2024-04-11 08:04:03 +01:00
-- if true then return {} end -- WARN: REMOVE THIS LINE TO ACTIVATE THIS FILE
2024-04-11 07:33:31 +01:00
-- AstroCommunity: import any community modules here
-- We import this file in `lazy_setup.lua` before the `plugins/` folder.
-- This guarantees that the specs are processed before any user plugins.
---@type LazySpec
return {
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.lua" },
-- import/override with your plugins folder
2024-04-11 08:04:03 +01:00
-- colorscheme
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.everforest" },
-- completion
-- { import = "astrocommunity.completion.codeium-vim" },
-- { import = "astrocommunity.completion.copilot-lua-cmp" },
-- diagnostics
{ import = "astrocommunity.diagnostics.lsp_lines-nvim" },
{ import = "astrocommunity.diagnostics.trouble-nvim" },
-- editing-support
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.treesj" },
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.todo-comments-nvim" },
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.rainbow-delimiters-nvim" },
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.auto-save-nvim" },
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.refactoring-nvim" },
-- { import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.wildfire-nvim" }, -- Vim:E523: Not allowed here broken @1729fac - Aug 21, 2023 - https://github.com/SUSTech-data/wildfire.nvim/commits/master/
-- file-explorer
{ import = "astrocommunity.file-explorer.oil-nvim" },
-- git
-- { import = "astrocommunity.git.neogit" },
-- lsp
{ import = "astrocommunity.lsp.inc-rename-nvim" },
{ import = "astrocommunity.lsp.lsp-inlayhints-nvim" },
{ import = "astrocommunity.lsp.lsp-signature-nvim" },
-- motion
{ import = "astrocommunity.motion.flash-nvim" },
{ import = "astrocommunity.motion.hop-nvim" },
-- pack
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.bash" },
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.docker" },
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.full-dadbod" },
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.html-css" },
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.json" },
2024-05-10 16:04:00 +01:00
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.just" },
2024-04-11 08:04:03 +01:00
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.java" },
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.markdown" },
-- { import = "astrocommunity.pack.python" },
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.rust" },
-- { import = "astrocommunity.pack.terraform" },
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.typescript-all-in-one" },
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.yaml" },
-- scrolling
{ import = "astrocommunity.scrolling.nvim-scrollbar" },
-- test
-- { import = "astrocommunity.test.neotest" },
-- { import = "astrocommunity.test.nvim-coverage" },
-- workflow
2024-04-19 07:25:35 +01:00
-- { import = "astrocommunity.workflow.hardtime-nvim" },
2024-04-11 07:33:31 +01:00