Use correct hash locally for comparing multi-part uploaded files (#82)
* [storage-aws] ETagGenerator add stub * [core] MD5HashGenerator add hex and digest helpers * [domain] MD5Hash can always provide base64 and also digest Rather that store the base 64 digest some of the time, simply decode it from the hex hash. The same for the binary digest. MD5Hash is now cleaner now that it no longer has Option parameters. * [core] MD5HashGenerator add stubs to allow reading file chunks * [domain] MD5HashData add sub-objects * [domain] MD5HashData move back into test where it belongs * [sbt] add sbt-bloop plugin * [domain] MD5HashData Add hash of big-file * [domain] MD5HashData Add hash of big-file * [core] MD5HashGenerator find end of chunk correctly * [core] MD5HashGenerator offset is a Long * [core] MD5HashGenerator don't read past the end of the file * [storage-aws] ETagGenerator can reproduce ETags * [storage-aws] ETagGeneratorTest added * [storate-aws] ETagGenerator refactoring * [storage-aws] ETageGenerator refactoring * [core] SyncSuite remove redundant braces * [storage-api] HashService added * [storage-aws] S3HashService added * [core] LocalFileStream refactoring * [core] integrate HashService and ETagGenerator * Optimise imports * [domain] HexEncoder added to replace java 8 only DataTypeConverter * [core] MD5HashGenerator refactoring * [core] S3MetaDataEnricher refactoring * [core] S3MetaDataEnricherSuite refactoring * [storage-aws] ETagGeneratorTest refactoring * [storage-aws] StorageServiceSuite refactoring * [core] S3MetaDataEnricher refactoring * [core] refactoring * [storage-aws] refactoring
This commit is contained in:
28 changed files with 568 additions and 221 deletions
@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ lazy val core = (project in file("core"))
.settings(assemblyJarName in assembly := "core.jar")
.dependsOn(domain % "compile->compile;test->test")
lazy val `storage-api` = (project in file("storage-api"))
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import cats.effect.{ExitCode, IO}
import cats.implicits._
import net.kemitix.thorp.core._
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.{Logger, StorageQueueEvent}
trait Program {
@ -11,7 +12,7 @@ trait Program {
def apply(cliOptions: Seq[ConfigOption]): IO[ExitCode] = {
implicit val logger: Logger = new PrintLogger()
for {
actions <- Synchronise(defaultStorageService, cliOptions).valueOrF(handleErrors)
actions <- Synchronise(defaultStorageService, defaultHashService, cliOptions).valueOrF(handleErrors)
events <- handleActions(UnversionedMirrorArchive.default(defaultStorageService), actions)
_ <- SyncLogging.logRunFinished(events)
} yield ExitCode.Success
@ -49,8 +49,13 @@ object ActionGenerator {
private def copyFile(bucket: Bucket,
localFile: LocalFile,
matchByHash: Set[RemoteMetaData]): Stream[Action] =
|||| {sourceKey =>
ToCopy(bucket, sourceKey, localFile.hash, localFile.remoteKey)}
matchByHash: Set[RemoteMetaData]): Stream[Action] = {
val headOption = matchByHash.headOption
|||| { remoteMetaData =>
val sourceKey = remoteMetaData.remoteKey
val hash = remoteMetaData.hash
ToCopy(bucket, sourceKey, hash, localFile.remoteKey)
@ -7,11 +7,12 @@ import cats.effect.IO
import net.kemitix.thorp.core.KeyGenerator.generateKey
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain._
object LocalFileStream {
def findFiles(file: File,
md5HashGenerator: File => IO[MD5Hash])
hashService: HashService)
(implicit c: Config,
logger: Logger): IO[Stream[LocalFile]] = {
@ -25,11 +26,10 @@ object LocalFileStream {
Stream(fs: _*)
.filter(f => filters(f.toPath)))
def recurseIntoSubDirectories(file: File)(implicit c: Config): IO[Stream[LocalFile]] =
def recurseIntoSubDirectories(file: File): IO[Stream[LocalFile]] =
file match {
case f if f.isDirectory => loop(file)
case _ => for(hash <- md5HashGenerator(file))
yield Stream(domain.LocalFile(file, c.source, hash, generateKey(c.source, c.prefix)(file)))
case _ => localFile(hashService, file)
def recurse(fs: Stream[File]): IO[Stream[LocalFile]] =
@ -48,6 +48,12 @@ object LocalFileStream {
private def localFile(hashService: HashService, file: File)(implicit l: Logger, c: Config) = {
for {
hash <- hashService.hashLocalObject(file)
} yield Stream(domain.LocalFile(file, c.source, hash, generateKey(c.source, c.prefix)(file)))
//TODO: Change this to return an Either[IllegalArgumentException, Array[File]]
private def listFiles(file: File) = {
@ -10,51 +10,72 @@ import scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange
object MD5HashGenerator {
def md5File(file: File)
(implicit logger: Logger): IO[MD5Hash] = {
val maxBufferSize = 8048
val defaultBuffer = new Array[Byte](maxBufferSize)
val maxBufferSize = 8048
val defaultBuffer = new Array[Byte](maxBufferSize)
def openFile = IO.pure(new FileInputStream(file))
def closeFile = {fis: FileInputStream => IO(fis.close())}
def hex(in: Array[Byte]): String = {
val md5 = MessageDigest getInstance "MD5"
md5 update in
(md5.digest map ("%02x" format _)).mkString
def nextChunkSize(currentOffset: Long) = {
// a value between 1 and maxBufferSize
val toRead = file.length - currentOffset
val result = Math.min(maxBufferSize, toRead)
def digest(in: String): Array[Byte] = {
val md5 = MessageDigest getInstance "MD5"
md5 update in.getBytes
def md5File(file: File)(implicit logger: Logger): IO[MD5Hash] =
md5FileChunk(file, 0, file.length)
private def openFile(file: File, offset: Long) = IO {
val stream = new FileInputStream(file)
stream skip offset
private def closeFile(fis: FileInputStream) = IO(fis.close())
private def readFile(file: File, offset: Long, endOffset: Long) =
for {
fis <- openFile(file, offset)
digest <- digestFile(fis, offset, endOffset)
_ <- closeFile(fis)
} yield digest
private def digestFile(fis: FileInputStream, offset: Long, endOffset: Long) =
IO {
val md5 = MessageDigest getInstance "MD5"
NumericRange(offset, endOffset, maxBufferSize)
.foreach(currentOffset => md5 update readToBuffer(fis, currentOffset, endOffset))
