#[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; use std::fs::File; use async_std::task; use epub_builder::{EpubBuilder, EpubContent, ZipLibrary}; use url::Url; mod cli; mod extractor; mod moz_readability; use extractor::Extractor; fn main() { let app = cli::cli_init(); let arg_matches = app.get_matches(); if let Some(vals) = arg_matches.values_of("urls") { let urls = vals.map(|val| val.to_string()).collect::>(); download(urls); } } type HTMLResource = (String, String); async fn fetch_url(url: &str) -> Result> { let client = surf::Client::new(); println!("Fetching..."); let mut redirect_count: u8 = 0; let base_url = Url::parse(&url)?; let mut url = base_url.clone(); while redirect_count < 5 { redirect_count += 1; let req = surf::get(&url); let mut res = client.send(req).await?; if res.status().is_redirection() { if let Some(location) = res.header(surf::http::headers::LOCATION) { match Url::parse(location.last().as_str()) { Ok(valid_url) => url = valid_url, Err(e) => match e { url::ParseError::RelativeUrlWithoutBase => { url = base_url.join(location.last().as_str())? } e => return Err(e.into()), }, }; } } else if res.status().is_success() { if let Some(mime) = res.content_type() { if mime.essence() == "text/html" { return Ok((url.to_string(), res.body_string().await?)); } else { return Err(format!( "Invalid HTTP response. Received {} instead of text/html", mime.essence() ) .into()); } } else { return Err("Unknown HTTP response".into()); } } else { return Err(format!("Request failed: HTTP {}", res.status()).into()); } } Err("Unable to fetch HTML".into()) } fn download(urls: Vec) { let mut async_url_tasks = Vec::with_capacity(urls.len()); for url in urls { async_url_tasks.push(task::spawn(async move { fetch_url(&url).await })); } task::block_on(async { for url_task in async_url_tasks { match url_task.await { Ok((url, html)) => { println!("Extracting"); let mut extractor = Extractor::from_html(&html); extractor.extract_content(&url); if extractor.article().is_some() { extractor .download_images(&Url::parse(&url).unwrap()) .await .expect("Unable to download images"); let file_name = format!( "{}.epub", extractor .metadata() .title() .replace("/", " ") .replace("\\", " ") ); let mut out_file = File::create(&file_name).unwrap(); let mut html_buf = Vec::new(); extractor::serialize_to_xhtml(extractor.article().unwrap(), &mut html_buf) .expect("Unable to serialize to xhtml"); let html_buf = std::str::from_utf8(&html_buf).unwrap(); let mut epub = EpubBuilder::new(ZipLibrary::new().unwrap()).unwrap(); if let Some(author) = extractor.metadata().byline() { epub.metadata("author", author.replace("&", "&")) .unwrap(); } epub.metadata("title", extractor.metadata().title().replace("&", "&")) .unwrap(); epub.add_content(EpubContent::new("index.xhtml", html_buf.as_bytes())) .unwrap(); for img in extractor.img_urls { let mut file_path = std::env::temp_dir(); file_path.push(&img.0); let img_buf = File::open(&file_path).expect("Can't read file"); epub.add_resource( file_path.file_name().unwrap(), img_buf, img.1.unwrap(), ) .unwrap(); } epub.generate(&mut out_file).unwrap(); println!("Created {:?}", file_name); } } Err(e) => println!("{}", e), } } }) }