Include and Exclude behave more like the AWS CLI (#48)
* [domain] rename Filter as Include * [cli]ParseArgs allow exclude and include parameters to be repeated * [core] don't include include/exclude details in logging * [domain] combine Include and Exclude into Filter Config now collect includes and Excludes into a single list and passed each file to the Filter.isIncluded method, with the list of Filters, to determine if a file should be included.
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 193 additions and 141 deletions
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ import java.nio.file.Paths
import cats.effect.IO
import net.kemitix.s3thorp._
import net.kemitix.s3thorp.domain.{Bucket, Config, Exclude, Filter, RemoteKey}
import net.kemitix.s3thorp.domain.Filter.{Exclude, Include}
import net.kemitix.s3thorp.domain.{Bucket, Config, RemoteKey}
import scopt.OParser
import scopt.OParser.{builder, parse, sequence}
@ -27,11 +28,13 @@ object ParseArgs {
opt[String]('p', "prefix")
.action((str, c) => c.copy(prefix = RemoteKey(str)))
.text("Prefix within the S3 Bucket"),
opt[Seq[String]]('f', "filter")
.action((str, c) => c.copy(filters =
.text("Filter only matching paths"),
opt[Seq[String]]('i', "include")
.action((str, c) => c.copy(filters = c.filters ++
.text("Include only matching paths"),
opt[Seq[String]]('x', "exclude")
.action((str,c) => c.copy(excludes =
.action((str,c) => c.copy(filters = c.filters ++
.text("Exclude matching paths"),
opt[Int]('v', "verbose")
.validate(i =>
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
package net.kemitix.s3thorp.core
import java.nio.file.Path
import cats.effect.IO
import net.kemitix.s3thorp.core.KeyGenerator.generateKey
import net.kemitix.s3thorp.domain.{Config, LocalFile, MD5Hash}
import net.kemitix.s3thorp.domain.{Config, Filter, LocalFile, MD5Hash}
object LocalFileStream {
@ -13,6 +14,8 @@ object LocalFileStream {
info: Int => String => Unit)
(implicit c: Config): IO[Stream[LocalFile]] = {
val filters: Path => Boolean = Filter.isIncluded(c.filters)
def loop(file: File): IO[Stream[LocalFile]] = {
def dirPaths(file: File): IO[Stream[File]] =
@ -22,7 +25,7 @@ object LocalFileStream {
.map(fs =>
Stream(fs: _*)
.filter(f => filters(f.toPath)))
def recurseIntoSubDirectories(file: File)(implicit c: Config): IO[Stream[LocalFile]] =
file match {
@ -31,15 +34,6 @@ object LocalFileStream {
yield Stream(LocalFile(file, c.source, hash, generateKey(c.source, c.prefix)))
def filterIsIncluded(f: File): Boolean =
f.isDirectory || c.filters.forall { filter => filter isIncluded f.toPath }
def excludeIsIncluded(f: File): Boolean =
c.excludes.forall { exclude => exclude isIncluded f.toPath }
def isIncluded(f: File): Boolean =
filterIsIncluded(f) && excludeIsIncluded(f)
def recurse(fs: Stream[File]): IO[Stream[LocalFile]] =
fs.foldLeft(IO.pure(Stream.empty[LocalFile]))((acc, f) =>
@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ import net.kemitix.s3thorp.domain.Config
object SyncLogging {
def logRunStart[F[_]](info: Int => String => Unit)(implicit c: Config): IO[Unit] = IO {
info(1)(s"Bucket: ${}, Prefix: ${c.prefix.key}, Source: ${c.source}, " +
s"Filter: ${{ f => f.filter}.mkString(""", """)} " +
s"Exclude: ${{ f => f.exclude}.mkString(""", """)}")}
info(1)(s"Bucket: ${}, Prefix: ${c.prefix.key}, Source: ${c.source}, ")}
def logFileScan(info: Int => String => Unit)(implicit c: Config): IO[Unit] = IO{
info(1)(s"Scanning local files: ${c.source}...")}
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import cats.effect.IO
import{CopyS3Action, DeleteS3Action, UploadS3Action}
import{S3Client, UploadProgressListener}
import net.kemitix.s3thorp.core.MD5HashData.{leafHash, rootHash}
import net.kemitix.s3thorp.domain.Filter.Exclude
import net.kemitix.s3thorp.domain._
import org.scalatest.FunSpec
@ -125,7 +126,7 @@ class SyncSuite
describe("when a file is excluded") {
val configWithExclusion = config.copy(excludes = List(Exclude("leaf")))
val configWithExclusion = config.copy(filters = List(Exclude("leaf")))
val s3ObjectsData = S3ObjectsData(Map(), Map())
val s3Client = new RecordingClient(testBucket, s3ObjectsData)
||||, md5HashGenerator, logInfo, logWarn, logError)(configWithExclusion).unsafeRunSync