def readToBuffer(fis: FileInputStream,
currentOffset: Long) = {
val buffer =
if (nextChunkSize(currentOffset) < maxBufferSize) new Array[Byte](nextChunkSize(currentOffset))
else defaultBuffer
fis read buffer
private def readToBuffer(fis: FileInputStream,
currentOffset: Long,
endOffset: Long) = {
val buffer =
if (nextBufferSize(currentOffset, endOffset) < maxBufferSize)
new Array[Byte](nextBufferSize(currentOffset, endOffset))
else defaultBuffer
fis read buffer
def digestFile(fis: FileInputStream) =
IO {
val md5 = MessageDigest getInstance "MD5"
NumericRange(0, file.length, maxBufferSize)
.foreach { currentOffset => {
val buffer = readToBuffer(fis, currentOffset)
md5 update buffer
def readFile =
for {
fis <- openFile
digest <- digestFile(fis)
_ <- closeFile(fis)
} yield digest
private def nextBufferSize(currentOffset: Long, endOffset: Long) = {
val toRead = endOffset - currentOffset
val result = Math.min(maxBufferSize, toRead)
def md5FileChunk(file: File,
offset: Long,
size: Long)
(implicit logger: Logger): IO[MD5Hash] = {
val endOffset = Math.min(offset + size, file.length)
for {
_ <- logger.debug(s"md5:reading:size ${file.length}:$file")
digest <- readFile
digest <- readFile(file, offset, endOffset)
hash = MD5Hash.fromDigest(digest)
_ <- logger.debug(s"md5:generated:${hash.hash}:$file")
} yield hash
@ -10,13 +10,17 @@ object S3MetaDataEnricher {
val (keyMatches, hashMatches) = getS3Status(localFile, s3ObjectsData)
matchByKey = keyMatches map { hm => RemoteMetaData(localFile.remoteKey, hm.hash, hm.modified) },
matchByHash = hashMatches map { km => RemoteMetaData(km.key, localFile.hash, km.modified) })
matchByHash = hashMatches map { case (hash, km) => RemoteMetaData(km.key, hash, km.modified) })
def getS3Status(localFile: LocalFile,
s3ObjectsData: S3ObjectsData): (Option[HashModified], Set[KeyModified]) = {
s3ObjectsData: S3ObjectsData): (Option[HashModified], Set[(MD5Hash, KeyModified)]) = {
val matchingByKey = s3ObjectsData.byKey.get(localFile.remoteKey)
val matchingByHash = s3ObjectsData.byHash.getOrElse(localFile.hash, Set())
val matchingByHash = localFile.hashes
.map { case(_, md5Hash) =>
s3ObjectsData.byHash.getOrElse(md5Hash, Set())
.map(km => (md5Hash, km))
(matchingByKey, matchingByHash)
@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
package net.kemitix.thorp.core
import{EitherT, NonEmptyChain}
import cats.effect.IO
import cats.implicits._
import net.kemitix.thorp.core.Action.DoNothing
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.{Config, LocalFile, Logger, RemoteKey, S3ObjectsData}
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain._
import{HashService, StorageService}
trait Synchronise {
def apply(storageService: StorageService,
hashService: HashService,
configOptions: Seq[ConfigOption])
(implicit logger: Logger): EitherT[IO, List[String], Stream[Action]] =
(implicit l: Logger): EitherT[IO, List[String], Stream[Action]] =
.flatMap(config => useValidConfig(storageService, config))
.flatMap(config => useValidConfig(storageService, hashService)(config, l))
def errorMessages(errors: NonEmptyChain[ConfigValidation]): List[String] =
|||| => cv.errorMessage).toList
@ -26,45 +26,50 @@ trait Synchronise {
def useValidConfig(storageService: StorageService,
config: Config)
(implicit logger: Logger): EitherT[IO, List[String], Stream[Action]] = {
hashService: HashService)
(implicit c: Config, l: Logger): EitherT[IO, List[String], Stream[Action]] = {
for {
_ <- EitherT.liftF(SyncLogging.logRunStart(config.bucket, config.prefix, config.source))
actions <- gatherMetadata(storageService, logger, config)
_ <- EitherT.liftF(SyncLogging.logRunStart(c.bucket, c.prefix, c.source))
actions <- gatherMetadata(storageService, hashService)
|||| => List(error)).swap
.map {
case (remoteData, localData) =>
(actionsForLocalFiles(config, localData, remoteData) ++
actionsForRemoteKeys(config, remoteData))
(actionsForLocalFiles(localData, remoteData) ++
} yield actions
private def gatherMetadata(storageService: StorageService,
logger: Logger,
config: Config): EitherT[IO, String, (S3ObjectsData, Stream[LocalFile])] =
hashService: HashService)
(implicit l: Logger,
c: Config): EitherT[IO, String, (S3ObjectsData, Stream[LocalFile])] =
for {
remoteData <- fetchRemoteData(storageService, config)
localData <- EitherT.liftF(findLocalFiles(config, logger))
remoteData <- fetchRemoteData(storageService)
localData <- EitherT.liftF(findLocalFiles(hashService))
} yield (remoteData, localData)
private def actionsForLocalFiles(config: Config, localData: Stream[LocalFile], remoteData: S3ObjectsData) =
localData.foldLeft(Stream[Action]())((acc, lf) => createActionFromLocalFile(config, lf, remoteData) ++ acc)
private def actionsForLocalFiles(localData: Stream[LocalFile], remoteData: S3ObjectsData)
(implicit c: Config) =
localData.foldLeft(Stream[Action]())((acc, lf) => createActionFromLocalFile(lf, remoteData) ++ acc)
private def actionsForRemoteKeys(config: Config, remoteData: S3ObjectsData) =
remoteData.byKey.keys.foldLeft(Stream[Action]())((acc, rk) => createActionFromRemoteKey(config, rk) #:: acc)
private def actionsForRemoteKeys(remoteData: S3ObjectsData)
(implicit c: Config) =
remoteData.byKey.keys.foldLeft(Stream[Action]())((acc, rk) => createActionFromRemoteKey(rk) #:: acc)
private def fetchRemoteData(storageService: StorageService, config: Config) =
storageService.listObjects(config.bucket, config.prefix)
private def fetchRemoteData(storageService: StorageService)(implicit c: Config) =
storageService.listObjects(c.bucket, c.prefix)
private def findLocalFiles(implicit config: Config, l: Logger) =
LocalFileStream.findFiles(config.source, MD5HashGenerator.md5File(_))
private def findLocalFiles(hashService: HashService)(implicit config: Config, l: Logger) =
LocalFileStream.findFiles(config.source, hashService)
private def createActionFromLocalFile(c: Config, lf: LocalFile, remoteData: S3ObjectsData) =
