* Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [[https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/][Keep a Changelog]], and this project adheres to [[https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html][Semantic Versioning]]. * [0.5.0] - ????-??-?? ** Added - Add ~thorp-lib~ module (#66) - Enable running outside of sbt (#55) - ~-d~, ~--debug~ flag for log messages (#60) - Read config from ~.thorp.conf~ in source directory (#71) - Read config from ~$HOME/.config/thorp.conf~ and ~/etc/thorp.conf~ (#73) ** Changed - Rename project as 'thorp' (#75) - Suppress Transfer event messages (#64) - Better error message when source not found (#51) - Reduced logging (#59) ** Fixed - Error when calculating md5 hash for large files (#56) ** Removed - ~-v~ verbosity flag (#63) ** Dependencies - Upgrade ~aws-java-sdk-s3~ from ~1.11.569~ to ~1.11.570~ (#57) * [0.4.0] - 2019-06-11 ** Added - Multi-part uploads - ~--include~ to select files for synchronisation - Upload progress bar ** Changed - ~--filter~~ renamed to ~-exclude~~ ** Fixed - Fetch md5 hashes for all remote objects, not just the first 1000 - Handle when a file goes away between scanning and uploading ** Dependencies - Removed ~reactive-aws-s3-{core,cats}~ and the AWS SDK v2 that it depended upon in favour of the AWS SDK v1 - Upgrade ~aws-java-sdk-s3~ from ~1.11.560~ to ~1.11.569~ - Upgrade ~cats-effect~ from ~1.2.0~ to ~1.3.1~ - Upgade ~scalatest~ from ~3.0.7~ to ~3.0.8~ * [0.3.0] - 2019-05-23 ** Added - Filter to exclude files * [0.2.0] - 2019-05-22 ** Added - Display count of the number of files uploaded ** Changed - Improved performance by fetching all MD5 hashes from S3 in single request at startup * [0.1.0] - 2019-05-13 ** Added - Initial Release - Synchronise files with an S3 bucket, using an MD5 hash to identify when the file has changed and needs to be uploaded