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# virtual machine crash logs, see
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@ -31,6 +30,12 @@
@ -7,8 +7,9 @@ import java.util.Set;
* An interface for tree node items.
* @author pcampbell
* @param <T> the type of data held in each node
* @author pcampbell
public interface Node<T> {
@ -21,7 +22,6 @@ public interface Node<T> {
* Fetch the parent node.
* <p>
* If the node is a root node, i.e. has no parent, then this will return
* null.
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ public class NodeItem<T> implements Node<T> {
private Node<T> parent;
private Set<Node<T>> children;
private final Set<Node<T>> children = new HashSet<>();
* Creates a root node.
@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ public class NodeItem<T> implements Node<T> {
if (parent != null) {
this.children = new HashSet<>();
@ -109,19 +108,15 @@ public class NodeItem<T> implements Node<T> {
public boolean isChildOf(final Node<T> node) {
if (node.equals(parent)) {
return true;
if (parent != null) {
return parent.isChildOf(node);
return false;
return parent != null && (node.equals(parent) || parent.isChildOf(
* Walks the node tree using the path to select each child.
* @param path the path to the desired child
* @return the child or null
@ -153,9 +148,8 @@ public class NodeItem<T> implements Node<T> {
throw new NullPointerException("descendants");
if (!descendants.isEmpty()) {
descendants.subList(1, descendants.size()));
descendants.subList(1, descendants.size()));
@ -172,12 +166,7 @@ public class NodeItem<T> implements Node<T> {
if (child == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("child");
Optional<Node<T>> found = getChild(child);
if (found.isPresent()) {
return found.get();
} else {
return createChild(child);
return getChild(child).orElseGet(() -> createChild(child));
@ -193,8 +182,8 @@ public class NodeItem<T> implements Node<T> {
throw new NullPointerException("child");
.filter((Node<T> t) -> t.getData().equals(child))
.filter((Node<T> t) -> t.getData().equals(child))
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package net.kemitix.node;
import net.kemitix.node.NodeException;
import lombok.val;
import org.junit.Test;
import static;
@ -14,20 +13,15 @@ import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
public class NodeExceptionTest {
* Class under test.
private NodeException nodeException;
* Test that message provided to constructor is returned.
public void shouldReturnConstructorMessage() {
final String message = "this is the message";
val message = "this is the message";
nodeException = new NodeException(message);
val nodeException = new NodeException(message);
assertThat(nodeException.getMessage(), is(message));
@ -1,18 +1,17 @@
package net.kemitix.node;
import lombok.val;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.hasItem;
import static;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.nullValue;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Optional;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.hasItem;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
* Test for {@link NodeItem}.
@ -26,22 +25,21 @@ public class NodeItemTest {
private Node<String> node;
* Test {@link NodeItem#Node(java.lang.Object) } that node data is
* recoverable.
* Test that node data is recoverable.
public void shouldReturnNodeData() {
final String data = "this node data";
val data = "this node data";
node = new NodeItem<>(data);
assertThat(node.getData(), is(data));
Assert.assertThat("can get the data from a node", node.getData(),
* Test {@link NodeItem#Node(java.lang.Object) } that passing null as node
* data throws exception.
* Test that passing null as node data throws exception.
@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void shouldThrowNPEWhenDataIsNull() {
@ -50,78 +48,79 @@ public class NodeItemTest {
* Test {@link NodeItem#Node(java.lang.Object) } that default node parent is
* null.
* Test that default node parent is null.
public void shouldHaveNullForDefaulParent() {
public void shouldHaveNullForDefaultParent() {
node = new NodeItem<>("data");
Assert.assertThat("node created without a parent has null as parent",
node.getParent(), nullValue());
* Test {@link NodeItem#Node(java.lang.Object, net.kemitix.node.Node) } that
* provided node parent is returned.