ActionGenerator.createActions(S3MetaDataEnricher.getMetadata(lf, remoteData)(c))(c)
private def createActionFromLocalFile(lf: LocalFile, remoteData: S3ObjectsData)
(implicit c: Config) =
ActionGenerator.createActions(S3MetaDataEnricher.getMetadata(lf, remoteData))
private def createActionFromRemoteKey(c: Config, rk: RemoteKey) =
private def createActionFromRemoteKey(rk: RemoteKey)
(implicit c: Config) =
if (rk.isMissingLocally(c.source, c.prefix)) Action.ToDelete(c.bucket, rk)
else DoNothing(c.bucket, rk)
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class ActionGeneratorSuite
describe("#1 local exists, remote exists, remote matches - do nothing") {
val theHash = MD5Hash("the-hash")
val theFile = LocalFile.resolve("the-file", theHash, source, fileToKey)
val theFile = LocalFile.resolve("the-file", md5HashMap(theHash), source, fileToKey)
val theRemoteMetadata = RemoteMetaData(theFile.remoteKey, theHash, lastModified)
val input = S3MetaData(theFile, // local exists
matchByHash = Set(theRemoteMetadata), // remote matches
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class ActionGeneratorSuite
describe("#2 local exists, remote is missing, other matches - copy") {
val theHash = MD5Hash("the-hash")
val theFile = LocalFile.resolve("the-file", theHash, source, fileToKey)
val theFile = LocalFile.resolve("the-file", md5HashMap(theHash), source, fileToKey)
val theRemoteKey = theFile.remoteKey
val otherRemoteKey = prefix.resolve("other-key")
val otherRemoteMetadata = RemoteMetaData(otherRemoteKey, theHash, lastModified)
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class ActionGeneratorSuite
describe("#3 local exists, remote is missing, other no matches - upload") {
val theHash = MD5Hash("the-hash")
val theFile = LocalFile.resolve("the-file", theHash, source, fileToKey)
val theFile = LocalFile.resolve("the-file", md5HashMap(theHash), source, fileToKey)
val input = S3MetaData(theFile, // local exists
matchByHash = Set.empty, // other no matches
matchByKey = None) // remote is missing
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class ActionGeneratorSuite
describe("#4 local exists, remote exists, remote no match, other matches - copy") {
val theHash = MD5Hash("the-hash")
val theFile = LocalFile.resolve("the-file", theHash, source, fileToKey)
val theFile = LocalFile.resolve("the-file", md5HashMap(theHash), source, fileToKey)
val theRemoteKey = theFile.remoteKey
val oldHash = MD5Hash("old-hash")
val otherRemoteKey = prefix.resolve("other-key")
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class ActionGeneratorSuite
describe("#5 local exists, remote exists, remote no match, other no matches - upload") {
val theHash = MD5Hash("the-hash")
val theFile = LocalFile.resolve("the-file", theHash, source, fileToKey)
val theFile = LocalFile.resolve("the-file", md5HashMap(theHash), source, fileToKey)
val theRemoteKey = theFile.remoteKey
val oldHash = MD5Hash("old-hash")
val theRemoteMetadata = RemoteMetaData(theRemoteKey, oldHash, lastModified)
@ -102,4 +102,8 @@ class ActionGeneratorSuite
private def md5HashMap(theHash: MD5Hash) = {
Map("md5" -> theHash)
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
package net.kemitix.thorp.core
import cats.effect.IO
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.{Logger, MD5Hash}
case class DummyHashService(hashes: Map[File, Map[String, MD5Hash]]) extends HashService {
override def hashLocalObject(file: File)(implicit l: Logger): IO[Map[String, MD5Hash]] = IO.pure(hashes(file))
@ -1,22 +1,29 @@
package net.kemitix.thorp.core
import java.nio.file.Paths
import cats.effect.IO
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.{Config, LocalFile, Logger, MD5Hash}
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.{Config, LocalFile, Logger, MD5HashData}
import org.scalatest.FunSpec
class LocalFileStreamSuite extends FunSpec {
val uploadResource = Resource(this, "upload")
implicit val config: Config = Config(source = uploadResource)
private val uploadResource = Resource(this, "upload")
private val hashService: HashService = DummyHashService(Map(
file("root-file") -> Map("md5" -> MD5HashData.Root.hash),
file("subdir/leaf-file") -> Map("md5" -> MD5HashData.Leaf.hash)
private def file(filename: String) =
implicit private val config: Config = Config(source = uploadResource)
implicit private val logger: Logger = new DummyLogger
val md5HashGenerator: File => IO[MD5Hash] = file => MD5HashGenerator.md5File(file)
describe("findFiles") {
it("should find all files") {
val result: Set[String] =
LocalFileStream.findFiles(uploadResource, md5HashGenerator).unsafeRunSync.toSet
LocalFileStream.findFiles(uploadResource, hashService).unsafeRunSync.toSet
.map { x: LocalFile => x.relative.toString }
assertResult(Set("subdir/leaf-file", "root-file"))(result)
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
package net.kemitix.thorp.core
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.MD5Hash
object MD5HashData {
val rootHash = MD5Hash("a3a6ac11a0eb577b81b3bb5c95cc8a6e", Some("o6asEaDrV3uBs7tclcyKbg=="))
val leafHash = MD5Hash("208386a650bdec61cfcd7bd8dcb6b542", Some("IIOGplC97GHPzXvY3La1Qg=="))
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package net.kemitix.thorp.core
import net.kemitix.thorp.core.MD5HashData.rootHash
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.MD5HashData.Root
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain._
import org.scalatest.FunSpec
@ -11,20 +11,35 @@ class MD5HashGeneratorTest extends FunSpec {
implicit private val config: Config = Config(Bucket("bucket"), prefix, source = source)
implicit private val logger: Logger = new DummyLogger
describe("read a small file (smaller than buffer)") {
val file = Resource(this, "upload/root-file")
it("should generate the correct hash") {
val result = MD5HashGenerator.md5File(file).unsafeRunSync
describe("read a small file (smaller than buffer)") {
val file = Resource(this, "upload/root-file")
