use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs::File; use comfy_table::{Attribute, Cell, CellAlignment, Color, ContentArrangement, Table}; use epub_builder::{EpubBuilder, EpubContent, TocElement, ZipLibrary}; use html5ever::tendril::fmt::Slice; use indicatif::{ProgressBar, ProgressStyle}; use kuchiki::NodeRef; use log::{debug, error, info}; use crate::{ cli::AppConfig, errors::PaperoniError, extractor::{self, Extractor}, }; pub fn generate_epubs( articles: Vec, app_config: &AppConfig, successful_articles_table: &mut Table, ) -> Result<(), Vec> { if articles.is_empty() { return Ok(()); } let bar = if app_config.can_disable_progress_bar { ProgressBar::hidden() } else { let enabled_bar = ProgressBar::new(articles.len() as u64); let style = ProgressStyle::default_bar().template( "{spinner:.cyan} [{elapsed_precise}] {bar:40.white} {:>8} epub {pos}/{len:7} {}", ); enabled_bar.set_style(style); if !articles.is_empty() { enabled_bar.set_message("Generating epubs"); } enabled_bar }; let stylesheet = include_bytes!("./assets/writ.min.css"); let mut errors: Vec = Vec::new(); match app_config.merged { Some(ref name) => { successful_articles_table.set_header(vec![Cell::new("Table of Contents") .add_attribute(Attribute::Bold) .set_alignment(CellAlignment::Center) .fg(Color::Green)]); let mut epub = match EpubBuilder::new(match ZipLibrary::new() { Ok(zip_library) => zip_library, Err(err) => { let mut paperoni_err: PaperoniError = err.into(); paperoni_err.set_article_source(name); errors.push(paperoni_err); return Err(errors); } }) { Ok(epub) => epub, Err(err) => { let mut paperoni_err: PaperoniError = err.into(); paperoni_err.set_article_source(name); errors.push(paperoni_err); return Err(errors); } }; debug!("Creating {:?}", name); epub.inline_toc(); match epub.stylesheet(stylesheet.as_bytes()) { Ok(_) => (), Err(e) => { error!("Unable to add stylesheets to epub file"); let mut paperoni_err: PaperoniError = e.into(); paperoni_err.set_article_source(name); errors.push(paperoni_err); return Err(errors); } } articles .iter() .enumerate() .fold(&mut epub, |epub, (idx, article)| { let mut article_result = || -> Result<(), PaperoniError> { let mut xhtml_buf = Vec::new(); extractor::serialize_to_xhtml(article.article(), &mut xhtml_buf)?; let xhtml_str = std::str::from_utf8(&xhtml_buf)?; let section_name = article.metadata().title(); let content_url = format!("article_{}.xhtml", idx); let mut content = EpubContent::new(&content_url, xhtml_str.as_bytes()) .title(replace_escaped_characters(section_name)); let header_level_tocs = get_header_level_toc_vec(&content_url, article.article()); for toc_element in header_level_tocs { content = content.child(toc_element); } epub.metadata("title", replace_escaped_characters(name))?; epub.add_content(content)?; info!("Adding images for {:?}", name); article.img_urls.iter().for_each(|img| { // TODO: Add error handling and return errors as a vec let mut file_path = std::env::temp_dir(); file_path.push(&img.0); let img_buf = File::open(&file_path).expect("Can't read file"); epub.add_resource( file_path.file_name().unwrap(), img_buf, img.1.as_ref().unwrap(), ) .unwrap(); }); info!("Added images for {:?}", name); Ok(()) }; if let Err(mut error) = article_result() { error.set_article_source(&article.url); errors.push(error); }; successful_articles_table.add_row(vec![article.metadata().title()]); epub }); let appendix = generate_appendix(articles.iter().collect()); if let Err(err) = epub.add_content( EpubContent::new("appendix.xhtml", appendix.as_bytes()) .title(replace_escaped_characters("Article Sources")), ) { let mut paperoni_err: PaperoniError = err.into(); paperoni_err.set_article_source(&name); errors.push(paperoni_err); return Err(errors); } let mut out_file = File::create(&name).unwrap(); match epub.generate(&mut out_file) { Ok(_) => (), Err(err) => { let mut paperoni_err: PaperoniError = err.into(); paperoni_err.set_article_source(&name); errors.push(paperoni_err); return Err(errors); } } bar.finish_with_message("Generated epub\n"); debug!("Created {:?}", name); println!("Created {:?}", name); } None => { successful_articles_table .set_header(vec![Cell::new("Downloaded articles") .add_attribute(Attribute::Bold) .set_alignment(CellAlignment::Center) .fg(Color::Green)]) .set_content_arrangement(ContentArrangement::Dynamic); for article in &articles { let mut result = || -> Result<(), PaperoniError> { let mut epub = EpubBuilder::new(ZipLibrary::new()?)?; let file_name = format!( "{}/{}.epub", app_config.output_directory.as_deref().unwrap_or("."), article .metadata() .title() .replace("/", " ") .replace("\\", " ") ); debug!("Creating {:?}", file_name); let mut out_file = File::create(&file_name).unwrap(); let mut xhtml_buf = Vec::new(); extractor::serialize_to_xhtml(article.article(), &mut xhtml_buf) .expect("Unable to serialize to xhtml"); let xhtml_str = std::str::from_utf8(&xhtml_buf).unwrap(); let header_level_tocs = get_header_level_toc_vec("index.xhtml", article.article()); if let Some(author) = article.metadata().byline() { epub.metadata("author", replace_escaped_characters(author))?; } epub.stylesheet(stylesheet.as_bytes())?; let title = replace_escaped_characters(article.metadata().title()); epub.metadata("title", &title)?; let mut content = EpubContent::new("index.xhtml", xhtml_str.as_bytes()).title(title); for toc_element in header_level_tocs { content = content.child(toc_element); } epub.add_content(content)?; for img in &article.img_urls { let mut file_path = std::env::temp_dir(); file_path.push(&img.0); let img_buf = File::open(&file_path).expect("Can't read file"); epub.add_resource( file_path.file_name().unwrap(), img_buf, img.1.as_ref().unwrap(), )?; } let appendix = generate_appendix(vec![&article]); epub.add_content( EpubContent::new("appendix.xhtml", appendix.as_bytes()) .title(replace_escaped_characters("Article Source")), )?; epub.generate(&mut out_file)?;; successful_articles_table.add_row(vec![article.metadata().title()]); debug!("Created {:?}", file_name); Ok(()) }; if let Err(mut error) = result() { error.set_article_source(&article.url); errors.push(error); } } bar.finish_with_message("Generated epubs\n"); } } if errors.is_empty() { Ok(()) } else { Err(errors) } } /// Replaces characters that have to be escaped before adding to the epub's metadata fn replace_escaped_characters(value: &str) -> String { value .replace("&", "&") .replace("<", "<") .replace(">", ">") } //TODO: The type signature of the argument should change as it requires that merged articles create an entirely new Vec of references fn generate_appendix(articles: Vec<&Extractor>) -> String { let link_tags: String = articles .iter() .map(|article| { let article_name = if !article.metadata().title().is_empty() { article.metadata().title() } else { &article.url }; format!( "{}