* Test that provided node parent is returned.
public void shouldReturnNodeParent() {
Node<String> parent = new NodeItem<>("parent");
val parent = new NodeItem<String>("parent");
node = new NodeItem<>("subject", parent);
assertThat(node.getParent(), is(parent));
Assert.assertThat("node created with a parent can return the parent",
node.getParent(), is(parent));
* Test {@link NodeItem#Node(java.lang.Object, net.kemitix.node.Node) } that
* setting the parent on a node where the proposed parent is a child of the
* node throws an exception.
* Test that setting the parent on a node where the proposed parent is a
* child of the node throws an exception.
@Test(expected = NodeException.class)
public void shouldThrowNEWhenSettingParentToAChild() {
node = new NodeItem<>("subject");
Node<String> child = new NodeItem<>("child", node);
val child = new NodeItem<String>("child", node);
* Test {@link NodeItem#Node(java.lang.Object, net.kemitix.node.Node) } that
* when parent is added to created node, the created node is now a child of
* the parent.
* Test that when parent is added to created node, the created node is now a
* child of the parent.
public void shouldAddNewNodeAsChildToParent() {
Node<String> parent = new NodeItem<>("parent");
val parent = new NodeItem<String>("parent");
node = new NodeItem<>("subject", parent);
assertThat(parent.getChildren(), hasItem(node));
"when a node is created with a parent, the parent has the new"
+ " node among it's children", parent.getChildren(),
* Test {@link NodeItem#setParent(net.kemitix.node.Node) } that we return
* the same parent when set.
* Test that we return the same parent when set.
public void shouldReturnSetParent() {
node = new NodeItem<>("subject");
Node<String> parent = new NodeItem<>("parent");
val parent = new NodeItem<String>("parent");
assertThat(node.getParent(), is(parent));
"when a node is assigned a new parent that parent can be "
+ "returned", node.getParent(), is(parent));
* Test {@link NodeItem#setParent(net.kemitix.node.Node) } that we throw an
* exception when passed null.
* Test that we throw an exception when passed null.
@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void shouldThrowNPEWhenSetParentNull() {
@ -132,8 +131,8 @@ public class NodeItemTest {
* Test {@link NodeItem#setParent(net.kemitix.node.Node) } that we throw an
* exceptions when attempting to node as its own parent.
* Test that we throw an exceptions when attempting to node as its own
* parent.
@Test(expected = NodeException.class)
public void shouldThrowNEWhenSetParentSelf() {
@ -144,44 +143,53 @@ public class NodeItemTest {
* Test {@link NodeItem#setParent(net.kemitix.node.Node) } that when a node
* with an existing parent is assigned a new parent, that the old parent no
* longer sees it as one of its children.
* Test that when a node with an existing parent is assigned a new parent,
* that the old parent no longer sees it as one of its children.
public void shouldUpdateOldParentWhenNodeSetToNewParent() {
node = new NodeItem<>("subject");
Node<String> child = node.createChild("child");
Node<String> newParent = new NodeItem<>("newParent");
val child = node.createChild("child");
val newParent = new NodeItem<String>("newParent");
assertThat(child.getParent(), is(newParent));
"when a node is assigned a new parent, the old parent is "
+ "replaced", child.getParent(), is(newParent));
"when a node is assigned a new parent, the old parent no "
+ "longer has the node among it's children",
node.getChild("child").isPresent(), is(false));
* Test {@link NodeItem#addChild(net.kemitix.node.Node) } that when a node
* is added as a child to another node, that it's previous parent no longer
* has it as a child.
* Test that when a node is added as a child to another node, that it's
* previous parent no longer has it as a child.
public void shouldRemoveNodeFromOldParentWhenAddedAsChildToNewParent() {
node = new NodeItem<>("subject");
Node<String> child = node.createChild("child");
Node<String> newParent = new NodeItem<>("newParent");
val child = node.createChild("child");
val newParent = new NodeItem<String>("newParent");
assertThat(child.getParent(), is(newParent));
"when a node with an existing parent is added as a child "
+ "to another node, then the old parent is replaced",
child.getParent(), is(newParent));
"when a node with an existing parent is added as a child to "
+ "another node, then the old parent no longer has "
+ "the node among it's children",
node.getChild("child").isPresent(), is(false));
* Test {@link NodeItem#addChild(net.kemitix.node.Node) } that adding null
* as a child throws an exception.
