* s3thorp Synchronisation of files with S3 using the hash of the file contents. Originally based on Alex Kudlick's [[https://github.com/akud/aws-s3-sync-by-hash][aws-s3-sync-by-hash]]. The normal ~aws s3 sync ...~ command only uses the time stamp of files to decide what files need to be copied. This utility looks at the md5 hash of the file contents. * Usage #+begin_example s3thorp Usage: s3thorp [options] -s, --source Source directory to sync to S3 -b, --bucket S3 bucket name -p, --prefix Prefix within the S3 Bucket -x, --exclude [,] Exclude matching paths -v, --verbose Verbosity level (1-5) #+end_example * Behaviour When considering a local file, the following table governs what should happen: |---+------------+------------+------------------+--------------------+---------------------| | # | local file | remote key | hash of same key | hash of other keys | action | |---+------------+------------+------------------+--------------------+---------------------| | 1 | exists | exists | matches | - | do nothing | | 2 | exists | is missing | - | matches | copy from other key | | 3 | exists | is missing | - | no matches | upload | | 4 | exists | exists | no match | matches | copy from other key | | 5 | exists | exists | no match | no matches | upload | | 6 | is missing | exists | - | - | delete | |---+------------+------------+------------------+--------------------+---------------------| * Creating Native Images - Download and install GraalVM - https://github.com/oracle/graal/releases - Install ~native-image~ using the graal updater #+begin_example bash gu install native-image #+end_example - Create native image #+begin_example bash native-image -cp `sbt 'export runtime:fullClasspath'|tail -n 1` \ -H:Name=s3thorp \ -H:Class=net.kemitix.s3thorp.Main \ --allow-incomplete-classpath \ --force-fallback #+end_example - Resulting file requires a JDK for execution