.GIT_BRANCH == 'master') } } steps { withMaven(maven: 'maven 3.5.2', jdk: 'JDK 1.8') { sh "${mvn} deploy --activate-profiles release -DskipTests=true" } } } } }