* Test that adding null as a child throws an exception.
@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void shouldThrowNPEWhenAddingNullAsChild() {
@ -192,23 +200,23 @@ public class NodeItemTest {
* Test {@link NodeItem#addChild(net.kemitix.node.Node) } that adding a
* child is returned.
* Test that adding a child is returned.
public void shouldReturnAddedChild() {
Node<String> child = new NodeItem<>("child");
node = new NodeItem<>("subject");
val child = new NodeItem<String>("child");
assertThat(node.getChildren(), hasItem(child));
"when a node is added as a child, the node is among the "
+ "children", node.getChildren(), hasItem(child));
* Test {@link NodeItem#addChild(net.kemitix.node.Node) } that adding a node
* as it's own child throws an exception.
* Test that adding a node as it's own child throws an exception.
@Test(expected = NodeException.class)
public void shouldThrowNEWhenAddingANodeAsOwnChild() {
@ -219,8 +227,7 @@ public class NodeItemTest {
* Test {@link NodeItem#addChild(net.kemitix.node.Node) } that adding a node
* to itself as a child causes an exception.
* Test that adding a node to itself as a child causes an exception.
@Test(expected = NodeException.class)
public void shouldThrowWhenAddingSelfAsChild() {
@ -231,89 +238,93 @@ public class NodeItemTest {
* Test {@link NodeItem#addChild(net.kemitix.node.Node) } that adding the
* parent to node causes an exception.
* Test that adding the parent of a node to the node as a child causes an
* exception.
@Test(expected = NodeException.class)
public void shouldThrowWhenAddingParentAsChild() {
Node<String> parent = new NodeItem<>("parent");
val parent = new NodeItem<String>("parent");
node = new NodeItem<>("subject", parent);
* Test {@link NodeItem#addChild(net.kemitix.node.Node) } that adding the
* grandparent to node causes an exception.
* Test that adding the grandparent to a node as a child causes an
* exception.
@Test(expected = NodeException.class)
public void shouldThrowWhenAddingGrandParentAsChild() {
Node<String> grandParent = new NodeItem<>("grandparent");
Node<String> parent = new NodeItem<>("parent", grandParent);
val grandParent = new NodeItem<String>("grandparent");
val parent = new NodeItem<String>("parent", grandParent);
node = new NodeItem<>("subject", parent);
* Test {@link NodeItem#addChild(net.kemitix.node.Node) } that adding a
* child to a node, sets the child's parent node.
* Test that adding a child to a node, sets the child's parent node.
public void shouldSetParentOnChildWhenAddedAsChild() {
Node<String> child = new NodeItem<>("child");
val child = new NodeItem<String>("child");
node = new NodeItem<>("subject");
assertThat(child.getParent(), is(node));
"when a node is added as a child, the child has the node as "
+ "its parent", child.getParent(), is(node));
* Test {@link NodeItem#walkTree(java.util.List) } that we can walk a tree
* to the target node.
* Test that we can walk a tree to the target node.
public void shouldWalkTreeToNode() {
final String grandparent = "grandparent";
Node<String> grandParentNode = new NodeItem<>(grandparent);
final String parent = "parent";
Node<String> parentNode = new NodeItem<>(parent, grandParentNode);
final String subject = "subject";
val grandparent = "grandparent";
val grandParentNode = new NodeItem<String>(grandparent);
val parent = "parent";
val parentNode = new NodeItem<String>(parent, grandParentNode);
val subject = "subject";
node = new NodeItem<>(subject, parentNode);
Optional<Node<String>> result = grandParentNode.walkTree(Arrays.asList(
parent, subject));
val result = grandParentNode.walkTree(Arrays.asList(parent, subject));
assertThat(result.get(), is(node));
Assert.assertThat("when we walk the tree to a node it is found",
result.isPresent(), is(true));
if (result.isPresent()) {
"when we walk the tree to a node the correct node is found",
result.get(), is(node));
* Test {@link NodeItem#walkTree(java.util.List) } that we get an empty
* {@link Optional} when walking a path that doesn't exist.