", replace_escaped_characters(&article.url), replace_escaped_characters(article_name) ) }) .collect(); let template = format!( r#"


Article sources

{} "#, link_tags ); template } /// Adds an id attribute to header elements and assigns a value based on /// the hash of the text content. Headers with id attributes are not modified. /// The headers here are known to have text because the grabbed article from /// readability removes headers with no text. fn generate_header_ids(root_node: &NodeRef) { let headers = root_node .select("h1, h2, h3, h4") .expect("Unable to create selector for headings"); let headers_no_id = headers.filter(|node_data_ref| { let attrs = node_data_ref.attributes.borrow(); !attrs.contains("id") }); for header in headers_no_id { let mut attrs = header.attributes.borrow_mut(); let text = header.text_contents(); // The value of the id begins with an underscore because the hexadecimal // digest might start with a number which would make it an invalid id // when querying with selectors let value = format!("_{:x}", md5::compute(text)); attrs.insert("id", value); } } /// Returns a vector of `TocElement` from a NodeRef used for adding to the Table of Contents for navigation fn get_header_level_toc_vec(content_url: &str, article: &NodeRef) -> Vec { // Depth starts from 1 const HEADER_LEVEL_MAX_DEPTH: usize = 4; let mut headers_vec: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut header_levels = HashMap::with_capacity(HEADER_LEVEL_MAX_DEPTH); header_levels.insert("h1", 1); header_levels.insert("h2", 2); header_levels.insert("h3", 3); header_levels.insert("h4", 4); generate_header_ids(article); let headings = article .select("h1, h2, h3, h4") .expect("Unable to create selector for headings"); // The header list will be generated using some sort of backtracking algorithm // There will be a stack of maximum size 4 (since it only goes to h4 now) let mut stack: Vec> = std::iter::repeat(None) .take(HEADER_LEVEL_MAX_DEPTH) .collect::<_>(); for heading in headings { let elem_name: &str = &; let attrs = heading.attributes.borrow(); let id = attrs .get("id") .map(ToOwned::to_owned) .expect("Unable to get id value in get_header_level_toc_vec"); let url = format!("{}#{}", content_url, id); let level = header_levels[elem_name]; let index = level - 1; if let Some(mut existing_toc) = stack.get_mut(index).take().cloned().flatten() { // If a toc element already exists at that header level, consume all the toc elements // of a lower hierarchy e.g if the existing toc is a h2, then the h3 and h4 in the stack // will be consumed. // We collapse the children by folding from the right to the left of the stack. let descendants_levels = HEADER_LEVEL_MAX_DEPTH - level; let folded_descendants = stack .iter_mut() .rev() .take(descendants_levels) .map(|toc_elem| toc_elem.take()) .filter(|toc_elem| toc_elem.is_some()) .map(|toc_elem| toc_elem.unwrap()) .reduce(|child, parent| parent.child(child)); if let Some(child) = folded_descendants { existing_toc = existing_toc.child(child); }; // Find the nearest ancestor to embed into. // If this toc_elem was a h1, then just add it to the headers_vec if index == 0 { headers_vec.push(existing_toc); } else { // Otherwise, find the nearest ancestor to add it to. If none exists, add it to the headers_vec let first_ancestor = stack .iter_mut() .take(level - 1) .map(|toc_elem| toc_elem.as_mut()) .rfind(|toc_elem| toc_elem.is_some()) .flatten(); match first_ancestor { Some(ancestor_toc_elem) => { *ancestor_toc_elem = ancestor_toc_elem.clone().child(existing_toc); } None => { headers_vec.push(existing_toc); } } } } if let Some(toc_elem) = stack.get_mut(index) { *toc_elem = Some(TocElement::new( url, replace_escaped_characters(&heading.text_contents()), )); } } let folded_stack = stack .into_iter() .rev() .filter(|toc_elem| toc_elem.is_some()) .map(|opt_toc_elem| opt_toc_elem.unwrap()) .reduce(|child, parent| parent.child(child)); if let Some(toc_elem) = folded_stack { headers_vec.push(toc_elem) } headers_vec } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use kuchiki::traits::*; use super::{generate_header_ids, get_header_level_toc_vec, replace_escaped_characters}; #[test] fn test_replace_escaped_characters() { let mut value = "Lorem ipsum"; assert_eq!(replace_escaped_characters(value), "Lorem ipsum"); value = "Memory safe > memory unsafe"; assert_eq!( replace_escaped_characters(value), "Memory safe > memory unsafe" ); value = "Author Name "; assert_eq!( replace_escaped_characters(value), "Author Name <author@mail.example>" ); } #[test] fn test_generate_header_ids() { let html_str = r#"