it("should generate the correct hash") {
val result = MD5HashGenerator.md5File(file).unsafeRunSync
describe("read a large file (bigger than buffer)") {
val file = Resource(this, "big-file")
it("should generate the correct hash") {
val expected = MD5Hash("b1ab1f7680138e6db7309200584e35d8", Some("sasfdoATjm23MJIAWE412A=="))
val result = MD5HashGenerator.md5File(file).unsafeRunSync
describe("read a large file (bigger than buffer)") {
val file = Resource(this, "big-file")
it("should generate the correct hash") {
val expected = MD5HashData.BigFile.hash
val result = MD5HashGenerator.md5File(file).unsafeRunSync
describe("read chunks of file") {
val file = Resource(this, "big-file")
it("should generate the correct hash for first chunk of the file") {
val part1 = MD5HashData.BigFile.Part1
val expected = part1.hash
val result = MD5HashGenerator.md5FileChunk(file, part1.offset, part1.size).unsafeRunSync
it("should generate the correcy hash for second chunk of the file") {
val part2 = MD5HashData.BigFile.Part2
val expected = part2.hash
val result = MD5HashGenerator.md5FileChunk(file, part2.offset, part2.size).unsafeRunSync
@ -15,11 +15,21 @@ class S3MetaDataEnricherSuite
private val fileToKey = KeyGenerator.generateKey(config.source, config.prefix) _
val lastModified = LastModified(
def getMatchesByKey(status: (Option[HashModified], Set[(MD5Hash, KeyModified)])): Option[HashModified] = {
val (byKey, _) = status
def getMatchesByHash(status: (Option[HashModified], Set[(MD5Hash, KeyModified)])): Set[(MD5Hash, KeyModified)] = {
val (_, byHash) = status
describe("enrich with metadata") {
describe("#1a local exists, remote exists, remote matches, other matches - do nothing") {
val theHash: MD5Hash = MD5Hash("the-file-hash")
val theFile: LocalFile = LocalFile.resolve("the-file", theHash, source, fileToKey)
val theFile: LocalFile = LocalFile.resolve("the-file", md5HashMap(theHash), source, fileToKey)
val theRemoteKey: RemoteKey = theFile.remoteKey
val s3: S3ObjectsData = S3ObjectsData(
byHash = Map(theHash -> Set(KeyModified(theRemoteKey, lastModified))),
@ -36,7 +46,7 @@ class S3MetaDataEnricherSuite
describe("#1b local exists, remote exists, remote matches, other no matches - do nothing") {
val theHash: MD5Hash = MD5Hash("the-file-hash")
val theFile: LocalFile = LocalFile.resolve("the-file", theHash, source, fileToKey)
val theFile: LocalFile = LocalFile.resolve("the-file", md5HashMap(theHash), source, fileToKey)
val theRemoteKey: RemoteKey = prefix.resolve("the-file")
val s3: S3ObjectsData = S3ObjectsData(
byHash = Map(theHash -> Set(KeyModified(theRemoteKey, lastModified))),
@ -53,7 +63,7 @@ class S3MetaDataEnricherSuite
describe("#2 local exists, remote is missing, remote no match, other matches - copy") {
val theHash = MD5Hash("the-hash")
val theFile = LocalFile.resolve("the-file", theHash, source, fileToKey)
val theFile = LocalFile.resolve("the-file", md5HashMap(theHash), source, fileToKey)
val otherRemoteKey = RemoteKey("other-key")
val s3: S3ObjectsData = S3ObjectsData(
byHash = Map(theHash -> Set(KeyModified(otherRemoteKey, lastModified))),
@ -70,7 +80,7 @@ class S3MetaDataEnricherSuite
describe("#3 local exists, remote is missing, remote no match, other no matches - upload") {
val theHash = MD5Hash("the-hash")
val theFile = LocalFile.resolve("the-file", theHash, source, fileToKey)
val theFile = LocalFile.resolve("the-file", md5HashMap(theHash), source, fileToKey)
val s3: S3ObjectsData = S3ObjectsData(
byHash = Map(),
byKey = Map()
@ -85,7 +95,7 @@ class S3MetaDataEnricherSuite
describe("#4 local exists, remote exists, remote no match, other matches - copy") {
val theHash = MD5Hash("the-hash")
val theFile = LocalFile.resolve("the-file", theHash, source, fileToKey)
val theFile = LocalFile.resolve("the-file", md5HashMap(theHash), source, fileToKey)
val theRemoteKey = theFile.remoteKey
val oldHash = MD5Hash("old-hash")
val otherRemoteKey = prefix.resolve("other-key")
@ -110,7 +120,7 @@ class S3MetaDataEnricherSuite
describe("#5 local exists, remote exists, remote no match, other no matches - upload") {
val theHash = MD5Hash("the-hash")
val theFile = LocalFile.resolve("the-file", theHash, source, fileToKey)
val theFile = LocalFile.resolve("the-file", md5HashMap(theHash), source, fileToKey)
val theRemoteKey = theFile.remoteKey
val oldHash = MD5Hash("old-hash")
val s3: S3ObjectsData = S3ObjectsData(
@ -132,13 +142,17 @@ class S3MetaDataEnricherSuite
private def md5HashMap(theHash: MD5Hash) = {
Map("md5" -> theHash)
describe("getS3Status") {
val hash = MD5Hash("hash")
val localFile = LocalFile.resolve("the-file", hash, source, fileToKey)
val localFile = LocalFile.resolve("the-file", md5HashMap(hash), source, fileToKey)
val key = localFile.remoteKey
val keyOtherKey = LocalFile.resolve("other-key-same-hash", hash, source, fileToKey)
val keyOtherKey = LocalFile.resolve("other-key-same-hash", md5HashMap(hash), source, fileToKey)
val diffHash = MD5Hash("diff")
val keyDiffHash = LocalFile.resolve("other-key-diff-hash", diffHash, source, fileToKey)
val keyDiffHash = LocalFile.resolve("other-key-diff-hash", md5HashMap(diffHash), source, fileToKey)
val lastModified = LastModified(
val s3ObjectsData: S3ObjectsData = S3ObjectsData(
byHash = Map(
@ -154,32 +168,32 @@ class S3MetaDataEnricherSuite
describe("when remote key exists") {
it("should return (Some, Set.nonEmpty)") {
(Some(HashModified(hash, lastModified)),
KeyModified(key, lastModified),
KeyModified(keyOtherKey.remoteKey, lastModified)))
it("should return a result for matching key") {
val result = getMatchesByKey(invoke(localFile))
assert(result.contains(HashModified(hash, lastModified)))
describe("when remote key does not exist and no others matches hash") {
it("should return (None, Set.empty)") {
val localFile = LocalFile.resolve("missing-file", MD5Hash("unique"), source, fileToKey)
val localFile = LocalFile.resolve("missing-file", md5HashMap(MD5Hash("unique")), source, fileToKey)
it("should return no matches by key") {
