Paul Campbell 00c04187e8
Display total size and progress for entire run (#94)
* [changelog] updated

* [core] Wrap Stream[LocalFile] as LocalFiles

* [core] LocalFiles counts files

* [core] LocalFiles sums file lengths

* [core] Restore logFileScan

* [storage-aws] Lister logs when fetching object summaries

* [storage-aws] Extract ListerLogger

* [core] Synchronise use leftMap

* [core] Syncronise extract assemblePlan

* [core] Wrap Stream[Action] in SyncPlan

* [core] Copy the file count and totalSizeBytes across to SyncPlan

* [cli] Program rename actions as syncPlan

* [cli] Program extract thorpArchive def

* [cli] Program extract createPlan def

* [cli] Program refactoring

* [cli] Program remove println showing version

* [cli] Program rename actions parameter as syncPlan

* [core] ThorpArchive add an index to each action

* [cli] Program make SyncPlan available to ThorpArchive

* [core] Pass SyncTotals to Archive

* [domain] Move SyncTotals into module

* [domain] Pass index and SyncTotals to UploadEventListener

* [domain] UploadEventLogger add file count a size progress bars

* [domain] UploadEventLogger better display stability and add file index

* [cli] Index files in correct order

* [cli] Program extends Synchronise

* [core] Rename Synchronise as PlanBuilder

* [cli] Program add test to check actions don't get reordered from plan

* [core] collect file size totals

* [domain] UploadEventLogger include percentage

* [cli] ProgramTest Use wildcards when selecting more than 6 elements
2019-07-04 18:58:31 +01:00

123 lines
2.9 KiB
Org Mode

* Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [[][Keep a Changelog]], and this project adheres to
[[][Semantic Versioning]].
* [0.7.0] - 2019-07-??
** Added
- Add a version command-line option (#99)
- Add a batch mode (#85)
- Display total size and progress for entire run (#94)
* [0.6.1] - 2019-07-03
** Fixed
- Release to sonatype using correct profile name (#102)
* [0.6.0] - 2019-06-30
** Added
- Abstraction layer encapsulating S3 as Storage (#76)
- Display simple error message when bucket is invalid (#81)
- Shutdown storage service once completed (#88)
- Release snapshots to sonatype from TravisCI (#92)
- Embed launch script in fat-jar (#98)
** Fixed
- Use correct hash locally for comparing multi-part uploaded files (#82)
- Handle large list of action in a stack-safe manner (#93)
** Dependencies
- Upgrade ~scalamock~ from ~4.2.0~ to ~4.3.0~ (#84)
- Upgrade ~aws-java-sdk-s3~ from ~1.11.573~ to ~1.11.580~ (#86)
* [0.5.0] - 2019-06-21
** Added
- Add ~thorp-lib~ module (#66)
- Enable running outside of sbt (#55)
- ~-d~, ~--debug~ flag for log messages (#60)
- Read config from ~.thorp.conf~ in source directory (#71)
- Read config from ~$HOME/.config/thorp.conf~ and ~/etc/thorp.conf~
- Add ~--no-global~ and ~--no-user~ options (#50)
- Display any upload errors in summary report (#50)
** Changed
- Rename project as 'thorp' (#75)
- Suppress Transfer event messages (#64)
- Better error message when source not found (#51)
- Reduced logging (#59)
- Prevent AWS SDK from recalculating MD5 hash (#50)
** Fixed
- Error when calculating md5 hash for large files (#56)
** Removed
- ~-v~ verbosity flag (#63)
** Dependencies
- Upgrade ~aws-java-sdk-s3~ from ~1.11.569~ to ~1.11.570~ (#57)
* [0.4.0] - 2019-06-11
** Added
- Multi-part uploads
- ~--include~ to select files for synchronisation
- Upload progress bar
** Changed
- ~--filter~ renamed to ~-exclude~
** Fixed
- Fetch md5 hashes for all remote objects, not just the first 1000
- Handle when a file goes away between scanning and uploading
** Dependencies
- Removed ~reactive-aws-s3-{core,cats}~ and the AWS SDK v2 that it
depended upon in favour of the AWS SDK v1
- Upgrade ~aws-java-sdk-s3~ from ~1.11.560~ to ~1.11.569~
- Upgrade ~cats-effect~ from ~1.2.0~ to ~1.3.1~
- Upgade ~scalatest~ from ~3.0.7~ to ~3.0.8~
* [0.3.0] - 2019-05-23
** Added
- Filter to exclude files
* [0.2.0] - 2019-05-22
** Added
- Display count of the number of files uploaded
** Changed
- Improved performance by fetching all MD5 hashes from S3 in single
request at startup
* [0.1.0] - 2019-05-13
** Added
- Initial Release
- Synchronise files with an S3 bucket, using an MD5 hash to
identify when the file has changed and needs to be uploaded