Restructure sync to use a State with foldLeft around actions (#74)
* [changelog] updated * [cli] Program rename parameter * [core] Add AppState * [core] Synchronise rought draft replacement for Sync Uses the AppState * [core] Synchronise as sequential for-comprehensions * [core] Synchronise as nested for-comprehensions * [sbt] thorp(root) depends on cli moduke * [core] Synchronise extract methods * [core] Synchronise rewritten * [core] Synchronise generates actions * [core] Remove AppState * [core] ActionSubmitter remove unused implicit config parameter * [cli] Program rewritten to use Synchronise * [core] Synchronise useValidConfig accepts Logger implicitly * [core] Synchronise reorder methods * [core] Synchronise refactor errorMessages * [core] SyncLogging logRunStart accepts explicit parameters * [core] remove old Sync * [core] Synchronise restore logRunStart * [domain] Terminal add types to public methods and values * [domain] UploadEventLogger force flush to terminal Also make part of the progress message in green. Not flushing, by using println, cause odd behaviour. Works on normal terminal, but not great in an emacs terminal. Oh well. * [core] SyncLogging.logRunFinished remove unused parameters * [cli] Program restore final summary * [storage-aws] remove logging from module * [core] ThorpArchive replaces ActionSubmitter ActionSubmitter implementation becomes UnversionedMirrorArchive * [domain] cleaner upload progress messages * [cli] Program remove unused Logger * [cli] Program rename parameter * [core] SyncSuite use Synchronise * [sbt] Allow storage-aws to share core test classes * [domain] LocalFile stop storing a lambda The lambda breaks the equality test between LocalFile instances. * [core] MD4HashData add missing base64 digest for leafFile * [core] Synchronise drop DoNothing actions * [core] SyncSuite update tests * [sbt] aggregate modules from root module
This commit is contained in:
22 changed files with 269 additions and 374 deletions
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ The format is based on [[][Keep a Changelog]
** Added
- Abstraction layer encapsulating S3 as Storage (#76)
- Multiple copies of file are only uploaded once (#74)
* [0.5.0] - 2019-06-21
@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ val catsEffectsSettings = Seq(
lazy val thorp = (project in file("."))
.aggregate(cli, `thorp-lib`, `storage-aws`, core, `storage-api`, domain)
lazy val cli = (project in file("cli"))
.settings(mainClass in assembly := Some("net.kemitix.thorp.cli.Main"))
.aggregate(`thorp-lib`, `storage-aws`, core, `storage-api`, domain)
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ lazy val `storage-aws` = (project in file("storage-aws"))
.settings(assemblyJarName in assembly := "storage-aws.jar")
.dependsOn(core % "compile->compile;test->test")
lazy val core = (project in file("core"))
@ -1,24 +1,34 @@
package net.kemitix.thorp.cli
import cats.effect.{ExitCode, IO}
import net.kemitix.thorp.core.{ConfigOption, Sync}
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.Logger
import cats.implicits._
import net.kemitix.thorp.core._
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.{Logger, StorageQueueEvent}
trait Program {
def apply(configOptions: Seq[ConfigOption]): IO[ExitCode] = {
def apply(cliOptions: Seq[ConfigOption]): IO[ExitCode] = {
implicit val logger: Logger = new PrintLogger()
Sync(defaultStorageService)(configOptions) flatMap {
Synchronise(defaultStorageService, cliOptions).flatMap {
case Left(errors) =>
for {
_ <- logger.error(s"There were errors:")
_ <- IO.pure( => logger.error(s" - $error")))
_ <- => logger.error(s" - $error")).sequence
} yield ExitCode.Error
case Right(_) => IO.pure(ExitCode.Success)
case Right(actions) =>
for {
events <- handleActions(UnversionedMirrorArchive.default(defaultStorageService), actions)
_ <- SyncLogging.logRunFinished(events)
} yield ExitCode.Success
private def handleActions(archive: ThorpArchive,
actions: Stream[Action]): IO[Stream[StorageQueueEvent]] =
actions.foldRight(Stream[IO[StorageQueueEvent]]()) {
(action, stream) => archive.update(action) ++ stream
object Program extends Program
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ object LocalFileStream {
file match {
case f if f.isDirectory => loop(file)
case _ => for(hash <- md5HashGenerator(file))
yield Stream(domain.LocalFile(file, c.source, hash, generateKey(c.source, c.prefix)))
yield Stream(domain.LocalFile(file, c.source, hash, generateKey(c.source, c.prefix)(file)))
def recurse(fs: Stream[File]): IO[Stream[LocalFile]] =
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
package net.kemitix.thorp.core
import cats.effect.IO
import cats.implicits._
import net.kemitix.thorp.core.Action.ToDelete
import net.kemitix.thorp.core.ActionGenerator.createActions
