variables: - &rust_image "" - &slow_check_paths - path: # rust source code - "crates/**" - "src/**" - "tests/**" - "**/Cargo.toml" - "Cargo.lock" # database migrations - "migrations/**" # config files and scripts used by ci - ".woodpecker.yml" steps: toml_fmt: image: commands: - taplo format --check cargo_fmt: image: environment: # store cargo data in repo folder so that it gets cached between steps CARGO_HOME: .cargo_home commands: - rustup component add rustfmt - cargo fmt --check cargo_machete: image: *rust_image commands: - wget - tar -xvf cargo-binstall-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tgz - cp cargo-binstall /usr/local/cargo/bin - cargo binstall -y cargo-machete - cargo machete ignored_files: image: commands: - apk add git - IGNORED=$(git ls-files --cached -i --exclude-standard) - if [[ "$IGNORED" ]]; then echo "Ignored files present:\n$IGNORED\n"; exit 1; fi check: image: *rust_image environment: CARGO_HOME: .cargo_home commands: - cargo check when: *slow_check_paths cargo_clippy: image: *rust_image environment: CARGO_HOME: .cargo_home commands: - rustup component add clippy - cargo clippy --tests --all-targets -- -D warnings when: *slow_check_paths cargo_build: image: *rust_image environment: CARGO_HOME: .cargo_home commands: - cargo build - mv target/debug/skip target/skip when: *slow_check_paths cargo_test: image: *rust_image environment: RUST_BACKTRACE: "1" CARGO_HOME: .cargo_home commands: - cargo test --no-fail-fast when: *slow_check_paths integration_test: image: *rust_image commands: - ./ publish_to_crates_io: image: *rust_image commands: - cargo login "$CARGO_REGISTRY_TOKEN" - cargo publish --registry crates-io --no-verify --allow-branch "${CI_COMMIT_TAG}" --yes secrets: [cargo_registry_token] when: event: tag