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** A parent POM for my own personal projects.
** Usage
Use as a parent pom.
** Contents
The POM defines the following items:
- =issueManagement=
- =scm=
- =url=
- =inceptionYear=
- =licenses=
- =developers=
In your child pom you should override, at least, the =issueManagement=, =scm=,
=url= and =inceptionYear= sections.
** Properties
The POM sets the following properties:
- =project.reporting.outputEncoding= as =UTF-8=
- =java.version= as =1.8=
** Profile =release=
The =release= profile is for use when deploying your project.
It configures the following plugins:
**** =maven-javadoc-plugin=
Executes the =jar= goal during the =package= phase.
**** =maven-source-plugin=
Executes the =jar-no-fork= goal during the =package= phase.
**** =maven-gpg-plugin=
Executes the =sign= goal during the =package= phase.
The default =gpg= key will be used with the password defined in the
=gpg.passphrase= property.
**** =maven-deploy-plugin=
This plugin is configured to *not* run. Deployment, uploading of artifacts,
is handled by the =nexus-staging-maven-plugin=.
**** =nexus-staging-maven-plugin=
Executes the default goals.
Uploads artifacts to the Sonatype Nexus server,,
leaving the artifacts in the Staging repository. From there they will need
to be released manually.
Authentication details are taken from the =sonatype-nexus= server in your
=settings.xml= file.
*** Distribution Management
The Nexus Sonatype repositories are declared within =distributionManagement=.