import net.kemitix.thorp.core.ActionSubmitter.submitAction
import net.kemitix.thorp.core.ConfigurationBuilder.buildConfig
import net.kemitix.thorp.core.LocalFileStream.findFiles
import net.kemitix.thorp.core.S3MetaDataEnricher.getMetadata
import net.kemitix.thorp.core.SyncLogging.{logFileScan, logRunFinished, logRunStart}
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain._
trait Sync {
def errorMessages(errors: List[ConfigValidation]): List[String] = {
for {
errorMessages <- => cv.errorMessage)
} yield errorMessages
def apply(storageService: StorageService)
(configOptions: Seq[ConfigOption])
(implicit defaultLogger: Logger): IO[Either[List[String], Unit]] =
buildConfig(configOptions).flatMap {
case Right(config) => runWithValidConfig(storageService, defaultLogger, config)
case Left(errors) => IO.pure(Left(errorMessages(errors.toList)))
private def runWithValidConfig(storageService: StorageService,
defaultLogger: Logger,
config: Config) = {
for {
_ <- run(config, storageService, defaultLogger.withDebug(config.debug))
} yield Right(())
private def run(cliConfig: Config,
storageService: StorageService,
logger: Logger): IO[Unit] = {
implicit val c: Config = cliConfig
implicit val l: Logger = logger
def metaData(s3Data: S3ObjectsData, sFiles: Stream[LocalFile]) =
IO.pure( => getMetadata(file, s3Data)))
def actions(sData: Stream[S3MetaData]) =
IO.pure(sData.flatMap(s3MetaData => createActions(s3MetaData)))
def submit(sActions: Stream[Action]) =
IO(sActions.flatMap(action => submitAction(storageService, action)))
def copyUploadActions(s3Data: S3ObjectsData): IO[Stream[StorageQueueEvent]] =
(for {
files <- findFiles(c.source, MD5HashGenerator.md5File(_))
metaData <- metaData(s3Data, files)
actions <- actions(metaData)
s3Actions <- submit(actions)
} yield s3Actions.sequence)
.map(streamS3Actions => streamS3Actions.sorted)
def deleteActions(s3ObjectsData: S3ObjectsData): IO[Stream[StorageQueueEvent]] =
(for {
key <- s3ObjectsData.byKey.keys
if key.isMissingLocally(c.source, c.prefix)
ioDelAction <- submitAction(storageService, ToDelete(c.bucket, key))
} yield ioDelAction)
for {
_ <- logRunStart
s3data <- storageService.listObjects(c.bucket, c.prefix)
_ <- logFileScan
copyUploadActions <- copyUploadActions(s3data)
deleteActions <- deleteActions(s3data)
_ <- logRunFinished(copyUploadActions ++ deleteActions)
} yield ()
object Sync extends Sync
@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
package net.kemitix.thorp.core
import cats.effect.IO
import cats.implicits._
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.{Config, Logger, StorageQueueEvent}
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.{Bucket, Config, Logger, RemoteKey, StorageQueueEvent}
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.StorageQueueEvent.{CopyQueueEvent, DeleteQueueEvent, ErrorQueueEvent, UploadQueueEvent}
// Logging for the Sync class
trait SyncLogging {
def logRunStart(implicit c: Config,
logger: Logger): IO[Unit] =
||||"Bucket: ${}, Prefix: ${c.prefix.key}, Source: ${c.source}, ")
def logRunStart(bucket: Bucket,
prefix: RemoteKey,
source: File)
(implicit logger: Logger): IO[Unit] =
||||"Bucket: ${}, Prefix: ${prefix.key}, Source: $source, ")
def logFileScan(implicit c: Config,
logger: Logger): IO[Unit] =
@ -26,8 +29,7 @@ trait SyncLogging {
} yield ()
def logRunFinished(actions: Stream[StorageQueueEvent])
(implicit c: Config,
logger: Logger): IO[Unit] = {
(implicit logger: Logger): IO[Unit] = {
val counters = actions.foldLeft(Counters())(countActivities)
for {
_ <-"Uploaded ${counters.uploaded} files")
@ -38,8 +40,7 @@ trait SyncLogging {
} yield ()
private def countActivities(implicit c: Config,
logger: Logger): (Counters, StorageQueueEvent) => Counters =
private def countActivities: (Counters, StorageQueueEvent) => Counters =
(counters: Counters, s3Action: StorageQueueEvent) => {
s3Action match {
case _: UploadQueueEvent =>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
package net.kemitix.thorp.core
import cats.effect.IO
import cats.implicits._
import net.kemitix.thorp.core.Action.DoNothing
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.{Config, LocalFile, Logger, RemoteKey, S3ObjectsData}
trait Synchronise {
def apply(storageService: StorageService,
configOptions: Seq[ConfigOption])
(implicit logger: Logger): IO[Either[List[String], Stream[Action]]] =
.flatMap {
case Left(errors) => IO.pure(Left(errorMessages(errors)))
case Right(config) => useValidConfig(storageService, config)
def errorMessages(errors: NonEmptyChain[ConfigValidation]): List[String] =
|||| => cv.errorMessage).toList
def removeDoNothing: Action => Boolean = {
case _: DoNothing => false
case _ => true
def useValidConfig(storageService: StorageService,
config: Config)