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 2 again

Heading 4

Heading 1 again

Heading 3

"#; let doc = kuchiki::parse_html().one(html_str); generate_header_ids(&doc); let mut headers ="h1, h2, h3, h4").unwrap(); let all_headers_have_ids = headers.all(|node_data_ref| { let attrs = node_data_ref.attributes.borrow(); if let Some(id) = attrs.get("id") { !id.trim().is_empty() } else { false } }); assert_eq!(true, all_headers_have_ids); let selector = format!("h1#_{:x}", md5::compute("Heading 1")); assert_eq!(true, doc.select_first(&selector).is_ok()); let selector = format!("h1#_{:x}", md5::compute("Heading 1 again")); assert_eq!(true, doc.select_first(&selector).is_ok()); let selector = "h2#heading-2-again"; assert_eq!(true, doc.select_first(selector).is_ok()); } #[test] fn test_get_header_level_toc_vec() { // NOTE: Due to `TocElement` not implementing PartialEq, the tests here // will need to be manually written to cover for this let html_str = r#"

Lorem ipsum

"#; let doc = kuchiki::parse_html().one(html_str); let toc_vec = get_header_level_toc_vec("index.xhtml", &doc); assert_eq!(0, toc_vec.len()); let html_str = r#"

Heading 1

Lorem ipsum

Heading 2

Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum

Subheading 3

Lorem ipsum

Second Heading 1

Lorem ipsum

"#; let doc = kuchiki::parse_html().one(html_str); let toc_vec = get_header_level_toc_vec("index.xhtml", &doc); assert_eq!(2, toc_vec.len()); let first_h1_toc = toc_vec.first().unwrap(); assert_eq!("Heading 1", first_h1_toc.title); assert_eq!(1, first_h1_toc.children.len()); let h2_toc = first_h1_toc.children.first().unwrap(); assert_eq!("Heading 2", h2_toc.title); assert_eq!(1, h2_toc.children.len()); let h3_toc = h2_toc.children.first().unwrap(); assert_eq!("Subheading 3", h3_toc.title); assert_eq!(0, h3_toc.children.len()); let last_h1_toc = toc_vec.last().unwrap(); assert_eq!("Second Heading 1", last_h1_toc.title); assert_eq!(0, last_h1_toc.children.len()); let html_str = r#"

Heading 1

Lorem ipsum

Heading 2

Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum

Subheading 3

Lorem ipsum

Heading 2

Lorem ipsum

Subheading 4


"#; let doc = kuchiki::parse_html().one(html_str); let toc_vec = get_header_level_toc_vec("index.xhtml", &doc); assert_eq!(1, toc_vec.len()); let h1_toc = toc_vec.first().unwrap(); assert_eq!("Heading 1", h1_toc.title); assert_eq!(3, h1_toc.children.len()); let first_h2_toc = h1_toc.children.first().unwrap(); assert_eq!("Heading 2", first_h2_toc.title); assert_eq!(1, first_h2_toc.children.len()); let h3_toc = first_h2_toc.children.first().unwrap(); assert_eq!("Subheading 3", h3_toc.title); assert_eq!(0, h3_toc.children.len()); } }