use std::fs::File; use async_std::{fs::create_dir, fs::remove_dir_all, task}; use epub_builder::{EpubBuilder, EpubContent, ZipLibrary}; use url::Url; mod extractor; use extractor::Extractor; fn main() { task::block_on(async { let urls = vec![ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]; let html = fetch_url(urls[4]).await; let mut extractor = Extractor::from_html(&html); println!("Extracting"); extractor.extract_content(); create_dir("res/") .await .expect("Unable to create res/ output folder"); extractor .download_images(&Url::parse(urls[5]).unwrap()) .await .expect("Unable to download images"); let mut out_file = File::create("out.epub").unwrap(); let mut html_buf = Vec::new(); extractor .content .unwrap() .as_node() .serialize(&mut html_buf) .expect("Unable to serialize"); let html_buf = std::str::from_utf8(&html_buf).unwrap(); let mut epub = EpubBuilder::new(ZipLibrary::new().unwrap()).unwrap(); epub.add_content(EpubContent::new("code.xhtml", html_buf.as_bytes())) .unwrap(); for img in extractor.img_urls { let file_path = format!("{}", &img.0); let img_buf = File::open(file_path).expect("Can't read file"); epub.add_resource(img.0, img_buf, img.1.unwrap()).unwrap(); } epub.generate(&mut out_file).unwrap(); println!("Cleaning up"); remove_dir_all("res/").await.unwrap(); }) } async fn fetch_url(url: &str) -> String { let client = surf::Client::new(); println!("Fetching..."); // TODO: Add middleware for following redirects client .get(url) .recv_string() .await .expect("Unable to fetch URL") }