(implicit logger: Logger): IO[Either[List[String], Stream[Action]]] = {
for {
_ <- SyncLogging.logRunStart(config.bucket, config.prefix, config.source)
actions <- gatherMetadata(storageService, logger, config)
.map { md =>
val (rd, ld) = md
val actions1 = actionsForLocalFiles(config, ld, rd)
val actions2 = actionsForRemoteKeys(config, rd)
Right((actions1 ++ actions2).filter(removeDoNothing))
} yield actions
private def gatherMetadata(storageService: StorageService,
logger: Logger,
config: Config) =
for {
remoteData <- fetchRemoteData(storageService, config)
localData <- findLocalFiles(config, logger)
} yield (remoteData, localData)
private def actionsForLocalFiles(config: Config, localData: Stream[LocalFile], remoteData: S3ObjectsData) =
localData.foldLeft(Stream[Action]())((acc, lf) => createActionFromLocalFile(config, lf, remoteData) ++ acc)
private def actionsForRemoteKeys(config: Config, remoteData: S3ObjectsData) =
remoteData.byKey.keys.foldLeft(Stream[Action]())((acc, rk) => createActionFromRemoteKey(config, rk) #:: acc)
private def fetchRemoteData(storageService: StorageService, config: Config) =
storageService.listObjects(config.bucket, config.prefix)
private def findLocalFiles(implicit config: Config, l: Logger) =
LocalFileStream.findFiles(config.source, MD5HashGenerator.md5File(_))
private def createActionFromLocalFile(c: Config, lf: LocalFile, remoteData: S3ObjectsData) =
ActionGenerator.createActions(S3MetaDataEnricher.getMetadata(lf, remoteData)(c))(c)
private def createActionFromRemoteKey(c: Config, rk: RemoteKey) =
if (rk.isMissingLocally(c.source, c.prefix)) Action.ToDelete(c.bucket, rk)
else DoNothing(c.bucket, rk)
object Synchronise extends Synchronise
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
package net.kemitix.thorp.core
import cats.effect.IO
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.StorageQueueEvent
trait ThorpArchive {
def update(action: Action): Stream[IO[StorageQueueEvent]]
@ -2,38 +2,33 @@ package net.kemitix.thorp.core
import cats.effect.IO
import net.kemitix.thorp.core.Action.{DoNothing, ToCopy, ToDelete, ToUpload}
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.{Config, Logger, StorageQueueEvent, UploadEventListener}
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.StorageQueueEvent.DoNothingQueueEvent
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.{StorageQueueEvent, UploadEventListener}
trait ActionSubmitter {
def submitAction(storageService: StorageService,
action: Action)
(implicit c: Config,
logger: Logger): Stream[IO[StorageQueueEvent]] = {
case class UnversionedMirrorArchive(storageService: StorageService) extends ThorpArchive {
override def update(action: Action): Stream[IO[StorageQueueEvent]] =
action match {
case ToUpload(bucket, localFile) =>
for {
_ <-" Upload: ${localFile.relative}")
uploadEventListener = new UploadEventListener(localFile)
event <- storageService.upload(localFile, bucket, uploadEventListener, 1)
event <- storageService.upload(localFile, bucket, new UploadEventListener(localFile), 1)
} yield event
case ToCopy(bucket, sourceKey, hash, targetKey) =>
for {
_ <-" Copy: ${sourceKey.key} => ${targetKey.key}")
event <- storageService.copy(bucket, sourceKey, hash, targetKey)
} yield event
case ToDelete(bucket, remoteKey) =>
for {
_ <-" Delete: ${remoteKey.key}")
event <- storageService.delete(bucket, remoteKey)
} yield event
case DoNothing(_, remoteKey) =>
object ActionSubmitter extends ActionSubmitter
object UnversionedMirrorArchive {
def default(storageService: StorageService): ThorpArchive =
new UnversionedMirrorArchive(storageService)
@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ object MD5HashData {
val rootHash = MD5Hash("a3a6ac11a0eb577b81b3bb5c95cc8a6e", Some("o6asEaDrV3uBs7tclcyKbg=="))
val leafHash = MD5Hash("208386a650bdec61cfcd7bd8dcb6b542")
val leafHash = MD5Hash("208386a650bdec61cfcd7bd8dcb6b542", Some("IIOGplC97GHPzXvY3La1Qg=="))
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import
import java.time.Instant
import cats.effect.IO
import net.kemitix.thorp.core.Action.{ToCopy, ToDelete, ToUpload}
import net.kemitix.thorp.core.MD5HashData.{leafHash, rootHash}
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain._
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.StorageQueueEvent.{CopyQueueEvent, DeleteQueueEvent, UploadQueueEvent}
@ -28,120 +29,110 @@ class SyncSuite
def putObjectRequest(bucket: Bucket, remoteKey: RemoteKey, localFile: LocalFile): (String, String, File) =
(, remoteKey.key, localFile.file)
describe("Sync.apply") {
val testBucket = Bucket("bucket")
// source contains the files root-file and subdir/leaf-file
val rootRemoteKey = RemoteKey("prefix/root-file")
val leafRemoteKey = RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file")
val testBucket = Bucket("bucket")