* Test that we get an empty {@link Optional} when walking a path that
* doesn't exist.
public void shouldNotFindNonExistantChildNode() {
public void shouldNotFindNonExistentChildNode() {
final String parent = "parent";
Node<String> parentNode = new NodeItem<>(parent);
final String subject = "subject";
val parent = "parent";
val parentNode = new NodeItem<String>(parent);
val subject = "subject";
node = new NodeItem<>(subject, parentNode);
Optional<Node<String>> result = parentNode.walkTree(Arrays.asList(
subject, "no child"));
val result = parentNode.walkTree(Arrays.asList(subject, "no child"));
"when we walk the tree to a node that doesn't exists, nothing"
+ " is found", result.isPresent(), is(false));
* Test {@link NodeItem#walkTree(java.util.List) } that when we pass null we
* get an exception.
* Test that when we pass null we get an exception.
@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void shouldThrowNEWhenWalkTreeNull() {
@ -324,8 +335,8 @@ public class NodeItemTest {
* Test {@link NodeItem#walkTree(java.util.List) } that when we pass an
* empty path we get and empty {@link Optional} as a result.
* Test that when we pass an empty path we get and empty {@link Optional} as
* a result.
public void shouldReturnEmptyForEmptyWalkTreePath() {
@ -336,37 +347,58 @@ public class NodeItemTest {
* Test {@link NodeItem#createDescendantLine(java.util.List) } that we can
* create a chain of descendant nodes.
* Test that we can create a chain of descendant nodes.
public void shouldCreateDescendantNodes() {
node = new NodeItem<>("subject");
final String alphaData = "alpha";
final String betaData = "beta";
final String gammaData = "gamma";
val alphaData = "alpha";
val betaData = "beta";
val gammaData = "gamma";
Arrays.asList(alphaData, betaData, gammaData));
final Optional<Node<String>> alphaOptional = node.getChild(alphaData);
Node<String> alpha = alphaOptional.get();
assertThat(alpha.getParent(), is(node));
final Optional<Node<String>> betaOptional = alpha.getChild(betaData);
Node<String> beta = betaOptional.get();
assertThat(beta.getParent(), is(alpha));
final Optional<Node<String>> gammaOptional = beta.getChild(gammaData);
Node<String> gamma = gammaOptional.get();
assertThat(gamma.getParent(), is(beta));
val alphaOptional = node.getChild(alphaData);
"when creating a descendant line, the first element is found",
alphaOptional.isPresent(), is(true));
if (alphaOptional.isPresent()) {
val alpha = alphaOptional.get();
"when creating a descendant line, the first element has "
+ "the current node as its parent",
alpha.getParent(), is(node));
val betaOptional = alpha.getChild(betaData);
"when creating a descendant line, the second element is "
+ "found", betaOptional.isPresent(), is(true));
if (betaOptional.isPresent()) {
val beta = betaOptional.get();
"when creating a descendant line, the second element "
+ "has the first as its parent",
beta.getParent(), is(alpha));
val gammaOptional = beta.getChild(gammaData);
"when creating a descendant line, the third element "
+ "is found", gammaOptional.isPresent(),
if (gammaOptional.isPresent()) {
val gamma = gammaOptional.get();
"when creating a descendant line, the third "
+ "element has the second as its parent",
gamma.getParent(), is(beta));
* Test {@link NodeItem#createDescendantLine(java.util.List) } that if we
* pass null to create a chain of descendant nodes we get an exception.