val result = getMatchesByKey(invoke(localFile))
it("should return no matches by hash") {
val result = getMatchesByHash(invoke(localFile))
describe("when remote key exists and no others match hash") {
it("should return (None, Set.nonEmpty)") {
(Some(HashModified(diffHash, lastModified)),
Set(KeyModified(keyDiffHash.remoteKey, lastModified)))
it("should return match by key") {
val result = getMatchesByKey(invoke(keyDiffHash))
assert(result.contains(HashModified(diffHash, lastModified)))
it("should return only itself in match by hash") {
val result = getMatchesByHash(invoke(keyDiffHash))
assert(result.equals(Set((diffHash, KeyModified(keyDiffHash.remoteKey,lastModified)))))
@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
package net.kemitix.thorp.core
import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.time.Instant
import cats.effect.IO
import net.kemitix.thorp.core.Action.{ToCopy, ToDelete, ToUpload}
import net.kemitix.thorp.core.MD5HashData.{leafHash, rootHash}
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain._
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.MD5HashData.{Leaf, Root}
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.StorageQueueEvent.{CopyQueueEvent, DeleteQueueEvent, UploadQueueEvent}
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain._
import{HashService, StorageService}
import org.scalatest.FunSpec
class SyncSuite
@ -34,12 +35,23 @@ class SyncSuite
// source contains the files root-file and subdir/leaf-file
val rootRemoteKey = RemoteKey("prefix/root-file")
val leafRemoteKey = RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file")
val rootFile: LocalFile = LocalFile.resolve("root-file", rootHash, source, _ => rootRemoteKey)
val leafFile: LocalFile = LocalFile.resolve("subdir/leaf-file", leafHash, source, _ => leafRemoteKey)
val rootFile: LocalFile = LocalFile.resolve("root-file", md5HashMap(Root.hash), source, _ => rootRemoteKey)
private def md5HashMap(md5Hash: MD5Hash): Map[String, MD5Hash] = {
Map("md5" -> md5Hash)
val leafFile: LocalFile = LocalFile.resolve("subdir/leaf-file", md5HashMap(Leaf.hash), source, _ => leafRemoteKey)
val hashService = DummyHashService(Map(
file("root-file") -> Map("md5" -> MD5HashData.Root.hash),
file("subdir/leaf-file") -> Map("md5" -> MD5HashData.Leaf.hash)
def invokeSubject(storageService: StorageService,
hashService: HashService,
configOptions: List[ConfigOption]): Either[List[String], Stream[Action]] = {
Synchronise(storageService, configOptions).value.unsafeRunSync
Synchronise(storageService, hashService, configOptions).value.unsafeRunSync
describe("when all files should be uploaded") {
@ -50,22 +62,26 @@ class SyncSuite
val expected = Right(Set(
ToUpload(testBucket, rootFile),
ToUpload(testBucket, leafFile)))
val result = invokeSubject(storageService, configOptions)
val result = invokeSubject(storageService, hashService, configOptions)
private def file(filename: String) =
describe("when no files should be uploaded") {
val s3ObjectsData = S3ObjectsData(
byHash = Map(
rootHash -> Set(KeyModified(RemoteKey("prefix/root-file"), lastModified)),
leafHash -> Set(KeyModified(RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file"), lastModified))),
Root.hash -> Set(KeyModified(RemoteKey("prefix/root-file"), lastModified)),
Leaf.hash -> Set(KeyModified(RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file"), lastModified))),
byKey = Map(
RemoteKey("prefix/root-file") -> HashModified(rootHash, lastModified),
RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file") -> HashModified(leafHash, lastModified)))
RemoteKey("prefix/root-file") -> HashModified(Root.hash, lastModified),
RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file") -> HashModified(Leaf.hash, lastModified)))
val storageService = new RecordingStorageService(testBucket, s3ObjectsData)
it("no actions") {
val expected = Stream()
val result = invokeSubject(storageService, configOptions)
val result = invokeSubject(storageService, hashService, configOptions)
@ -76,18 +92,18 @@ class SyncSuite
// 'root-file-old' should be renamed as 'root-file'
val s3ObjectsData = S3ObjectsData(
byHash = Map(
rootHash -> Set(KeyModified(sourceKey, lastModified)),
leafHash -> Set(KeyModified(RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file"), lastModified))),
Root.hash -> Set(KeyModified(sourceKey, lastModified)),
Leaf.hash -> Set(KeyModified(RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file"), lastModified))),
byKey = Map(
sourceKey -> HashModified(rootHash, lastModified),
RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file") -> HashModified(leafHash, lastModified)))
sourceKey -> HashModified(Root.hash, lastModified),
RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file") -> HashModified(Leaf.hash, lastModified)))
val storageService = new RecordingStorageService(testBucket, s3ObjectsData)
it("copies the file and deletes the original") {
val expected = Stream(
ToCopy(testBucket, sourceKey, rootHash, targetKey),
ToCopy(testBucket, sourceKey, Root.hash, targetKey),
ToDelete(testBucket, sourceKey)
val result = invokeSubject(storageService, configOptions)
val result = invokeSubject(storageService, hashService, configOptions)
@ -102,19 +118,19 @@ class SyncSuite
val deletedKey = RemoteKey("prefix/deleted-file")
val s3ObjectsData = S3ObjectsData(
byHash = Map(
rootHash -> Set(KeyModified(RemoteKey("prefix/root-file"), lastModified)),
leafHash -> Set(KeyModified(RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file"), lastModified)),
Root.hash -> Set(KeyModified(RemoteKey("prefix/root-file"), lastModified)),
Leaf.hash -> Set(KeyModified(RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file"), lastModified)),
deletedHash -> Set(KeyModified(RemoteKey("prefix/deleted-file"), lastModified))),
byKey = Map(
RemoteKey("prefix/root-file") -> HashModified(rootHash, lastModified),
RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file") -> HashModified(leafHash, lastModified),