// source contains the files root-file and subdir/leaf-file
val rootRemoteKey = RemoteKey("prefix/root-file")
val leafRemoteKey = RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file")
val rootFile: LocalFile = LocalFile.resolve("root-file", rootHash, source, _ => rootRemoteKey)
val leafFile: LocalFile = LocalFile.resolve("subdir/leaf-file", leafHash, source, _ => leafRemoteKey)
def invokeSubject(storageService: StorageService,
configOptions: List[ConfigOption]) = {
def invokeSubject(storageService: StorageService,
configOptions: List[ConfigOption]): Either[List[String], Stream[Action]] = {
Synchronise(storageService, configOptions).unsafeRunSync
describe("when all files should be uploaded") {
val storageService = new RecordingStorageService(testBucket, S3ObjectsData(
byHash = Map(),
byKey = Map()))
it("uploads all files") {
val expectedUploads = Map(
"subdir/leaf-file" -> leafRemoteKey,
"root-file" -> rootRemoteKey)
invokeSubject(storageService, configOptions)
it("copies nothing") {
val expectedCopies = Map()
invokeSubject(storageService, configOptions)
it("deletes nothing") {
val expectedDeletions = Set()
invokeSubject(storageService, configOptions)
describe("when all files should be uploaded") {
val storageService = new RecordingStorageService(testBucket, S3ObjectsData(
byHash = Map(),
byKey = Map()))
it("uploads all files") {
val expected = Stream(
ToUpload(testBucket, rootFile),
ToUpload(testBucket, leafFile))
val result = invokeSubject(storageService, configOptions)
describe("when no files should be uploaded") {
val s3ObjectsData = S3ObjectsData(
byHash = Map(
rootHash -> Set(KeyModified(RemoteKey("prefix/root-file"), lastModified)),
leafHash -> Set(KeyModified(RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file"), lastModified))),
byKey = Map(
RemoteKey("prefix/root-file") -> HashModified(rootHash, lastModified),
RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file") -> HashModified(leafHash, lastModified)))
val storageService = new RecordingStorageService(testBucket, s3ObjectsData)
it("uploads nothing") {
val expectedUploads = Map()
invokeSubject(storageService, configOptions)
it("copies nothing") {
val expectedCopies = Map()
invokeSubject(storageService, configOptions)
it("deletes nothing") {
val expectedDeletions = Set()
invokeSubject(storageService, configOptions)
describe("when no files should be uploaded") {
val s3ObjectsData = S3ObjectsData(
byHash = Map(
rootHash -> Set(KeyModified(RemoteKey("prefix/root-file"), lastModified)),
leafHash -> Set(KeyModified(RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file"), lastModified))),
byKey = Map(
RemoteKey("prefix/root-file") -> HashModified(rootHash, lastModified),
RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file") -> HashModified(leafHash, lastModified)))
val storageService = new RecordingStorageService(testBucket, s3ObjectsData)
it("no actions") {
val expected = Stream()
val result = invokeSubject(storageService, configOptions)
describe("when a file is renamed it is moved on S3 with no upload") {
// 'root-file-old' should be renamed as 'root-file'
val s3ObjectsData = S3ObjectsData(
byHash = Map(
rootHash -> Set(KeyModified(RemoteKey("prefix/root-file-old"), lastModified)),
leafHash -> Set(KeyModified(RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file"), lastModified))),
byKey = Map(
RemoteKey("prefix/root-file-old") -> HashModified(rootHash, lastModified),
RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file") -> HashModified(leafHash, lastModified)))
val storageService = new RecordingStorageService(testBucket, s3ObjectsData)
it("uploads nothing") {
invokeSubject(storageService, configOptions)
val expectedUploads = Map()
it("copies the file") {
val expectedCopies = Map(RemoteKey("prefix/root-file-old") -> RemoteKey("prefix/root-file"))
invokeSubject(storageService, configOptions)
it("deletes the original") {
val expectedDeletions = Set(RemoteKey("prefix/root-file-old"))
invokeSubject(storageService, configOptions)
describe("when a file is renamed it is moved on S3 with no upload") {
val sourceKey = RemoteKey("prefix/root-file-old")
val targetKey = RemoteKey("prefix/root-file")
// 'root-file-old' should be renamed as 'root-file'
val s3ObjectsData = S3ObjectsData(
byHash = Map(
rootHash -> Set(KeyModified(sourceKey, lastModified)),
leafHash -> Set(KeyModified(RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file"), lastModified))),
byKey = Map(
sourceKey -> HashModified(rootHash, lastModified),
RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file") -> HashModified(leafHash, lastModified)))
val storageService = new RecordingStorageService(testBucket, s3ObjectsData)
it("copies the file and deletes the original") {
val expected = Stream(
ToCopy(testBucket, sourceKey, rootHash, targetKey),