@ -3,14 +3,13 @@ package net.kemitix.s3thorp.domain
final case class Config(
bucket: Bucket = Bucket(""),
prefix: RemoteKey = RemoteKey(""),
verbose: Int = 1,
filters: Seq[Filter] = List(),
excludes: Seq[Exclude] = List(),
multiPartThreshold: Long = 1024 * 1024 * 5,
maxRetries: Int = 3,
source: File
bucket: Bucket = Bucket(""),
prefix: RemoteKey = RemoteKey(""),
verbose: Int = 1,
filters: List[Filter] = List(),
multiPartThreshold: Long = 1024 * 1024 * 5,
maxRetries: Int = 3,
source: File
) {
require(source.isDirectory, s"Source must be a directory: $source")
require(multiPartThreshold >= 1024 * 1024 * 5, s"Threshold for multi-part upload is 5Mb: '$multiPartThreshold'")
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
package net.kemitix.s3thorp.domain
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.util.function.Predicate
import java.util.regex.Pattern
final case class Exclude(exclude: String = "!.*") {
lazy val predicate: Predicate[String] = Pattern.compile(exclude).asPredicate()
def isIncluded(path: Path): Boolean = !isExcluded(path)
def isExcluded(path: Path): Boolean = predicate.test(path.toString)
@ -1,16 +1,48 @@
package net.kemitix.s3thorp.domain
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.util.function.Predicate
import java.util.regex.Pattern
final case class Filter(filter: String = ".*") {
sealed trait Filter
lazy val predicate: Predicate[String] = Pattern.compile(filter).asPredicate.negate
object Filter {
def isIncluded(path: Path): Boolean = !isExcluded(path)
case class Include(include: String = ".*") extends Filter {
def isExcluded(path: Path): Boolean = predicate.test(path.toString)
private lazy val predicate = Pattern.compile(include).asPredicate
def isIncluded(path: Path): Boolean = predicate.test(path.toString)
case class Exclude(exclude: String) extends Filter {
private lazy val predicate = Pattern.compile(exclude).asPredicate()
def isExcluded(path: Path): Boolean = predicate.test(path.toString)
def isIncluded(filters: List[Filter])(p: Path): Boolean = {
sealed trait State
case class Unknown() extends State
case class Accepted() extends State
case class Discarded() extends State
filters.foldRight(Unknown(): State)((filter, state) =>
(filter, state) match {
case (_, Accepted()) => Accepted()
case (_, Discarded()) => Discarded()
case (x: Exclude, _) if x.isExcluded(p) => Discarded()
case (i: Include, _) if i.isIncluded(p) => Accepted()
case _ => Unknown()
}) match {
case Accepted() => true
case Discarded() => false
case Unknown() => filters.forall {
case _: Include => false
case _ => true
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
package net.kemitix.s3thorp.domain
import java.nio.file.{Path, Paths}
import org.scalatest.FunSpec
class ExcludeSuite extends FunSpec {
describe("default exclude") {
val exclude = Exclude()
val paths: List[Path] = List("/a-file", "a-file", "path/to/a/file", "/path/to/a/file",
) map { p => Paths.get(p)}
it("should not exclude files") {
paths.foreach(path => { assertResult(false)(exclude.isExcluded(path)) })
it("should include files") {
paths.foreach(path => assertResult(true)(exclude.isIncluded(path)))
describe("directory exact match exclude '/upload/subdir/'") {
val exclude = Exclude("/upload/subdir/")
it("exclude matching directory") {
val matching = Paths.get("/upload/subdir/leaf-file")
it("include non-matching files") {
val nonMatching = Paths.get("/upload/other-file")
describe("file partial match 'root'") {
val exclude = Exclude("root")
it("exclude matching file '/upload/root-file") {
val matching = Paths.get("/upload/root-file")
it("include non-matching files 'test-file-for-hash.txt' & '/upload/subdir/leaf-file'") {
val nonMatching1 = Paths.get("/test-file-for-hash.txt")
val nonMatching2 = Paths.get("/upload/subdir/leaf-file")
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
package net.kemitix.s3thorp.domain
import java.nio.file.{Path, Paths}
import org.scalatest.FunSpec
class FilterSuite extends FunSpec {
describe("default filter") {
val filter = Filter()
val paths: List[Path] = List("/a-file", "a-file", "path/to/a/file", "/path/to/a/file",
) map { p => Paths.get(p)}
it("should not exclude files") {
paths.foreach(path => { assertResult(false)(filter.isExcluded(path)) })