RemoteKey("prefix/root-file") -> HashModified(Root.hash, lastModified),
RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file") -> HashModified(Leaf.hash, lastModified),
deletedKey -> HashModified(deletedHash, lastModified)))
val storageService = new RecordingStorageService(testBucket, s3ObjectsData)
it("deleted key") {
val expected = Stream(
ToDelete(testBucket, deletedKey)
val result = invokeSubject(storageService, configOptions)
val result = invokeSubject(storageService,hashService, configOptions)
@ -122,15 +138,15 @@ class SyncSuite
describe("when a file is excluded") {
val s3ObjectsData = S3ObjectsData(
byHash = Map(
rootHash -> Set(KeyModified(RemoteKey("prefix/root-file"), lastModified)),
leafHash -> Set(KeyModified(RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file"), lastModified))),
Root.hash -> Set(KeyModified(RemoteKey("prefix/root-file"), lastModified)),
Leaf.hash -> Set(KeyModified(RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file"), lastModified))),
byKey = Map(
RemoteKey("prefix/root-file") -> HashModified(rootHash, lastModified),
RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file") -> HashModified(leafHash, lastModified)))
RemoteKey("prefix/root-file") -> HashModified(Root.hash, lastModified),
RemoteKey("prefix/subdir/leaf-file") -> HashModified(Leaf.hash, lastModified)))
val storageService = new RecordingStorageService(testBucket, s3ObjectsData)
it("is not uploaded") {
val expected = Stream()
val result = invokeSubject(storageService, ConfigOption.Exclude("leaf") :: configOptions)
val result = invokeSubject(storageService, hashService, ConfigOption.Exclude("leaf") :: configOptions)
@ -147,20 +163,17 @@ class SyncSuite
override def upload(localFile: LocalFile,
bucket: Bucket,
uploadEventListener: UploadEventListener,
tryCount: Int): IO[UploadQueueEvent] = {
IO.pure(UploadQueueEvent(localFile.remoteKey, localFile.hash))
tryCount: Int): IO[UploadQueueEvent] =
IO.pure(UploadQueueEvent(localFile.remoteKey, localFile.hashes("md5")))
override def copy(bucket: Bucket,
sourceKey: RemoteKey,
hash: MD5Hash,
targetKey: RemoteKey): IO[CopyQueueEvent] = {
hashes: MD5Hash,
targetKey: RemoteKey): IO[CopyQueueEvent] =
override def delete(bucket: Bucket,
remoteKey: RemoteKey): IO[DeleteQueueEvent] = {
remoteKey: RemoteKey): IO[DeleteQueueEvent] =
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
package net.kemitix.thorp.domain
import java.math.BigInteger
trait HexEncoder {
def encode(bytes: Array[Byte]): String = {
val bigInteger = new BigInteger(1, bytes)
String.format("%0" + (bytes.length << 1) + "x", bigInteger)
def decode(hexString: String): Array[Byte] = {
val byteArray = new BigInteger(hexString, 16).toByteArray
if (byteArray(0) == 0) {
val output = new Array[Byte](byteArray.length - 1)
System.arraycopy(byteArray, 1, output, 0, output.length)
} else byteArray
object HexEncoder extends HexEncoder
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package net.kemitix.thorp.domain
import java.nio.file.Path
final case class LocalFile(file: File, source: File, hash: MD5Hash, remoteKey: RemoteKey) {
final case class LocalFile(file: File, source: File, hashes: Map[String, MD5Hash], remoteKey: RemoteKey) {
require(!file.isDirectory, s"LocalFile must not be a directory: $file")
@ -12,16 +12,18 @@ final case class LocalFile(file: File, source: File, hash: MD5Hash, remoteKey: R
// the path of the file within the source
def relative: Path = source.toPath.relativize(file.toPath)
def matches(other: MD5Hash): Boolean = hash.hash == other.hash
def matches(other: MD5Hash): Boolean = hashes.values.exists(other equals _)
def md5base64: Option[String] = hashes.get("md5").map(_.hash64)
object LocalFile {
def resolve(path: String,
md5Hash: MD5Hash,
md5Hashes: Map[String, MD5Hash],
source: File,
fileToKey: File => RemoteKey): LocalFile = {
val file = source.toPath.resolve(path).toFile
LocalFile(file, source, md5Hash, fileToKey(file))
LocalFile(file, source, md5Hashes, fileToKey(file))
@ -4,13 +4,18 @@ import java.util.Base64
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.QuoteStripper.stripQuotes
final case class MD5Hash(in: String, hash64: Option[String] = None) {
final case class MD5Hash(in: String) {
lazy val hash: String = in filter stripQuotes
lazy val digest: Array[Byte] = HexEncoder.decode(hash)
lazy val hash64: String = Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(digest)
object MD5Hash {
def fromDigest(digest: Array[Byte]): MD5Hash =
MD5Hash((digest map ("%02x" format _)).mkString, Some(Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(digest)))
def fromDigest(digest: Array[Byte]): MD5Hash = {
val hexDigest = (digest map ("%02x" format _)).mkString
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
package net.kemitix.thorp.domain
object MD5HashData {
object Root {
val hash = MD5Hash("a3a6ac11a0eb577b81b3bb5c95cc8a6e")
val base64 = "o6asEaDrV3uBs7tclcyKbg=="
object Leaf {
val hash = MD5Hash("208386a650bdec61cfcd7bd8dcb6b542")
val base64 = "IIOGplC97GHPzXvY3La1Qg=="
object BigFile {
val hash = MD5Hash("b1ab1f7680138e6db7309200584e35d8")
object Part1 {
val offset = 0
val size = 1048576
val hash = MD5Hash("39d4a9c78b9cfddf6d241a201a4ab726")
object Part2 {
val offset = 1048576
val size = 1048576
val hash = MD5Hash("af5876f3a3bc6e66f4ae96bb93d8dae0")
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
package net.kemitix.thorp.domain
import org.scalatest.FunSpec
class MD5HashTest extends FunSpec {
describe("recover base64 hash") {
it("should recover base 64 #1") {
val rootHash = MD5HashData.Root.hash
it("should recover base 64 #2") {
val leafHash = MD5HashData.Leaf.hash
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
addSbtPlugin("ch.epfl.scala" % "sbt-bloop" % "1.3.2")
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
import cats.effect.IO
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.{Logger, MD5Hash}
* Creates one, or more, hashes for local objects.