* Test that if we pass null to create a chain of descendant nodes we get an
* exception.
@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void shouldThrowNPEWhenCreateDescendantNull() {
@ -377,8 +409,7 @@ public class NodeItemTest {
* Test {@link NodeItem#createDescendantLine(java.util.List) } that if we
* pass an empty list nothing is changed.
* Test that if we pass an empty list nothing is changed.
public void shouldChangeNothingWhenCreateDescendantEmpty() {
@ -387,43 +418,46 @@ public class NodeItemTest {
assertThat(node.getChildren().size(), is(0));
"when creating a descendant line from an empty list, nothing "
+ "is created", node.getChildren().size(), is(0));
* Test {@link NodeItem#findOrCreateChild(java.lang.Object) } that we can
* find a child of a node.
* Test that we can find a child of a node.
public void shouldFindExistingChildNode() {
node = new NodeItem<>("subject");
final String childData = "child";
Node<String> child = new NodeItem<>(childData, node);
val childData = "child";
val child = new NodeItem<String>(childData, node);
Node<String> found = node.findOrCreateChild(childData);
val found = node.findOrCreateChild(childData);
assertThat(found, is(child));
"when searching for a child by data, the matching child is "
+ "found", found, is(child));
* Test {@link NodeItem#findOrCreateChild(java.lang.Object) } that we create
* a missing child of a node.
* Test that we create a missing child of a node.
public void shouldFindCreateNewChildNode() {
node = new NodeItem<>("subject");
final String childData = "child";
val childData = "child";
Node<String> found = node.findOrCreateChild(childData);
val found = node.findOrCreateChild(childData);
assertThat(found.getData(), is(childData));
"when searching for a child by data, a new node is created",
found.getData(), is(childData));
* Test {@link NodeItem#findOrCreateChild(java.lang.Object) } that if we
* pass null we get an exception.
* Test that if we pass null we get an exception.
@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void shouldThrowNPEFWhenFindOrCreateChildNull() {
@ -434,26 +468,29 @@ public class NodeItemTest {
* Test {@link NodeItem#getChild(java.lang.Object) } that we can get the
* node for a child.
* Test that we can get the node for a child.
public void shouldGetChild() {
node = new NodeItem<>("subject");
final String childData = "child";
Node<String> child = new NodeItem<>(childData);
val childData = "child";
val child = new NodeItem<String>(childData);
Optional<Node<String>> found = node.getChild(childData);
val found = node.getChild(childData);
assertThat(found.get(), is(child));
Assert.assertThat("when retrieving a child by its data, it is found",
found.isPresent(), is(true));
if (found.isPresent()) {
"when retrieving a child by its data, it is the expected "
+ "node", found.get(), is(child));
* Test {@link NodeItem#getChild(java.lang.Object) } that we throw an
* exception when passed null.
* Test that we throw an exception when passed null.
@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void shouldThrowNPEWhenGetChildNull() {
@ -464,22 +501,29 @@ public class NodeItemTest {
* Test {@link NodeItem#createChild(java.lang.Object) } that we create a
* child as a child of the current node and with the current node as its
* parent.
* Test that we create a child as a child of the current node and with the
* current node as its parent.
public void shoudCreateChild() {
public void shouldCreateChild() {
node = new NodeItem<>("subject");
final String childData = "child";
val childData = "child";
Node<String> child = node.createChild(childData);
val child = node.createChild(childData);
assertThat(child.getParent(), is(node));
final Optional<Node<String>> foundChild = node.getChild(childData);
assertThat(foundChild.get(), is(child));
"when creating a child node, the child has the current node "
+ "as its parent", child.getParent(), is(node));
val foundChild = node.getChild(childData);
"when creating a child node, the child can be found by its "
+ "data", foundChild.isPresent(), is(true));
if (foundChild.isPresent()) {
"when creating a child node, the correct child can be "
+ "found by its data", foundChild.get(), is(child));
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