it("should include files") {
paths.foreach(path => assertResult(true)(filter.isIncluded(path)))
describe("directory exact match include '/upload/subdir/'") {
val filter = Filter("/upload/subdir/")
it("include matching directory") {
val matching = Paths.get("/upload/subdir/leaf-file")
it("exclude non-matching files") {
val nonMatching = Paths.get("/upload/other-file")
describe("file partial match 'root'") {
val filter = Filter("root")
it("include matching file '/upload/root-file") {
val matching = Paths.get("/upload/root-file")
it("exclude non-matching files 'test-file-for-hash.txt' & '/upload/subdir/leaf-file'") {
val nonMatching1 = Paths.get("/test-file-for-hash.txt")
val nonMatching2 = Paths.get("/upload/subdir/leaf-file")
@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
package net.kemitix.s3thorp.domain
import java.nio.file.{Path, Paths}
import net.kemitix.s3thorp.domain.Filter.{Exclude, Include}
import org.scalatest.FunSpec
class FiltersSuite extends FunSpec {
private val path1 = "a-file"
private val path2 = "another-file.txt"
private val path3 = "/path/to/a/file.txt"
private val path4 = "/path/to/another/file"
private val path5 = "/home/pcampbell/repos/kemitix/s3thorp"
private val path6 = "/kemitix/s3thorp/upload/subdir"
private val paths = List(path1, path2, path3, path4, path5, path6).map(Paths.get(_))
describe("Include") {
describe("default filter") {
val include = Include()
it("should include files") {
paths.foreach(path => assertResult(true)(include.isIncluded(path)))
describe("directory exact match include '/upload/subdir/'") {
val include = Include("/upload/subdir/")
it("include matching directory") {
val matching = Paths.get("/upload/subdir/leaf-file")
it("exclude non-matching files") {
val nonMatching = Paths.get("/upload/other-file")
describe("file partial match 'root'") {
val include = Include("root")
it("include matching file '/upload/root-file") {
val matching = Paths.get("/upload/root-file")
it("exclude non-matching files 'test-file-for-hash.txt' & '/upload/subdir/leaf-file'") {
val nonMatching1 = Paths.get("/test-file-for-hash.txt")
val nonMatching2 = Paths.get("/upload/subdir/leaf-file")
describe("Exclude") {
// describe("default exclude") {
// val exclude = Exclude()
// it("should exclude all files") {
// paths.foreach(path => {
// assertResult(true)(exclude.isExcluded(path))
// })
// }
// }
describe("directory exact match exclude '/upload/subdir/'") {
val exclude = Exclude("/upload/subdir/")
it("exclude matching directory") {
val matching = Paths.get("/upload/subdir/leaf-file")
it("include non-matching files") {
val nonMatching = Paths.get("/upload/other-file")
describe("file partial match 'root'") {
val exclude = Exclude("root")
it("exclude matching file '/upload/root-file") {
val matching = Paths.get("/upload/root-file")
it("include non-matching files 'test-file-for-hash.txt' & '/upload/subdir/leaf-file'") {
val nonMatching1 = Paths.get("/test-file-for-hash.txt")
val nonMatching2 = Paths.get("/upload/subdir/leaf-file")
describe("isIncluded") {
def invoke(filters: List[Filter]) = {
paths.filter(path => Filter.isIncluded(filters)(path))
describe("when there are no filters") {
val filters = List[Filter]()
it("should accept all files") {
val expected = paths
val result = invoke(filters)
describe("when a single include") {
val filters = List(Include(".txt"))
it("should only include two matching paths") {
val expected = List(path2, path3).map(Paths.get(_))
val result = invoke(filters)
describe("when a single exclude") {
val filters = List(Exclude("path"))
it("should include only other paths") {
val expected = List(path1, path2, path5, path6).map(Paths.get(_))
val result = invoke(filters)
describe("when include .txt files, but then exclude everything trumps all") {
val filters = List(Include(".txt"), Exclude(".*"))
it("should include nothing") {
val expected = List()
val result = invoke(filters)
describe("when exclude everything except .txt files") {
val filters = List(Exclude(".*"), Include(".txt"))
it("should include only the .txt files") {
val expected = List(path2, path3).map(Paths.get(_))
val result = invoke(filters)
Add table
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