trait HashService {
def hashLocalObject(file: File)(implicit l: Logger): IO[Map[String, MD5Hash]]
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
import cats.effect.IO
import cats.implicits._
import net.kemitix.thorp.core.MD5HashGenerator
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.{Logger, MD5Hash}
trait ETagGenerator {
def eTag(file: File)(implicit l: Logger): IO[String]= {
val partSize = calculatePartSize(file)
val parts = numParts(file.length, partSize)
.map(digestChunk(file, partSize)).sequence
.map(hash => s"$hash-$parts")
private def partsIndex(parts: Long) =
Range.Long(0, parts, 1).toList
private def concatenateDigests: List[Array[Byte]] => Array[Byte] =
lab => lab.foldLeft(Array[Byte]())((acc, ab) => acc ++ ab)
private def calculatePartSize(file: File) = {
val request = new PutObjectRequest("", "", file)
val configuration = new TransferManagerConfiguration
TransferManagerUtils.calculateOptimalPartSize(request, configuration)
private def numParts(fileLength: Long, optimumPartSize: Long) = {
val fullParts = Math.floorDiv(fileLength, optimumPartSize)
val incompletePart = if (Math.floorMod(fileLength, optimumPartSize) > 0) 1 else 0
fullParts + incompletePart
def offsets(totalFileSizeBytes: Long, optimalPartSize: Long): List[Long] =
Range.Long(0, totalFileSizeBytes, optimalPartSize).toList
def digestChunk(file: File, chunkSize: Long)(chunkNumber: Long)(implicit l: Logger): IO[Array[Byte]] =
hashChunk(file, chunkNumber, chunkSize).map(_.digest)
def hashChunk(file: File, chunkNumber: Long, chunkSize: Long)(implicit l: Logger): IO[MD5Hash] =
MD5HashGenerator.md5FileChunk(file, chunkNumber * chunkSize, chunkSize)
object ETagGenerator extends ETagGenerator
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
import cats.effect.IO
import cats.implicits._
import cats.effect.IO
import{ListObjectsV2Request, S3ObjectSummary}
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain
@ -11,7 +10,7 @@ import
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.util.{Success, Try}
import scala.util.Try
class S3ClientObjectLister(amazonS3: AmazonS3) {
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
import cats.effect.IO
import net.kemitix.thorp.core.MD5HashGenerator
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.{Logger, MD5Hash}
trait S3HashService extends HashService {
* Generates an MD5 Hash and an multi-part ETag
* @param file the local file to scan
* @return a set of hash values
override def hashLocalObject(file: File)(implicit l: Logger): IO[Map[String, MD5Hash]] =
for {
md5 <- MD5HashGenerator.md5File(file)
etag <- ETagGenerator.eTag(file).map(MD5Hash(_))
} yield Map(
"md5" -> md5,
"etag" -> etag
object S3HashService extends S3HashService {
lazy val defaultHashService: HashService = S3HashService
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class Uploader(transferManager: => AmazonTransferManager) {
private def request(localFile: LocalFile, bucket: Bucket, listener: ProgressListener): PutObjectRequest = {
val metadata = new ObjectMetadata()
new PutObjectRequest(, localFile.remoteKey.key, localFile.file)
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
import net.kemitix.thorp.core.Resource
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.MD5Hash
import org.scalatest.FunSpec
class ETagGeneratorTest extends FunSpec {
private val bigFile = Resource(this, "big-file")
private val configuration = new TransferManagerConfiguration
private val chunkSize = 1200000
private val logger = new DummyLogger
describe("Create offsets") {
it("should create offsets") {
val offsets = ETagGenerator.offsets(bigFile.length, chunkSize)
.foldRight(List[Long]())((l: Long, a: List[Long]) => l :: a)
assertResult(List(0, chunkSize, chunkSize * 2, chunkSize * 3, chunkSize * 4))(offsets)
def test(expected: String, result: MD5Hash): Unit = {
describe("create md5 hash for each chunk") {
it("should create expected hash for chunks") {
val md5Hashes = List(
md5Hashes.foreach { case (hash, index) =>
test(hash, ETagGenerator.hashChunk(bigFile, index, chunkSize)(logger).unsafeRunSync)
describe("create etag for whole file") {
val expected = "f14327c90ad105244c446c498bfe9a7d-2"
it("should match aws etag for the file") {
val result = ETagGenerator.eTag(bigFile)(logger).unsafeRunSync
@ -6,11 +6,10 @@ import
import{TransferManager, Upload}
import net.kemitix.thorp.core.MD5HashData.rootHash
import net.kemitix.thorp.core.{KeyGenerator, Resource, S3MetaDataEnricher}
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.MD5HashData.Root
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain.StorageQueueEvent.UploadQueueEvent
import net.kemitix.thorp.domain._
import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory
import org.scalatest.FunSpec
@ -27,60 +26,82 @@ class StorageServiceSuite
describe("getS3Status") {
val hash = MD5Hash("hash")
val localFile = LocalFile.resolve("the-file", hash, source, fileToKey)
val localFile = LocalFile.resolve("the-file", md5HashMap(hash), source, fileToKey)
val key = localFile.remoteKey
val keyotherkey = LocalFile.resolve("other-key-same-hash", hash, source, fileToKey)
val diffhash = MD5Hash("diff")
val keydiffhash = LocalFile.resolve("other-key-diff-hash", diffhash, source, fileToKey)
val keyOtherKey = LocalFile.resolve("other-key-same-hash", md5HashMap(hash), source, fileToKey)