ToDelete(testBucket, sourceKey)
val result = invokeSubject(storageService, configOptions)
describe("when a file is copied it is copied on S3 with no upload") {
it("TODO") {
describe("when a file is copied it is copied on S3 with no upload") {
it("TODO") {
describe("when a file is deleted locally it is deleted from S3") {
val deletedHash = MD5Hash("deleted-hash")
val deletedKey = RemoteKey("prefix/deleted-file")
val s3ObjectsData = S3ObjectsData(
byHash = Map(
deletedHash -> Set(KeyModified(RemoteKey("prefix/deleted-file"), lastModified))),
byKey = Map(
deletedKey -> HashModified(deletedHash, lastModified)))
val storageService = new RecordingStorageService(testBucket, s3ObjectsData)
it("deleted key") {
val expectedDeletions = Set(deletedKey)
invokeSubject(storageService, configOptions)
describe("when a file is deleted locally it is deleted from S3") {
val deletedHash = MD5Hash("deleted-hash")
val deletedKey = RemoteKey("prefix/deleted-file")
val s3ObjectsData = S3ObjectsData(
byHash = Map(
rootHash -> Set(KeyModified(RemoteKey("prefix/root-file"), lastModified)),
leafHash -> Set(KeyModified(RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file"), lastModified)),
deletedHash -> Set(KeyModified(RemoteKey("prefix/deleted-file"), lastModified))),
byKey = Map(
RemoteKey("prefix/root-file") -> HashModified(rootHash, lastModified),
RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file") -> HashModified(leafHash, lastModified),
deletedKey -> HashModified(deletedHash, lastModified)))
val storageService = new RecordingStorageService(testBucket, s3ObjectsData)
it("deleted key") {
val expected = Stream(
ToDelete(testBucket, deletedKey)
val result = invokeSubject(storageService, configOptions)
describe("when a file is excluded") {
val s3ObjectsData = S3ObjectsData(Map(), Map())
val storageService = new RecordingStorageService(testBucket, s3ObjectsData)
it("is not uploaded") {
val expectedUploads = Map(
"root-file" -> rootRemoteKey
invokeSubject(storageService, ConfigOption.Exclude("leaf") :: configOptions)
describe("when a file is excluded") {
val s3ObjectsData = S3ObjectsData(
byHash = Map(
rootHash -> Set(KeyModified(RemoteKey("prefix/root-file"), lastModified)),
leafHash -> Set(KeyModified(RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file"), lastModified))),
byKey = Map(
RemoteKey("prefix/root-file") -> HashModified(rootHash, lastModified),
RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file") -> HashModified(leafHash, lastModified)))
val storageService = new RecordingStorageService(testBucket, s3ObjectsData)
it("is not uploaded") {
val expected = Stream()
val result = invokeSubject(storageService, ConfigOption.Exclude("leaf") :: configOptions)
@ -149,40 +140,26 @@ class SyncSuite
s3ObjectsData: S3ObjectsData)
extends StorageService {
var uploadsRecord: Map[String, RemoteKey] = Map()
var copiesRecord: Map[RemoteKey, RemoteKey] = Map()
var deletionsRecord: Set[RemoteKey] = Set()
override def listObjects(bucket: Bucket,
prefix: RemoteKey)
(implicit logger: Logger): IO[S3ObjectsData] =
prefix: RemoteKey): IO[S3ObjectsData] =
override def upload(localFile: LocalFile,
bucket: Bucket,
uploadEventListener: UploadEventListener,
tryCount: Int)
(implicit logger: Logger): IO[UploadQueueEvent] = {
if (bucket == testBucket)
uploadsRecord += (localFile.relative.toString -> localFile.remoteKey)
tryCount: Int): IO[UploadQueueEvent] = {
IO.pure(UploadQueueEvent(localFile.remoteKey, localFile.hash))
override def copy(bucket: Bucket,
sourceKey: RemoteKey,
hash: MD5Hash,
targetKey: RemoteKey
)(implicit logger: Logger): IO[CopyQueueEvent] = {
if (bucket == testBucket)
copiesRecord += (sourceKey -> targetKey)
targetKey: RemoteKey): IO[CopyQueueEvent] = {
override def delete(bucket: Bucket,
remoteKey: RemoteKey
)(implicit logger: Logger): IO[DeleteQueueEvent] = {
if (bucket == testBucket)
deletionsRecord += remoteKey
remoteKey: RemoteKey): IO[DeleteQueueEvent] = {
@ -3,13 +3,10 @@ package net.kemitix.thorp.domain
import java.nio.file.Path
final case class LocalFile(file: File, source: File, hash: MD5Hash, keyGenerator: File => RemoteKey) {
final case class LocalFile(file: File, source: File, hash: MD5Hash, remoteKey: RemoteKey) {
require(!file.isDirectory, s"LocalFile must not be a directory: $file")
// the equivalent location of the file on S3
def remoteKey: RemoteKey = keyGenerator(file)
def isDirectory: Boolean = file.isDirectory
// the path of the file within the source
@ -25,6 +22,6 @@ object LocalFile {
source: File,
fileToKey: File => RemoteKey): LocalFile = {
val file = source.toPath.resolve(path).toFile
LocalFile(file, source, md5Hash, fileToKey)
LocalFile(file, source, md5Hash, fileToKey(file))
@ -10,116 +10,116 @@ object Terminal {
* Stops at the edge of the screen.