val diffHash = MD5Hash("diff")
val keyDiffHash = LocalFile.resolve("other-key-diff-hash", md5HashMap(diffHash), source, fileToKey)
val lastModified = LastModified(
val s3ObjectsData: S3ObjectsData = S3ObjectsData(
byHash = Map(
hash -> Set(KeyModified(key, lastModified), KeyModified(keyotherkey.remoteKey, lastModified)),
diffhash -> Set(KeyModified(keydiffhash.remoteKey, lastModified))),
hash -> Set(KeyModified(key, lastModified), KeyModified(keyOtherKey.remoteKey, lastModified)),
diffHash -> Set(KeyModified(keyDiffHash.remoteKey, lastModified))),
byKey = Map(
key -> HashModified(hash, lastModified),
keyotherkey.remoteKey -> HashModified(hash, lastModified),
keydiffhash.remoteKey -> HashModified(diffhash, lastModified)))
keyOtherKey.remoteKey -> HashModified(hash, lastModified),
keyDiffHash.remoteKey -> HashModified(diffHash, lastModified)))
def invoke(self: StorageService, localFile: LocalFile) = {
def invoke(localFile: LocalFile) =
S3MetaDataEnricher.getS3Status(localFile, s3ObjectsData)
def getMatchesByKey(status: (Option[HashModified], Set[(MD5Hash, KeyModified)])): Option[HashModified] = {
val (byKey, _) = status
describe("when remote key exists") {
val storageService = S3StorageServiceBuilder.defaultStorageService
it("should return (Some, Set.nonEmpty)") {
def getMatchesByHash(status: (Option[HashModified], Set[(MD5Hash, KeyModified)])): Set[(MD5Hash, KeyModified)] = {
val (_, byHash) = status
describe("when remote key exists, unmodified and other key matches the hash") {
it("should return the match by key") {
val result = getMatchesByKey(invoke(localFile))
assert(result.contains(HashModified(hash, lastModified)))
it("should return both matches for the hash") {
val result = getMatchesByHash(invoke(localFile))
(Some(HashModified(hash, lastModified)),
KeyModified(key, lastModified),
KeyModified(keyotherkey.remoteKey, lastModified)))
)(invoke(storageService, localFile))
(hash, KeyModified(key, lastModified)),
(hash, KeyModified(keyOtherKey.remoteKey, lastModified)))
describe("when remote key does not exist and no others matches hash") {
val storageService = S3StorageServiceBuilder.defaultStorageService
it("should return (None, Set.empty)") {
val localFile = LocalFile.resolve("missing-file", MD5Hash("unique"), source, fileToKey)
)(invoke(storageService, localFile))
val localFile = LocalFile.resolve("missing-file", md5HashMap(MD5Hash("unique")), source, fileToKey)
it("should return no matches by key") {
val result = getMatchesByKey(invoke(localFile))
it("should return no matches by hash") {
val result = getMatchesByHash(invoke(localFile))
describe("when remote key exists and no others match hash") {
val storageService = S3StorageServiceBuilder.defaultStorageService
it("should return (None, Set.nonEmpty)") {
val localFile = keyDiffHash
it("should return the match by key") {
val result = getMatchesByKey(invoke(localFile))
assert(result.contains(HashModified(diffHash, lastModified)))
it("should return one match by hash") {
val result = getMatchesByHash(invoke(localFile))
(Some(HashModified(diffhash, lastModified)),
Set(KeyModified(keydiffhash.remoteKey, lastModified)))
)(invoke(storageService, keydiffhash))
(diffHash, KeyModified(keyDiffHash.remoteKey, lastModified)))
private def md5HashMap(hash: MD5Hash) = {
Map("md5" -> hash)
describe("upload") {
describe("when uploading a file") {
@ -90,7 +111,7 @@ class StorageServiceSuite
val prefix = RemoteKey("prefix")
val localFile =
LocalFile.resolve("root-file", rootHash, source, KeyGenerator.generateKey(source, prefix))
LocalFile.resolve("root-file", md5HashMap(Root.hash), source, KeyGenerator.generateKey(source, prefix))
val bucket = Bucket("a-bucket")
val remoteKey = RemoteKey("prefix/root-file")
val uploadEventListener = new UploadEventListener(localFile)
@ -99,13 +120,13 @@ class StorageServiceSuite
(amazonS3TransferManager upload (_: PutObjectRequest)).when(*).returns(upload)
val uploadResult = stub[UploadResult]
(upload.waitForUploadResult _).when().returns(uploadResult)
(uploadResult.getETag _).when().returns(rootHash.hash)
(uploadResult.getETag _).when().returns(Root.hash.hash)
(uploadResult.getKey _).when().returns(remoteKey.key)
it("should return hash of uploaded file") {
//FIXME: works okay on its own, but fails when run with others
val expected = UploadQueueEvent(remoteKey, rootHash)
val expected = UploadQueueEvent(remoteKey, Root.hash)
val result = storageService.upload(localFile, bucket, uploadEventListener, 1)
@ -22,6 +22,11 @@ class UploaderSuite
private val fileToKey = generateKey(config.source, config.prefix) _
val lastModified = LastModified(
def md5HashMap(hash: MD5Hash): Map[String, MD5Hash] =
"md5" -> hash
describe("S3ClientMultiPartTransferManagerSuite") {
describe("upload") {
@ -31,7 +36,7 @@ class UploaderSuite
// dies when putObject is called
val returnedKey = RemoteKey("returned-key")
val returnedHash = MD5Hash("returned-hash")
val bigFile = LocalFile.resolve("small-file", MD5Hash("the-hash"), source, fileToKey)
val bigFile = LocalFile.resolve("small-file", md5HashMap(MD5Hash("the-hash")), source, fileToKey)
val uploadEventListener = new UploadEventListener(bigFile)
val amazonS3 = mock[AmazonS3]
val amazonS3TransferManager = TransferManagerBuilder.standard().withS3Client(amazonS3).build
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