def cursorUp(lines: Int = 1) = csi + lines + "A"
def cursorUp(lines: Int = 1): String = csi + lines + "A"
* Move the cursor down, default 1 line.
* Stops at the edge of the screen.
def cursorDown(lines: Int = 1) = csi + lines + "B"
def cursorDown(lines: Int = 1): String = csi + lines + "B"
* Move the cursor forward, default 1 column.
* Stops at the edge of the screen.
def cursorForward(cols: Int = 1) = csi + cols + "C"
def cursorForward(cols: Int = 1): String = csi + cols + "C"
* Move the cursor back, default 1 column,
* Stops at the edge of the screen.
def cursorBack(cols: Int = 1) = csi + cols + "D"
def cursorBack(cols: Int = 1): String = csi + cols + "D"
* Move the cursor to the beginning of the line, default 1, down.
def cursorNextLine(lines: Int = 1) = csi + lines + "E"
def cursorNextLine(lines: Int = 1): String = csi + lines + "E"
* Move the cursor to the beginning of the line, default 1, up.
def cursorPrevLine(lines: Int = 1) = csi + lines + "F"
def cursorPrevLine(lines: Int = 1): String = csi + lines + "F"
* Move the cursor to the column on the current line.
def cursorHorizAbs(col: Int) = csi + col + "G"
def cursorHorizAbs(col: Int): String = csi + col + "G"
* Move the cursor to the position on screen (1,1 is the top-left).
def cursorPosition(row: Int, col: Int) = csi + row + ";" + col + "H"
def cursorPosition(row: Int, col: Int): String = csi + row + ";" + col + "H"
* Clear from cursor to end of screen.
val eraseToEndOfScreen = csi + "0J"
val eraseToEndOfScreen: String = csi + "0J"
* Clear from cursor to beginning of screen.
val eraseToStartOfScreen = csi + "1J"
val eraseToStartOfScreen: String = csi + "1J"
* Clear screen and move cursor to top-left.
* On DOS the "2J" command also moves to 1,1, so we force that behaviour for all.
val eraseScreen = csi + "2J" + cursorPosition(1, 1)
val eraseScreen: String = csi + "2J" + cursorPosition(1, 1)
* Clear screen and scrollback buffer then move cursor to top-left.
* Anticipate that same DOS behaviour here, and to maintain consistency with {@link #eraseScreen}.
val eraseScreenAndBuffer = csi + "3J"
val eraseScreenAndBuffer: String = csi + "3J"
* Clears the terminal line to the right of the cursor.
* Does not move the cursor.
val eraseLineForward = csi + "0K"
val eraseLineForward: String = csi + "0K"
* Clears the terminal line to the left of the cursor.
* Does not move the cursor.
val eraseLineBack= csi + "1K"
val eraseLineBack: String = csi + "1K"
* Clears the whole terminal line.
* Does not move the cursor.
val eraseLine = csi + "2K"
val eraseLine: String = csi + "2K"
* Scroll page up, default 1, lines.
def scrollUp(lines: Int = 1) = csi + lines + "S"
def scrollUp(lines: Int = 1): String = csi + lines + "S"
* Scroll page down, default 1, lines.
def scrollDown(lines: Int = 1) = csi + lines + "T"
def scrollDown(lines: Int = 1): String = csi + lines + "T"
* Saves the cursor position/state.
val saveCursorPosition = csi + "s"
val saveCursorPosition: String = csi + "s"
* Restores the cursor position/state.
val restoreCursorPosition = csi + "u"
val restoreCursorPosition: String = csi + "u"
val enableAlternateBuffer = csi + "?1049h"
val enableAlternateBuffer: String = csi + "?1049h"
val disableAlternateBuffer = csi + "?1049l"
val disableAlternateBuffer: String = csi + "?1049l"
* The Width of the terminal, as reported by the COLUMNS environment variable.
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ object Terminal {
val subBars = Map(
private val subBars = Map(
0 -> " ",
1 -> "▏",
2 -> "▎",
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.SizeTranslation.sizeInEnglish
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.Terminal._
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.UploadEvent.RequestEvent
trait UploadEventLogger {
def logRequestCycle(localFile: LocalFile,
@ -15,9 +17,10 @@ trait UploadEventLogger {
val bar = progressBar(bytesTransferred, fileLength.toDouble, Terminal.width)
val transferred = sizeInEnglish(bytesTransferred)
val fileSize = sizeInEnglish(fileLength)
print(s"${eraseLine}Uploading $transferred of $fileSize : $remoteKey\n$bar${cursorUp()}\r")
val message = s"${GREEN}Uploaded $transferred of $fileSize $RESET: $remoteKey$eraseLineForward"
println(s"$message\n$bar${Terminal.cursorPrevLine() * 2}")
} else
println(s"${GREEN}Uploaded:$RESET $remoteKey$eraseLineForward")
@ -6,23 +6,19 @@ import net.kemitix.thorp.domain._
trait StorageService {
def listObjects(bucket: Bucket,
prefix: RemoteKey
)(implicit logger: Logger): IO[S3ObjectsData]
prefix: RemoteKey): IO[S3ObjectsData]
def upload(localFile: LocalFile,
bucket: Bucket,
uploadEventListener: UploadEventListener,
tryCount: Int)
(implicit logger: Logger): IO[StorageQueueEvent]
tryCount: Int): IO[StorageQueueEvent]
def copy(bucket: Bucket,
sourceKey: RemoteKey,
hash: MD5Hash,
targetKey: RemoteKey
)(implicit logger: Logger): IO[StorageQueueEvent]
targetKey: RemoteKey): IO[StorageQueueEvent]
def delete(bucket: Bucket,
remoteKey: RemoteKey
)(implicit logger: Logger): IO[StorageQueueEvent]
remoteKey: RemoteKey): IO[StorageQueueEvent]
@ -5,19 +5,15 @@ import
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.StorageQueueEvent.CopyQueueEvent
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain._
import{logCopyStart, logCopyFinish}
class S3ClientCopier(amazonS3: AmazonS3) {
def copy(bucket: Bucket,
sourceKey: RemoteKey,
hash: MD5Hash,
targetKey: RemoteKey)
(implicit logger: Logger): IO[StorageQueueEvent] =
targetKey: RemoteKey): IO[StorageQueueEvent] =
for {
_ <- logCopyStart(bucket, sourceKey, targetKey)
_ <- copyObject(bucket, sourceKey, hash, targetKey)
_ <- logCopyFinish(bucket, sourceKey,targetKey)
} yield CopyQueueEvent(targetKey)
private def copyObject(bucket: Bucket,
@ -4,18 +4,14 @@ import cats.effect.IO
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.StorageQueueEvent.DeleteQueueEvent
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.{Bucket, Logger, RemoteKey}
import{logDeleteStart, logDeleteFinish}
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.{Bucket, RemoteKey}
class S3ClientDeleter(amazonS3: AmazonS3) {
def delete(bucket: Bucket,
remoteKey: RemoteKey)
(implicit logger: Logger): IO[DeleteQueueEvent] =
remoteKey: RemoteKey): IO[DeleteQueueEvent] =
for {
_ <- logDeleteStart(bucket, remoteKey)
_ <- deleteObject(bucket, remoteKey)
_ <- logDeleteFinish(bucket, remoteKey)
} yield DeleteQueueEvent(remoteKey)
private def deleteObject(bucket: Bucket, remoteKey: RemoteKey) =
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
import cats.effect.IO
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.{Bucket, Logger, RemoteKey}
object S3ClientLogging {
def logListObjectsStart(bucket: Bucket,
prefix: RemoteKey)
(implicit logger: Logger): IO[Unit] =
||||"Fetch S3 Summary: ${}:${prefix.key}")
def logListObjectsFinish(bucket: Bucket,
prefix: RemoteKey)
(implicit logger: Logger): IO[Unit] =
||||"Fetched S3 Summary: ${}:${prefix.key}")
def logCopyStart(bucket: Bucket,
sourceKey: RemoteKey,
targetKey: RemoteKey)
(implicit logger: Logger): IO[Unit] =
||||"Copy: ${}:${sourceKey.key} => ${targetKey.key}")
def logCopyFinish(bucket: Bucket,
sourceKey: RemoteKey,
targetKey: RemoteKey)
(implicit logger: Logger): IO[Unit] =
||||"Copied: ${}:${sourceKey.key} => ${targetKey.key}")
def logDeleteStart(bucket: Bucket,
remoteKey: RemoteKey)
(implicit logger: Logger): IO[Unit] =
||||"Delete: ${}:${remoteKey.key}")
def logDeleteFinish(bucket: Bucket,
remoteKey: RemoteKey)
(implicit logger: Logger): IO[Unit] =
||||"Deleted: ${}:${remoteKey.key}")
@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ import cats.effect.IO
import{ListObjectsV2Request, S3ObjectSummary}
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.{Bucket, Logger, RemoteKey, S3ObjectsData}
import{logListObjectsStart, logListObjectsFinish}
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.{Bucket, RemoteKey, S3ObjectsData}
@ -14,8 +13,7 @@ import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
class S3ClientObjectLister(amazonS3: AmazonS3) {
def listObjects(bucket: Bucket,
prefix: RemoteKey)
(implicit logger: Logger): IO[S3ObjectsData] = {
prefix: RemoteKey): IO[S3ObjectsData] = {
type Token = String
type Batch = (Stream[S3ObjectSummary], Option[Token])
@ -50,10 +48,7 @@ class S3ClientObjectLister(amazonS3: AmazonS3) {
} yield summaries ++ rest
for {
_ <- logListObjectsStart(bucket, prefix)
r = new ListObjectsV2Request().withBucketName(
summaries <- fetch(r)
_ <- logListObjectsFinish(bucket, prefix)
summaries <- fetch(new ListObjectsV2Request().withBucketName(
} yield domain.S3ObjectsData(byHash(summaries), byKey(summaries))
@ -16,27 +16,23 @@ class S3StorageService(amazonS3Client: => AmazonS3,
lazy val deleter = new S3ClientDeleter(amazonS3Client)
override def listObjects(bucket: Bucket,
prefix: RemoteKey)
(implicit logger: Logger): IO[S3ObjectsData] =
prefix: RemoteKey): IO[S3ObjectsData] =
objectLister.listObjects(bucket, prefix)
override def copy(bucket: Bucket,
sourceKey: RemoteKey,
hash: MD5Hash,
targetKey: RemoteKey)
(implicit logger: Logger): IO[StorageQueueEvent] =
targetKey: RemoteKey): IO[StorageQueueEvent] =
copier.copy(bucket, sourceKey,hash, targetKey)
override def upload(localFile: LocalFile,
bucket: Bucket,
uploadEventListener: UploadEventListener,
tryCount: Int)
(implicit logger: Logger): IO[StorageQueueEvent] =
tryCount: Int): IO[StorageQueueEvent] =
uploader.upload(localFile, bucket, uploadEventListener, 1)
override def delete(bucket: Bucket,
remoteKey: RemoteKey)
(implicit logger: Logger): IO[StorageQueueEvent] =
remoteKey: RemoteKey): IO[StorageQueueEvent] =
deleter.delete(bucket, remoteKey)
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import{TransferManager => AmazonTransferMana
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.StorageQueueEvent.{ErrorQueueEvent, UploadQueueEvent}
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.UploadEvent.{ByteTransferEvent, RequestEvent, TransferEvent}
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.{StorageQueueEvent, _}
import{logMultiPartUploadStart, logMultiPartUploadFinished}
import scala.util.Try
@ -17,16 +16,13 @@ class Uploader(transferManager: => AmazonTransferManager) {
def upload(localFile: LocalFile,
bucket: Bucket,
uploadEventListener: UploadEventListener,
tryCount: Int)
(implicit logger: Logger): IO[StorageQueueEvent] =
tryCount: Int): IO[StorageQueueEvent] =
for {
_ <- logMultiPartUploadStart(localFile, tryCount)
upload <- transfer(localFile, bucket, uploadEventListener)
action = upload match {
case Right(r) => UploadQueueEvent(RemoteKey(r.getKey), MD5Hash(r.getETag))
case Left(e) => ErrorQueueEvent(localFile.remoteKey, e)
_ <- logMultiPartUploadFinished(localFile)
} yield action
private def transfer(localFile: LocalFile,
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
import cats.effect.IO
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.SizeTranslation.sizeInEnglish
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.Terminal._
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.{LocalFile, Logger}
object UploaderLogging {
def logMultiPartUploadStart(localFile: LocalFile,
tryCount: Int)
(implicit logger: Logger): IO[Unit] = {
val tryMessage = if (tryCount == 1) "" else s"try $tryCount"
val size = sizeInEnglish(localFile.file.length)
def logMultiPartUploadFinished(localFile: LocalFile)
(implicit logger: Logger): IO[Unit] =
logger.debug(s"upload:finished: ${localFile.remoteKey.key}")
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